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Stage 6, Day 2

Though I haven't really felt the affects from this stage yet I thought I would point out something that just occurred a couple of hours ago. I believe it really shows how much AM6 has changed me. I was contemplating during work about which movie I would go see after I get off (I work part time at a movie theater currently). After having 2 different people suggest Nightcrawler to me during work, even though I wasn't interested before based on the trailer, I decided to give it a shot. I ended up not standing the movie and literally walked out half way through it. What was the problem? The main male character was Beta as all hell. He had some Alpha characteristics here and there but he mostly had beta traits. I won't go into too much detail for those who might still want to watch it but the final straw for me was when he had a very nauseating Needy interaction with a certain female in the movie. Knowing my old self I would have probably just sat through the movie but now I just felt so uncomfortable and was extremely agitated on the walk back home. I have never walked out of a movie before so this is a first for me.

In other news, early in the morning I will be registering for classes to attend at my local community college. This has gotten to me to thinking about where I want to transfer to after this upcoming semester. Originally, I was going to just apply for A school in San Francisco but now I'm thinking of attending either one of the university of California schools or a School in New York city. My reasons are 2 fold: (1) I want a change of scenery. I don't want to stay in the area I've grown up in for the next 2 years. (2) If i'm going to be running through WM2 and SM3 I might as well move to a place with more females so I can get the most out of it. For those of you that don't know, San Francisco is a Sausage fest. From last I checked, Men outnumber women 5 to 1! I know the Manifestation in WM2 and SM3 would still work but It would probably work even better in a City that has more women in it. Add on top of that the fact that AM6 has made me extremely picky, then you see that my potential pool gets even lower if I stay in my current location.
Stage 6, Day 5

I must say that this stage is awesome so far. I feel like it really is pulling everything I've gotten from the other stages together and its given me this feeling of Invincibility. I would say 95% of Negative thoughts concerning myself or anything I may do in the future have ceased to exist. Also, My reactions to PTSD episodes have totally changed. Before AM6 I would feel depression or pain when I would have a PTSD episode, after stage 3 but before Stage 6 I would feel anger after a PTSD episode but it would be towards those who wronged me in the past. Now, Whenever I have one I have this "well, they had no idea who they were messing with" type attitude towards those people and dismiss the episode entirely. They also happen a lot less often now.

One other thing concerning any negativity, having to do with current circumstances, that arises is that it is swiftly dealt with through manifestation. My current problem right now is financial which I started worrying a little bit about yesterday. All of a sudden I got a call from my job today asking if I could work today since apparently they didn't have enough people. Interestingly, I ran into a person from my old job and my old Elementary P.E. teacher, who I haven't seen in 20 years, while working today. On top of working today my Manager told me that If i were to show them my discharge forms from the navy that the company I work for will give me 8 hours worth of Pay for Veteran's day. If that isn't all manifestation I don't know what is. I'm starting to notice a pattern with this. Those few times I actually get somewhat negative about a current circumstance its like I automatically manifest the right person or opportunity that takes care of it. This is definitely giving me a good amount of hope for Women magnet's manifestation once I start it next month.

While on the subject of Women magnet, I decided to contact some previous user's, namely MadtheReaper and AfzalG. I will probably go more into detail about what they said when I start my WM2 journal. Essentially, Madthereaper said that hes getting lots of compliments from different people and women are giving him the "Shiny eyes" all the time but he rarely reacts to it because his standards are so high now. He also said that his Socialization skills have gotten really good. AfzalG said that after doing both SM3 and WM2, that he prefers WM2. He said it opens up more avenues for a greater selection of Women then SM3 does. He also said that he thought the rotation of AM>WM>SM (the same I plan on doing) is the better way to rotate it in his opinion. I mainly wanted to go with that rotation because I remember the Aura's in SM3 and WM2 overwrite each other. So, in my opinion it would be better to end up with 7 Auras (SM3) instead of 2 auras (WM2) at the end of the rotation.

