I've searched and still not clear as to whether or not Bluetooth headphone or speakers are able to produce the desired results.
I've found plenty of BT headphones and speakers that meet the frequency response requirement. I just don't know if the BT connection is messing up the magic.
I had read somewhere that BT uses some compression algorithm for the transmission. I don't know if it applies to all BT devices (probably not) but in case they do no one can tell how well it works and how much information get lost while transmitting.
I really hope there's a way to know for sure. And I also really hope BT is ok because wireless is SO much more convenient -- esp since we're supposed to listen as uninterrupted as possible and for long periods of time.
For the BT from what I heard around one year ago if you want to have a good one it should be very expensive (~>200$). And even then it's not even sure that it works perfectly. So unless you are sure of what you are doing which is practically impossible with such technology as slippery as BT you should look else where.
Plus I never read anyone there who use BT so I guess it's not recommendable.
I might be wrong though if the technology has evolved, check a quick review on youtube and you will know for sure
Personal opinion : I will never use any sort of wireless for that kind of long exposure even if some professional tell me it's safe
Oh, interesting. So no one, here, who's reporting positive results have done so with BT? Hmmm.
Bummed, but good to know. Thanks!
I remember reading a post by Shannon, but I don't remember the thread name or the discussion topic so can't link you to it, but on that post Shannon had said that bluetooth technology is very similar to wifi technology just with a shorter range and so he said that one should be fine with using his subliminals over bluetooth speakers...
Obviously Shannon will be able to confirm if I remember correctly or not, or if he has changed his opinion on that matter.
I hope he sees this thread and replies because even I want to know that, because in between, whenever I am staying at my parent's place, I use my Bluetooth speakers for the Subs.
BT doesn't modify the data sent over the stream, it is a specification that determines how much range and throughput is allowed between devices. Its designed to be short range and low throughput so that the devices are cheap to manufacture.
Thanks, InTheZone, so to make sure I understand, are you saying I'm safe to use BT headphones as long as the headphones support the frequency range (has at least 20khz)?
I ran the Streaming track through my phone player and BT headset and checked with FrequenSee and it showed a strong signal at 20khz. So, I should be fine?
I wouldn't be that sure. Look
here and search after "compression" within that site. It's a pretty new article but it seems like bluetooth uses still lossy compression. So, of course, you get a signal at 20 kHz, but you don't know if the subliminal information are still there.
Yeah, ok. That was my fear. I don't want to risk using BT if I can't be sure it's going to have the effect I'm after. BT is SO much more convenient, but not worth the risk, I think.
I'd like to do everything I can to prove or disprove that these subs will work for ME. And, if I introduce an unknown variable like BT, I wouldn't be sure.
I'm not sure why you would need compression on a bluetooth stream for audio. According to my calculations a CD has an audio rate of 16 bits per sample * 44,100 samples per second which leaves a 705,600 bits per second rate. This is per channel so you have two channels for stereo which gives you a total bit rate of 1.35 Mbits per second. The bluetooth standard supports 3 Mbits per second with a practical rate of 2.1 Mbits per second. That should easily support full CD quality through headphones.
Good point, InTheZone. I wish there was a way to know for certain because BT is SO much more convenient for listening than wired headsets.