I can't think of any example off the top of my head. I remember though in stage 4, I felt a very strong and enthusiastic energy going off. Now my energy has been more concentrated and focused, where I can easily place that enthusiasm into whatever I choose.
So before it was a bit more chaotic but still in control, now it's just more fully in control.
I'm willing to bet we're not the only ones having trouble defining this stage.
So I noticed today that I make small pauses in my speech unintentionally. I read in one of those books that we are recommended to read as we go along in the program that making small pauses in your speech is a characteristic to develop that shows you're comfortable with silence or know your words, or something like that.
Basically still very relaxed, not a characteristic of stage 5 (maybe it is) but it's something that I noticed.
So I just finished stage 5, will be beginning stage 6 tonight.
Recap of what i believe happened in this stage.
My body language has never been so refined before. Does that make sense? Previous stages i've noticed my body language has alpha signatures so to speak, but now it's just so automatic, and so comfortable.
Any sort of flop in a social situation on my part is now a simple "whoops" or "bad joke on my part, let it pass". I get shit from my friends, but it's all in good fun and i know what i say or do doesn't matter as long as we are all respectful of each other.
I've been feeling, knowing, and being more so with myself lately. I know being social, or even picking up women has nothing to do with those canned lines or routines. As one of my friends who formerly was into PUA (and went to another country and soon realized that PUA frames were the wrong way to look at women), he told me all it is is just "kicking it" with a girl that you are around. To get a feeling with her and see how you two connect. if it doesn't work out it's nothing personal, and this is something i now have been feeling. Not necessarily been practicing yet, but i definitely feel as a part of this.
When it comes to women in general, if i have a chance to hook up with a girl, and believe me these opportunities have been coming up more often than before I've started this program, i often will question whether or not i really want to. As in, doing it for the sake of doing it (quantity) versus doing it because i really feel it. I'm pickier for sure. I must be 100% attracted to a girl and I haven't met someone who fits that yet. Being single is no longer an issue.
Anyway, i believe it's the body language that's changed everything when it comes to others around me responding. We're social beings so it must be that they're reading my body and know I'm comfortable with myself. Oh, and I know what the program description meant when it said you will be annoyed with some of your friends. Some of my friends have been immature and I've been less responsive of them. If they don't shape up I won't be wasting my time with immature behavior.
And a small side note, since AM has been working on body language and voice projection... I recreationally play music and sing. Mostly as a hobby. I've always known that you must support your breath when you sing or else you'll damage your voice. AM with it's louder projection of the voice has helped me learn how to sing with breath support. Pretty cool stuff since I've never taken a voice lesson, although I'm sure i could use them!
Cool stage. I also see why this is called the james bond effect stage. Things internally are very calm. I feel like a silent charismatic person, rather than that eccentric charismatic person if that description makes sense.
I like what's been happening in your latest stage.
And yes, people will notice you more, the more presence you have in a room and presence is created by the way you cary yourself.
Sometimes, I am feeling quite un-easy, when I get all the attention but it seems like stage 5 is helping with that. How long is stage 5 by the way?
- LM
I'm not sure what you mean by how long stage 5 is, lionmonkey.
I'll answer based on what I believe you're asking, but I would say stage 5 is just as long as any other stage, 32 days.
I'm about 10 days into stage 6. Things are so difficult to explain what's going on in this stage. AM, i believe was designed to make a man more alpha, but the definition of alpha doesn't fit what one may expect. It really is just a state of being comfortable with yourself, balancing out your humility with your ego. Now I'm not perfect with any such thing, but it seems to me this is a major goal in becoming more comfortable with yourself.
Really though, i'm not sure what stage 6 is doing so far. This is too difficult to describe but I have had some sexy dreams where women are doing things to me, or with me. Whichever. But either way i'm just here to finish the ride that i started. And wow, what can i say except that 5 months ago i was looking for approval and was unsure of myself when it came to anything, but now I am completely comfortable with myself.
One thing I'm wondering or becoming worried about is that I've become so picky when it comes to women that it seems there are no women around that I find attractive. Can someone (could use shannon's wisdom right about here) explain what's going on here?