One last note, I'm thinking about transferring to a American university that has a campus in Japan. I'm thinking about doing it mainly because: (1) to make the last of my college years more exciting and fun and (2) I'm interested in seeing how well a man with WM2 and SM3 under his belt would do with the women over there. I have read that Japanese culture is more open about Sex than american culture so it would be more interesting to see how a man with the SM3 aura's would do over there. Maybe it would be more obvious? I'm would be glad to hear anyone's suggestions, insights, or opinions on this matter.
Cannot wait for the day to come dude..
I believe you'll get it soon as possible.
Keep read your journal more often from
What is the goal you want to achieve with playing SM3 last instead of WM2 last?
Maniac360: I would say that my End game goal with WM2 and SM3 is to get a lot of self-development in preparation for the Perfect Wife AYP sub I will be using. So I can attract the best possible woman who is on the same level as me after running WM2 and SM3. As for the reasons why I would do SM3 after WM2 instead of vice versa, the reasons are 2 really:

(1) I have some social anxiety disorder symptoms, and I feel like WM2 would get rid of this really well along with improving my chances of having good results with SM3. I believe I have noticed a certain trend when reading the SM journals. It seems, from my observation, that the people who have gotten the best results from SM have been guys who either have had previous experience with women before (Girlfriends, FWB, etc) or who have cleared out a lot of negative stuff before hand by running a another sub in between AM and SM (Such as LTU, another AM run through, etc). On the other hand it seemed to me that the people who got almost no results were people Who had almost no experience with women before hand and decided to jump into SM right afterwards. I think there is a reason why Shannon has said before, when deciding between the two programs, to do WM2 if the person has little to no experience with women. Women don't just get into relationships or drop their panties for some guy they don't even talk to. If your flirting and socialization skills suck in general your not going to get anywhere with any women. Hence, another reason I will be doing SM3 after WM2.

(2) Aura wise, I feel like I would get more out of doing SM3 last instead of WM2. Shannon has said that the SM and WM auras conflict. So since SM3 has 7 auras (Comfort, approachability, Sexual Interest, Sexual arousal, Display of Masculinity, Display of high masculine sexual value, raw Animal Magnetism) and WM2 only has 3 (Magnetic, Sexy, Attractive), from what I can see on the sales page, I feel like I would get more benefit from doing SM3 last instead of WM2.

In the short term, the time between me doing WM2 and getting the results from the AYP sub I just plan to just enjoy the experience and have sex with women that I connect with on a deep emotional level. If I don't have a connection with them, I don't plan on sleeping with them. In the long term, I see WM2 and SM3 as nothing more than tools to get the best results from the AYP sub. One realization I came to during AM6 is how much people say how short life is and that we must enjoy it to the fullest but Most people at the same time keep compromising and settling for way less than they are worth. In this area of my life I plan on not settling for anything less than what a AYP sub would give me for the Long term.
Stage 6, Day 13

I will first start off with the situation with my former female acquaintance. She has desperately been trying to meet up with me again. Shes even going as far as trying to give me free things. I think she knows that on some conscious level she messed up by trying to shout me down with that argument we had a while back. Thing is i'm really not interested in her, so she has no hope there. To give you guys a better picture, she is Samoan. If you guys know anything about Samoan culture, because of their usual diet habits they usually are pretty big. I think that should give you enough idea of why i'm not interested in her along with her somewhat anti-male views.

On top of all that I've just decided to not really interact with another recent female acquaintance for pulling the exact same crap on me. Essentially she tried to purposely shame me in front of a group of people for making a honest mistake which was due to me not having all the information I needed. I remained calm and talked back to her explaining the situation. Things did cool down but I think i'm done dealing with her for the most part. Not to mention I don't see her leading the group very well to the objectives that they are trying to achieve so I think I will take my leave. Sometimes I think I should have seen this coming because after I think about it I've met this type of woman in real life before. The type that is easily annoyed and makes judgments about you very soon. I believe with these type of women that you might be on friendly terms at the beginning but its only a matter of time until they turn that ugly side that they show to most people on you. I also noticed how her husband and many other men that hang around her act very beta and Non-confrontational.

