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I'm going to run AM6 at the end of December (New Year, new me type thing). I'm also looking to move house. My question is, would you have wanted to move house 2 or 3 months in to AM6?

Reason I ask is that I've read in a few journals that people lack motivation/drive to do anything during AM6. The last thing I'd want to add to the hassle of moving house is no desire to do it, especially coupled with the rough ride AM6 may give me.

I do have the option of moving later but it means more expense, which is my main reason for wanting to move.

Thanks for any input.
AM6 can be exhausting, but until March you have done half the program. Of course I cannot tell how it will affect your motivation, but the last three stages shouldn't be as bad.
I think UM is there.
(11-09-2014, 06:07 AM)jonathan4all Wrote: [ -> ]I think UM is there.

Sure, but if you feel really exhausted than the motivation is still impacted.
Thanks for the responses guys. I hadn't considered the presence of UM. I'm going to press on with AM6 as that is most important, and let the rest fall into place as and when.
I tore my apartment apart and I keep getting rid of things. Maybe that's just me and that is what is happening only at level one. Seems these tracks put me in a get rid of useless things mindset and I let them go. So many facets of my repressed personality keep unfolding seem like I'm just catching up to myself...
I recommend you start doing AM6 3 months in.

For the second month (Stage 2) of AM6, I personally did not have any motivation to get stuff done. All the motivation and "getting stuff done" type of mentality typically occurs in stage 3, and would gradually get better, which peaks in Stage 6.

So, either move in by as soon as you start listening (Stage 1) where motivation also occurs, or start on Stage 3. Stage 2 has too much "dragging" feeling you just don't feel the excitement to make new plans.