I've been using Frequensee to measure
Am abit confused cause the Y axis is negative and the peak goes closer to 0 on the scale the louder i turn the volume
eventhe peak -60 to -55DB sounds clear enough for me on the masked and at the same volume on the ultrasonics i can hear something like a bee buzzing
so m i supposed to listening to theultrasonic such that i can hear the bee buzzing sound clearly??
You are supposed to listen to the ultrasonic like the instruction say ie a notch lower than the masked one. If you hear the buzzing sound there are 2 possibilities, your speaker doesn't pass the requirement or you have a special hearing ( you hear ultrasonic). Try the ultrasonic on a good headphone to know if you have a special hearing . The cost of a headphone/earphone that pass the requirement is usually much lower. So you have a better chance to have one. It's not recommended to listen to the ultrasonic on headphone though, I just do that as a test. For example I hear the buzzing sound from laptop speaker but not on my AKG K272 (even with a high volume) so I know it's my speaker that doesn't pass the requirement.
(11-03-2014, 10:55 PM)maniac360 Wrote: [ -> ]You are supposed to listen to the ultrasonic like the instruction say ie a notch lower than the masked one. If you hear the buzzing sound there are 2 possibilities, your speaker doesn't pass the requirement or you have a special hearing ( you hear ultrasonic). Try the ultrasonic on a good headphone to know if you have a special hearing . The cost of a headphone/earphone that pass the requirement is usually much lower. So you have a better chance to have one. It's not recommended to listen to the ultrasonic on headphone though, I just do that as a test. For example I hear the buzzing sound from laptop speaker but not on my AKG K272 (even with a high volume) so I know it's my speaker that doesn't pass the requirement.
same i can hear something on my earphones which has 20KHz capability... i know i got a slightly sharper hearing since young
Then your only possibility is to test on someone else and see if they can hear it.
(11-03-2014, 11:44 PM)maniac360 Wrote: [ -> ]Then your only possibility is to test on someone else and see if they can hear it.
The buzzing sound is the subliminal. It's your subconscious that decodes it.
Speaker failure is where you hear the crackling or popping sound with speakers capable of less than 20Khz.
Wait, okay, so I'm confused. If I run an ultrasonic sub on my phone's stereo speakers, my speakers crackle and pop, but only at maximum volume. If I turn it down a little bit, I feel like I'm getting great results.
Are you trying to tell me that this whole time I've not been getting the full value of my subs because my speakers cracked and popped when I tested the sub at max volume? Even if I don't listen to it nearly that loud?