These two circumstances and running AM6 has really shown me just how a lot of people these days are so emotionally unhealthy. Its seems to me that most people when mistreated by others in their past seem to go two routes afterwards. Some try to go the beta route by trying to be friendly and non-confrontational all the time so people will treat them well most of the time. Unfortunately, they usually end up mistreated and used even more because they let others walk over them. The other majority of people seem to take the become the abuser themselves route. They seem to have this mind set of "well, i'm going to establish dominance right away or abuse the other person before they do the same to me". I don't see many people that take the Alpha path of being calm and peaceful yet at the same time don't let other walk over you. Its seems like most people I run into seem to take things to the extreme (either go beta or go A-hole Mode). I'm also contemplating to stop playing MMORPGs because I'm finding the majority of the people in those gamer communities to exhibit a lot of the emotionally unhealthiness that I mentioned before.

In other news, I'm feeling really good with this stage but I can't wait to start WM2 next month. One other thing I'm hoping WM2 will help me with is being more vocal about my "displeasure" with situations. Right now it seems with AM6 that my preferred method of dealing with situations I don't like is to walk away from them. I would like that to expand to being more verbal when I get to running WM2. As for my financial situation, I just keep manifesting stuff that helps me out. Apparently I will be getting a large sum of money from my former Cellphone company because they overcharged me for Text messages that I didn't authorize. I also apparently got 8 hours of free pay at my job for Veteran's day.
(11-13-2014, 12:59 AM)DarthXedonias Wrote: [ -> ]In the short term, the time between me doing WM2 and getting the results from the AYP sub I just plan to just enjoy the experience and have sex with women that I connect with on a deep emotional level. If I don't have a connection with them, I don't plan on sleeping with them. In the long term, I see WM2 and SM3 as nothing more than tools to get the best results from the AYP sub. One realization I came to during AM6 is how much people say how short life is and that we must enjoy it to the fullest but Most people at the same time keep compromising and settling for way less than they are worth. In this area of my life I plan on not settling for anything less than what a AYP sub would give me for the Long term.

I agree connecting with women is what is truly important. Sleeping around for the wrong reasons can blow up in your face. That's why a lot people get stuck in pick up in an endless cycle for the wrong reasons and some for the right reasons. Once again agree your spirit is trapped in that body only once so settling is supplicating. AYP is something I also plan on using but my perfect sexual lover or wife probably lover.
Stage 6, Day 16

Well, the last few days have definitely been stressful but I have had a very big breakthrough as well. Essentially, over the weekend I made a incompetent mistake at my job and that got me pretty down for the rest of the day. I got over most of it the next day but then I made another mistake. Just to give you some background I take making incompetent mistakes very, very hard. I think the INTP (even though I turned more INTJ recently) under stress explanation does justice here:

"Their desire for accuracy and precision exacerbates any error they may perceive in themselves or in others — they are, in other words, highly self-critical. Wanting to be competent and know everything, their standards grow increasingly higher. When fear of failing becomes overly pronounced, INTPs are quick to feel unintelligent, slow, and powerless."

Pretty much after I made a mistake the next day I felt so down and powerless that I actually left work early. It was hard enough walking home because I just wanted to just sit down and not move at all. When I got home I just laid down in my bed and took some medication to help me sleep because I didn't want to think. Every time I thought I kept thinking about my failures over the past few days. I woke up later and instantly got flood with thoughts again, so I tried to go back to sleep again. Needless to say, I was in a very, very "Dark" place that day. I woke up again later and called my friend, who is a nurse, to talk about it. He knows I've had these dark depressions and panic attacks before. While talking to him I made some realizations. The whole time during AM6 I have never had these dark panic attacks and I kept wondering why I was having them recently.

I came to the conclusion that I hadn't made a incompetent mistake that was completely my fault since beginning AM6. Also, its seems like AM6 kinda of changed the reasons why I felt bad. Before I would fear making incompetent mistakes because of a fear of how others would perceive me. Now its because of how I would perceive myself because I hold myself to a much higher standard now. With that insight, I felt a bit better but still somewhat down. The freaky part is what happened when I went to go lay down again. I was sleep (or half asleep anyway) and I had this dream. In the dream I was being intimate with a woman. I recognized the woman right away. If any of you have watched the anime "Sekirei" you would know her as Karasuba. For those that don't know, She's somewhat considered the "villain" you could say in the series though I just see her as someone who has a obsession with battle. She's actually one of my favorites characters.