To further elaborate, I find some women pretty, some women cute (but not attracted to them), and then there are the women which I find attractive. It's that gut feeling that you know you have to talk to them. I haven't felt that in a few months since starting AM and I'll admit before I started this program I was at an all time low when it came to self esteem. I lost my v-card to the first girl who wanted to get with me. She fell into the cute category but not attracted with that gut feeling that you have to get to know her. Ok great, but back then I still found women attractive with that feeling, and now it feels like i no longer get that feeling around. Isn't a bit of nervousness good when it comes to meeting women? Or are we essentially being unaffected by this stuff just to protect ourselves?
This is a difficult matter to say on. I want to be attracted to girls but I'm finding it difficult to see which girls I am attracted to. I'll admit sometimes I see a girl in the streets and I just think damn i'd like to talk to her but then i don't because the cold approach style doesn't work well with me.
And those women I actually find cute or pretty. If i think about being with them, i think to myself that I can actually do better than that. Which, is probably true but i'm at a loss right here. Am I being too picky? Anyone who has some words of wisdom please chime in because I'm all ears to listening.
i would say you have 2 things. the first is you moved past just outward appearances with women and follow what attracts you not what society says is attractive. the second is your standards have raised and with that your views of women raise as well for you.
Your Alpha now you don't need to be with a woman, but if you see one you want you can go after it. Don't worry to much I mean really its just your neediness having dissipated after doing the set.
Being a bit nervous is good it makes talking or being around the women you find attractive good and helps you push past that barrier and better yourself. Now i would say your looking for a connection vs straight up attraction.
Hope i can help some Dude. Have fun out there
(07-17-2011, 10:05 AM)About Wrote: [ -> ]One thing I'm wondering or becoming worried about is that I've become so picky when it comes to women that it seems there are no women around that I find attractive. Can someone (could use shannon's wisdom right about here) explain what's going on here?
I kind of feel the same way, but just stronger. Neediness is almost gone and now whenever I see even a 10 (a really hot one) I just find her try-hard (trying to hard to look pretty, showing of her body in small clothes etc.). I don't chase women anymore, where as before I would do anything to get even a 5 (an average woman).
I'm only on stage 2 (of AM2011), so don't know if it'll change or not. But I think it's a very good sign and it feels very good to not be as needy/affected anymore. Now whenever I see ppl chasing women and it makes me cringe.
woceyes, that's definitely an interesting take on my experiences so far. It could be that I am becoming less and less affected by what media deems beautiful/attractive and what i actually want. But we all know that what we really want isn't so easy. Sometimes what i get becomes something that I no longer want.
The GK, good to hear that you've come to this way of feeling! I think the way this program works is that it works on different portions of ourselves at different rates. What I noticed is that my neediness is much less apparent now than it has been before in stage 2. I may not have been as needy in stage 2 as i have been before i started (in fact, definitely not as needy since i started PERIOD). Keep at it, i'm curious to see how this program will affect you!
So today I had a discussion in the car with my father on the way to school. I'm attending massage therapy school (not Masseuse or masseur school, there's a difference). Turns out all that frustration he's been trying to explain finally made sense to me. I always thought he was trying to communicate that he has expectations that we should automatically attend to, but i now understand what he is trying to do is raise a man out of both my brother and i. I finally got the message, and i think it partially has to do with the effects of stage 6, i see what a real man has to do which is just keep moving forward and taking action where it is needed on his own. Even if it includes trivial house chores, things need to be done so things will get done. no questions necessary.
That's probably the first notable thing i've gathered out of stage 6. I have a feeling things will be more refined as time goes on.
Still though, anyone else have any takes on what's going on with the pickiness? Woceyes explanation is certainly plausible and i do believe it, i also want to hear more interpretations of what may be going on.
One more thing that popped into my head just now.
Yesterday in class, I was standing next to my classmate. I noticed that she was low on energy and I pointed out that I could feel her energy and how it's draining my energy away, making me tired too. She was like "oh no I'll try to be less tired" and well it didn't work but it was really funny to notice this coming out of her.
I think what AM2011 has done to me so far includes my energy being much higher and more charismatic than it has ever been before. That and I am not needy makes a deadly combination in itself.
