Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Shortening length of listening on 2nd run through (6 Stage Set)
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Hi Shannon and everyone,

I have just downloaded and purchased the newest BASE 5G. I could feel the productivity boost right away upon listening to the first stage, which is quite awesome as it is a proof showing the newest technologies in the sub.

One concern though. So I am planning to run AM6 the second time after running BASE. Due to certain reasons I wish I can shorten the amount of time I listen per stage, which might be on average 26-27 days for each. I have ran through AM5 even before AM6, so as much as the instruction tells as that we must listen to it for 32 days, don't know if it still applies to those who have listened to it for a few times already as they may have built a good foundation in the past.

Thanks to your answer, and whoever replies.


EDIT: Or asking in another way, what potential disadvantage would it bring if I shorten the length of the days?
If you want the results, use the programs as directed. Don't add time, don't subtract time. These programs are designed specifically for use as directed, which is why you are directed to use them that way. Follow the directions. Having gone through it already does not change this.

As for the effects you noticed from BASE - hope you enjoy it. BASE 2.0 is a real powerhouse.
Thanks Shannon. Really appreciate it