Anyway, in the dream she said things along the lines that "I should enjoy everything in life including the bad". "Revel in those feelings because all of them are a part of life (Love, anger, joy, hate, etc). "Enjoy every up and down of life as if it is a roller coaster". After I woke up I had this unbelievable feeling of happiness and power. All my negative memories didn't upset me or make me angry anymore, they actually made me happy and powerful. In a earlier post I mentioned how before AM6 a PTSD (or panic attack) would get me depressed and sad but after Stage 3 they would just get me angry. Now I get a very good feeling of confidence, happiness and power. Its like My subconscious now feeds on those bad memories and turns them into something positive I can use to push me forward. For me, this feels like a major breakthrough. Hopefully when I get started on WM2, My PTSD as related with social anxiety will be obliterated.

Lastly, I've been thinking lately on my previous post about the Auras for WM2 and SM3. I wondered if the reason why your able to get more amount of women on WM2 than SM3 is because the WM2 auras might be less threatening. I mean people might not have much fear, shame, and guilt involving finding a person magnetic, sexy, and attractive but they might have some of that built up against desiring someone sexually right off the bat (based on upbringing of course). What do you guys think?

*Edit* In response to Maniac360: I meant more about the auras and how they would effect how many women you would pull between the two programs. For example, Lets say you have two guys, one with Auras developed from SM3 and another developed from WM2. Lets say that they both meet a woman and this woman might have some Fear, shame and guilt built around her sexuality. Therefore She might choose the WM2 guy over SM3 guy because hes less threatening with his Aura (Magnetic, sexy, attractive). I could see how this might be effected not only by upbringing but cultural norms as well. If you were to take so same two guys and send them to Japan the SM3 guy would probably do just as good at pulling women as the WM2 guy because he wouldn't be at a disadvantage since Sexuality outside of marriage isn't taboo there and there really isn't a culture of "Slut shaming" as it were.
If by more amount you meant more than 32 days then the reason is linked to the balance between the stages. For example AM6 make you go into one direction in your behavior to push changes. So logically WM2 doesn't do that. So it's not related to the aura.
Stage 6, Day 23

Thought I would post the Changes I have gone through with this program since I only have a little over a week left. Its been a while since I've looked at the bullet points for the program but after reading them I saw that pretty much everything the program was meant to do has been accomplished. Its funny, Its only when I go through the bullet points that I actually realize how much I've changed. I feel just normal, like the newness of being a Alpha (or Sigma as a better description that I like) has worn off. I feel like I've been this way for a long time and that person before AM6 is completely different. Without further ado here are the changes:

• Increased self confidence- (Strong) Check.

• Increased self respect - (Strong) Check

• Better self control- (Strong) I don't spiral into depression and darkness like I use to. I pretty much never get to that point much anymore "unless" I make a mistake that is legitimately my fault. That seems to be the only thing lingering behind.

• Little to no interest in and concern with what others think of you or your actions- (Strong) Its gotten even stronger in Stage 6. I have this "almost" apathetic attitude towards others. Its not that I don't help people anymore its just that I just don't care for their opinions much anymore or what they do for that matter. As long as they aren't getting in my way.

• Better self esteem-(Strong) Check.

• Better self image-(Strong) Definitely noticed myself not seeing much wrong with my body in the mirror nowadays. Its like I can't find anything negative anymore.

• Stronger sense of self-(Strong) Check.

• Being able to handle rejection without taking it personally-(Strong) Don't really care about women at all at the moment. I'm pretty dedicated to doing a AYP sub so pretty much any women who isn't "perfect" doesn't appeal to me at all, unless its just to have fun. Even then my standards are high for even the "just for fun" category.

• More social confidence-(Strong) Definitely socialize more than I use to.

• Less to no social anxiety-(Strong) Pretty much non-existent except for when its a large group and everyone's attention is on me.

• Enjoying socializing more-(Strong) This one is kinda of weird. Socialize more and can enjoy it but at the same time I really don't care. Its like I enjoy and am at piece with being introverted now but I do enjoy socializing which I only do when I'm doing something boring that doesn't require my full attention.

