Shannon - could you please tell me if practicing Meditation - Mindfulness, Vipassana, Breathing / Walking / Loving-Kindness Meditation - is in conflict with your subs - in particular with AM 5 / 6 and BASE 5G ?
Thank a lot!
I'm not Shannon but I know it's safe and not conflicting. Only conflict that can be would be hypnosis or another subliminal.
(10-25-2014, 04:02 PM)zen Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Shannon - could you please tell me if practicing Meditation - Mindfulness, Vipassana, Breathing / Walking / Loving-Kindness Meditation - is in conflict with your subs - in particular with AM 5 / 6 and BASE 5G ?
Thank a lot!
Zen, It wont be problem. I am using Brainev for 1 and half months. It helps me to be highly energetic and more focused on my thinking. Whatever you use just make sure it does not have scripts but if you do meditation with mantra like relax.. calm.. it might be a little issue. But I am not the right guy to comment on that . Hope Shannon will clarify it.
No it's fine. I've been meditating more or less everyday for the past 5 years (that's since starting AM6). I'm getting excellent results as well. In fact, if anything it should help reduce resistance. Maybe that's why I've experienced so little of it.
Meditation - if done correctly - is basically the absence of thoughts. The only stuff that conflicts with subs tries to INSTALL thoughts/suggestions. So I can't imagine that there will be any conflict.
The conflict arises from scripting methods that do not share correct scripting technique and/or scripting that conflicts. As coldfact states, this does not conflict with meditation except that as meditation seeks to focus your awareness on absence of thought, or perhaps focus it on a single concept, idea, thing... you should not use subs while meditating with the possible exception of brainwave entrainment used to alter your awareness for reasons other than standard meditative practice goals. Typically that would be done to put you in a maximally receptive state of awareness for the sub, but since subs bypass the conscious mind, using BWE is unnecessary anyway.