Cortez reported improved stamina while on SM3. I'd still like Shannon et al. to answer the following:
Which current products address sexual stamina, and to what extent?
(11-05-2014, 08:07 PM)essy Wrote: [ -> ]Cortez reported improved stamina while on SM3. I'd still like Shannon et al. to answer the following:
Which current products address sexual stamina, and to what extent?
I don't think it's that straightforward. Sexual problems, stamina and the like tend to be caused by emotional blocks, fear etc. Once you remove these and become free your sexual stamina will improve as well as your technique and appreciation of your lover. A more accurate question would be which products address my sexual hang-ups? Try EPRHA and/or OGSF. Then go for ASC for a couple of months.
I never saw a journal about achieve multiple orgasm. Which I think would help stamina for a man.
On top of being a case of "How am I supposed to remember what script does what in that level of detail when a lot of them are novel length?", I would say the same thing Ricardo said. Only, I would say that I do remember that SM3 works on it, and I think WM does too if memory serves. To what extent, though, too many variables. It will depend on the person using it. OED may also help with that problem, too, depending on the specifics of the person's erectile dysfunction.