• Much more confidence and relaxation when dealing with women in general, and especially those you find attractive-(Strong) Meh, I have no problem talking to many women anymore but at the same time I'm just not interested.

• Willingness, confidence and ability to simply walk away from situations you don’t like-(Strong) Literally quite my previous job because nothing was getting done when I was disrespected twice.

• Refusal to allow yourself to be taken advantage of, walked on or treated poorly by anyone, but especially females-(Strong) Its funny, I totally forgot about this bullet point from the last time I read the list. The last few days I kept on thinking about why is it that I especially hate it when Women disrespect me. I haven't had as much problem with men trying to disrespect me but women sometimes see it as some type of challenge. Like I'm that one of the very few free "wild stallions" that they must try to "beta-lize" into oblivion.

• Alpha/Dominant male body language-(Strong) Noticed this the other day. Was told to stand outside a theater auditorium and to let people in at a certain time. I stood there and everyone of my co-worker's who walked by gave me signs of respect. There was one guy that stood out in my mind though. He told me how serious I looked and that I should be a bodyguard. For background, I had never been called serious in my life before AM6. I was that person who always smiled and that was a beta thing in my case. There was part in the John Alexander book where he says that Smiling all the time is a beta tactic to show that your non-threatening. I also noticed that I don't like looking down at all like I use to. I feel uncomfortable when I do.

• Alpha/Dominant male attitude-(Strong) Stage 6 especially has made my Alpha attitude more prominent. Its like I refuse to be disrespected, dominated, or challenged by anyone. I think this rubs off on other people too. I find they use the words "please", and "Thank you" a lot more than just give out a direct order to me (whether its a boss or a customer I'm serving). I've noticed big time that this attitude extends a lot of times to other Males who allow such things to happen to them. For example, at the movie theater I will sometimes have to work concessions. Sometimes I will get a couple ordering popcorn and will ask if they want butter on it. The guy will say yes, and the girl will say no at the same time. The women will say something like "You don't need that", etc. The guy will look down for a moment and then say to me "no butter". It will just be little things like that that I notice that will agitate me for some reason. It will be the same way when I see kids that control their "weak backbone" parents. I've noticed as well that before AM6 I would like more dominant type women, now I can't stand them at all. I like really submissive women now or women who are aggressive but are aggressive towards pleasing their significant other.

• Alpha/Dominant male “aura” of unexplainable sexual attractiveness that women love so much-(Strong) Noticed this happening too a female acquaintance of mine's who I'm not the slightest bit interested in. Also noticed women trying to talking to me sometimes or get my attention. Like I said before though, really don't care.
• Alpha/Dominant male eye contact and communication-(Medium) Can't say much about this one because for eye contact I don't really care about it. Before I would avoid eye contact a lot out of fear. Now I make more eye contact while both talking and listening.

• Better, more easily expressed sense of humor-(Strong) Defintely noticed myself acting more witty lately.

• Enjoying the company of others, and especially beautiful women, more and more comfortably and easily-(Strong) I can when I am at a event or get together. I notice I will be more in the moment instead of in my head. At the same time I really don't care whether I'm alone or with people

• More beautiful women in your life-(Medium) Because of my higher standards I don't notice many beautiful women anymore. Even if I do notice one, all they have to do is do something disrespectful(Which I guess they are use to doing to men) and I am done with them.

• Having beautiful women notice you more, find you more attractive, and
want to be with you more, physically, sexually, relationally and emotionally.
(In other words, they’ll want to spend more time around you, be
much more likely to want you as a boyfriend/lover/husband, and be more
interested in you both sexually and emotionally.)-(Medium) I notice them trying to talk to me more often but I'm not interested anyway so I don't even let it go any further.

• Treating socializing as just a fun game-(strong) With the right person, yes but if I'm not even interested in the person upon my first impression I don't even bother.

• Being entirely unconcerned with getting the interest of any woman, because you know there are plenty more where she came from-(Strong) Sums up my whole attitude towards women right now.

• Refusing to allow females to dominate or control you-(Extremely Strong) Check

• Taking care of yourself better, in terms of exercise, eating, hygiene and dress-(Strong) I have noticed that I like to dress more formal on those rare times I like to go out.