Loving stage 6 so far.
What you are seeing is that your standards are much higher now, and you don't need the attention, affection or approval of any woman.
Here's a little story you might find amusing. A few months back, I subscribed to Playboy magazine. It wasn't for the articles, it was because I wanted to have a master reference for studying advanced studio glamour photography, sets, backgrounds and posing, which is what the magazine essentially is to a professional photographer like me. They even use the same exact camera body and lenses I use.
I never got an issue until the other day when I got three at once. I brought them inside, remembering that when I was young, this was the first "naughty" magazine I ever looked at, and how much it used to arouse me. In spite of my intent of using it for a study tool for mastering advanced studio lighting and posing, I couldn't help wondering if it was going to turn me on.
Then I got inside and looked through them, and I noticed two things immediately. First, each magazine seems to have three photo shoots in it: a pre-main, main and post-main shoot, with the main shoot including the centerfold. Second, amusingly, I got lost reading an article before I found any pictures.
Anyway, I started looking at the pictures and what really struck me about the three magazines was that out of the nine major women who were displayed in them, only two would have been women I would have found worthy of interest in a personal situation. Some just flat out did not have the body or look I would have gone for, some just completely disqualified themselves by being smokers and some killed it for me with ego and attitude.
Now think about that. Only 2 in 9 women who were actually featured in Playboy magazine would have interested me enough to try for. That's only 22% of Playboy models! How's that for high standards?
That's not how it would have been just a year ago. Of course, I'm in some rather unusual circumstances in that I sometimes work with women like these in person, which is why I subscribed to Playboy in the first place. I also occasionally date this caliber of women. But the Alpha program certainly has taken me from a state of lower standards to a state of higher ones, if I now consider only 22% of models who make it into Playboy as being women who, based on looks alone, I would go after.
AM2011 does this to you. On purpose. Why? Because a man who can look at what is labeled the highest caliber of women and be picky is a man who can have whatever he wants. Women of a particular caliber will always sense when they are perceived as better than, equal to, or below the level of value of a man they encounter, and they tend to want those men who consider themselves to be her equal or better than her. It's the law of the jungle: the leader of the pack has pick of the litter. Literally.
So yes, you're getting pickier. That's a good thing. It says you're a high value, high status man who a woman should want to have, or not feel good enough to be with. It's how you end up with the top caliber women. Whether you are looking for just a woman who rates a "10" looks wise, or you want a high quality woman in all areas, you'll tend to end up with women who match your level of value. The higher your value is, the higher her value will be.
By the way, just to clarify the point, it is not the case that I won't date any woman who hasn't been in playboy, etc. because looks isn't the only thing I consider when I choose a woman I will date long term. I also consider her intelligence (a MAJOR selling point for me), her maturity, her personality, her communication style, how open minded she is, how self secure she is, how she treats me, whether she tries to manipulate me constantly or not, how honest she is with me, faithfulness, age difference, sex drive and other things.
So basically what I'm saying is that even those two who were "good enough looking" and did not disqualify themselves with ego or smoking would not have automatically been chosen just because they had nice bodies. They would have had to show me they were worth my time in at least the majority of those other ways as well. Likelwise, a woman who doesn't score top marks on looks, but who has those other qualities in spades is going to be chosen over a woman with great looks who doesn't score well in these other areas.
That means I have become so self secure and self reliant that I could realistically have shot down all nine of them and kept going. That's not to say they wouldn't have possibly shot me down as well, but the point remains the same. I am not a shallow man ruled by his gonads anymore, as I was when I was younger. Perhaps part of it is my age, but a large part of it has been my exposure to the Alpha Male set. I simply don't need women anymore. If one comes along who has qualities I like, and she likes me, we can now agree to be together because we choose to. Neediness and desperation have nothing to do with it on my part. And, in the mean time, I am single, and having a good time regardless!
You can look forward to something similar. Not everyone will get the same exact results, or be in my shoes with regards to specifics, but you certainly won't be chasing down girls and women who aren't incredibly valuable examples of womankind after this. And the nice part is, lesser men will often not be able to see a woman's true value because all they're looking at is T&A. It actually makes the real gems easier to find, and catch.
