Subliminal Talk

Full Version: 4g ultrasonic hear voice-like-sound while not with 5g
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i bought everything is possible and dream your best sdolution, both ultrasonic tracks have a voice-like-sound on the background. The volume is adjusted properly - like I am listenting to music but a notch lower, tested with oeean surf.

I tested the same volume with Emotional Pain Relief And Healing 5G and I hear no voice-like-sound on the background.

The voice-like-sound is hard to understand but I can hear it is a voice.
Those voices makes me happy as i know that something related to that subliminal file is being told. Whereas in 5G only the sound no voices its quite powerful. But personally i love the voices, you have any problem with that?
I can hear a lot of mumbling and muffling on the masked subs in 5G but it's totally incomprehensible. I hear absolutely nothing on the ultrasonic version.
I felt unsure weither that mumbling sound from the 4g ultrasonic would be effective since I have only experienced the 5g ultrasonic.