• Drastically reduced or completely destroyed neediness-(Strong)Has Practically been Annihilated
• Having purged and overcome a significant amount of guilt, shame and fear-(Strong) Fear, and Guilt are practically gone. The only amount of shame left is when I am hard on myself for doing something incompetent.

• Having become more mature as a man(Strong)- Check

• Having made significant progress healing and growing past emotional traumas and issues-(Strong) I rarely think about the past anymore and my PTSD episodes are much rarer now. I barely have any negative thoughts anymore and when I think of the future I see no negative outcome. I only see victory as the only path before me.

One last point about results that I must mention because it feels so abnormal is the reaction this has had on kids. Its like they are mesmerized by me for some reason. I had one kid who was running and playing in the halls at work stop when he ran past me and ran back to me to ask my name. When I told him, he said" Your name is so cool, your so awesome!". I had another kid ask me yesterday ,when I was at concessions, Why there was popcorn on the counter on his side of concessions. I told him, "Its because people spill it". He gave me this look like I just blew his mind or he was in awe of me. Then finally the weirdest one was today. A female 6th grader asked me for "life advice" on if her feelings were legitimate about how her friend was liking her more popular friend than her. Basically she was being pushed to the side by her friend. I was mentally asking myself why a child would be asking a concession worker for life advice -__-'' WTF!!!!

As for the future I'm stilling going with WM>SM>Attract perfect wife> Attract perfect Financially wealthy romantic lover. After that, I will probably do AM6/or LTU>SM. I will probably only substitute LTU if by that time My PTSD isn't a Thing of the past. I feel like the Happiness and Joy would do wonder's for me in that regard.I am also determined in the future to move out of the country like I had dreamed up. Before AM6 I had thought about moving out of the country but now I feel like AM6 has made me more determined to do so. I felt like I never really meshed well with American culture and after completing AM6 I feel even more so. If I complete my degree before I meet my Perfect Financially wealthy romantic lover I will probably teach English as a Foreign language for a few years.I do plan on permanently moving to Asia though I'm not sure about which country in Asia. Thailand, Singapore, Hong kong, Philippines, or Japan have been some of the options in my mind. Eventually I will get out of the corporate sphere because I just find myself being agitated when I act submissive towards anyone due to corporate "Rank" these days. I will probably be posting my WM Journal sometime next week. I will probably be Changing my Avatar again as well to something that embodies the essence of women magnet more Cool
Awesome progress! I hope I'll be able to report similar results when I'll be doing AM run. Any advice for someone planning to do AM, what to expect or to avoid?
Solid results. What were your listening times and preferred track ? The results only really hit you when you read though the product description hey ??
Mateunio- I have the feeling that you will get great results since you have already done a lot of LTU and that has probably cleared out a lot of trash that would have caused resistance when you run AM6. I feel like my usage is a major reason I got a lot from this program. I will go over the details further below. As for what to expect, all I will say is to be prepared for stage 3. All the stages in my opinion weren't really bad, except Stage 3. Stage 3 was the only stage where I ever really considered actually quitting the program because it was really causing me to be agitated about the smallest things. I would just say push through it no matter what. It was definitely worth it in the end.

Adam225- I only listened to the ultra sonic with turtle beaches headphones and I listened quite a lot. I tried listening to the masked tracks for a few days back in stage 1 but it just annoyed me listening to those over and over. When I wasn't working I listened to the ultra-sonic for 21hrs/ Day and then when I started working I listened for about 16hrs/day and 21hrs/Day on my days off. The Naturalizer just makes it seem like I've been this way always and so its like I only realize how much change has occurred after reading the bullet points for comparison.