As an interesting sidenote, I subscribe to Playboy online and on occasion, chat with the models in the forum. And like Shannon, the majority do not appeal to me. Just because a model looks good doesn't do me any favors. I have run across a couple of models that were fun to talk to (they don't post anymore).
What I REALLY HATE about the PB forum is the constant ass kissing most of the guys do to the models. It makes me want to throw up. Seriously. Talk about beta behavior!!
Never before have I seen so much p*ssy being put on a pedestal.

(07-20-2011, 07:58 PM)ronatello Wrote: [ -> ]As an interesting sidenote, I subscribe to Playboy online and on occasion, chat with the models in the forum. And like Shannon, the majority do not appeal to me. Just because a model looks good doesn't do me any favors. I have run across a couple of models that were fun to talk to (they don't post anymore).
What I REALLY HATE about the PB forum is the constant ass kissing most of the guys do to the models. It makes me want to throw up. Seriously. Talk about beta behavior!!
Never before have I seen so much p*ssy being put on a pedestal. 
Whaddayou 'spect? When you remove natural the barriers between a 10 and a 5, the 5 will act like a 5 when approaching the 10. In the middle of all this, PB and the 10 have figured out how to extract maximum money from said 5.
You cannot expect a woman who perceives you as lower value to become interested just because you don't have to sit next to her and work up the courage to say something. lol
But I hate it too, which is why I don't bother with that sort of environment. I used to be active on an erotic story forum years ago when they were only a couple years old. You would not believe the butt kissing that goes on there. The ladies, from 1 to 10+, show up and post pics, some frightening and some incredibly hot... and the guys invariably say the exact same crap, over... and over... and over... and it got to be a cycle. They show up, allow the morons to flatter them until they get tired of listening to BS, and then they'd leave, usually alone, but sometimes with a "puppy" under their arm.
I do not, did not and will not ever kiss ass like that, so it was very hard for me to get the attention of any of the ladies I was attracted to. I still managed to end up in relationships with a few of them, primarily because of my intelligence, honesty and not acting like everyone else, but it got old dealing with smarmy ass kissers all the time, and I stopped going there.
If guys would stop acting, collectively, like a bunch of desperate morons, they'd collectively get a lot more of what they want in terms of sex and relationships. Simple supply and demand. Too many males are willing to do anything and put up with anything from women. That's a big part of why I created the Alpha set. You make yourself exclusive and set yourself apart by using it, and attractive women are always going to be interested in the guy who doesn't act like every other predictable idiot they get hit on 1,000 times a day by.
Quote: If guys would stop acting, collectively, like a bunch of desperate morons, they'd collectively get a lot more of what they want in terms of sex and relationships. Simple supply and demand. Too many males are willing to do anything and put up with anything from women. That's a big part of why I created the Alpha set. You make yourself exclusive and set yourself apart by using it, and attractive women are always going to be interested in the guy who doesn't act like every other predictable idiot they get hit on 1,000 times a day by.
I agree 100%.
And in the forums, I tend to act rather aloof. I may throw out a compliment or remark but I don't go on and on like most. I see some there with post counts in the
ten thousands. If they only realize if they would just step back away from the computer and GET OUT and mingle, perhaps they would actually bump into a woman that's *cough* hot (cute).
Cool stories guys.
I think it's a status thing that they're affected by. Not only do they like the idea of having a girl from playboy, they can go bragging about it to their friends. I mean, the friends they'll have once they get the girl. Well... if they get the girl haha.... Ok let's just say they need to go outside. Ten thousands???? I don't think i've ever accumulated that many posts in my lifetime!
Pickiness huh. Nothing to be worried about. Guess it's just all about having fun
A small note on AM later stages on my conversational progress. In stage 3 or 4 i found I was not saying much to the people around me, just what I needed to and the silence would commence. Now I can easily have a free flowing conversation with anyone I want to for the most part. Some people aren't interested but it would just take me a little time to figure out what they really want to talk about.
And I have a lot of girls in my classes. I found that some of the less attractive ones are doing what I used to do when I wanted to talk to the girls I found most attractive. Occasionally go in and say a word or a joke or something. I can't believe that's what I looked like!