As a side note there was one other thing I forgot to mention result wise. Last night I was doing clean up in the concession stand while talking to another co-worker. I momentarily stopped to more directly address my co-worker. This other female co-worker drops by and says, "Can you please work and talk at the same time so we can leave". I don't know what happened but while she was saying this I must have given her this "death glare" that said "I will absorb your very soul!" because not even 30 seconds later she came back and apologized. She tried to ask me questions and tried to get involved in the conversation as well. My only guess is the Alpha body language and Authority, Alpha, and Dominance auras. Apparently I have some type of look that makes people either just shut up, become submissive, or just feel bad about what they did now. Lastly, I'm happy that we have a few people who will be starting women Magnet in the next couple of weeks (Ricardo, Adam, Geodude). I feel like the sub doesn't have as many "recent" journals as Sex Magnet. So I feel like it would definitely help people ,who are contemplating on which one to do, by reading some of the real life results for comparison between the two programs.
Final Review:

Before I talk about the man this program has made me into I feel like I should recap on how I was right before AM6. I feel like after going through this program that there were things about myself before AM6 that weren't readily apparent until I contrast it with the finished product. It is very apparent to me now that before AM6 I was very needy, spineless, non-self validating, not confidant, and had no self esteem. I was one of those people who bought into the whole "if you find that one person, everything in life will just turn out fine" idea. I knew logically that this wasn't true but I feel like my actions kept moving in accordance with this belief. I also realized while going through AM6 just how negative my self talk was and how I would put up with mistreatment because I thought others were better than me. Whenever a Problem would occur I would instantly accept blame instead of seeing if it was the other person's fault. I especially felt "broken" after getting out of the Navy in December of 2013. I had to get out due to mental issues which I felt were PTSD but of course they filed it under "Adjustment disorder" so I couldn't get any medical benefits from the VA for said symptoms.

Now that I'm done with AM6 I feel like a totally different person. I'm not needy towards women. I can still find women attractive (the few that still are according to my high standards now) but if they do something that disrespects me or act out of line like they would do with most men I instantly lose interest. I feel like I would be able to handle a women's XXXX test but I then feel like the test itself would automatically turn me off. I just don't like dealing with B.S. now. I now don't take blame for everything that goes wrong now especially when I notice it was due to a failure on someone else's end. My self esteem, self validation, and self confidence is now way up there. My video gaming, which I used mostly to get away from my problems, has been reduced to playing only FFXIV now a days. I have like over 80 games on my steam account that I don't even feel like touching and I now feel like they were a waste of money. I feel very bored now a days even on my day's off from work if I'm not doing something productive.

Stage 6 hasn't really done much for me except a few things here and there. In the last few days though I have felt a increase in desire for having women in my life. Its not neediness but I have noticed myself staring more at women during the last days of this stage as compared to the rest of AM6. I remember reading in a post about Shannon comparing most of AM to like a kinda of boot camp and then when you reach the final stage things start to wind down and you get more "leeway" in how you can express your "Alphaness' while still being in accordance with the instructions. I feel like this might be happening to me. For most of AM6 I couldn't careless about women and was more focus on myself only. Now that I'm getting more freedom to act i'm having more of a desire towards having them in my life. I've also been feeling like Modern society doesn't have much to offer me anymore. I'm not going to pack up my bags and live some Amish life or anything but I just feel like so much of modern society just feels wrong. It seems to me now a days that you have people who are either (1) so crushed by their insecurities and brainwashed to believe they new some "leader" (politician, secular, religious,etc) to guide them, or (2) they have major insecurities but over compensate for them and feel like they need to control and manipulate everyone. I now notice just how weak a lot of people are these days, some of which I might have at one time thought were strong.

In other news, I'm very excited to start WM in a few short days. I don't know why but I just feel excited to get this area of my life under control. I feel like a man worthy of the ladies on the inside, now I just want to be able to see more "external" results. I'm also very excited to see how the Manifestation is going to turn out based on how well Manifestation went with AM6. I'm also going to assume that as a result of my increase in desire for women in my life, I look forward to having a few FWBs during my run through of SM after I do WM. Before I saw SM as "just" a way to get better results from the AYP sub I will be running. Now, I'm actually looking forward to having the kinda of Sex magnet lifestyle in the mean time until I get to the AYP sub. In other words, I'm actually want to enjoy the journey instead of "only" looking at the destination.

I guess that's it for this journal. Its been one hell of a ride and I look forward to putting up my WM thread sometime by the end of this week.

The Sith Lord has now risen. Now its time for him to get his Harem Big Grin
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