08-06-2014, 06:49 AM
I'm sure you are all familiar with Tapping, PSTEC, Sedona, etc, etc. These are all great ways of mentally releasing negative emotions, but negative emotions are also stored in your body, specifically in your muscles. Since your body is an extension of your mind, if you are only releasing mentally you are not fully releasing. You must release on your body as well.
Trauma Release Excercises help you release physically. It guides you through a set of excercises that get your body shaking as if you were experiencing trauma and this helps you release the tension caused by trauma.
Many people would resist the contractions. They have some limiting beliefs about those uncontrolled movements being socially unacceptable, weird, impolite, wrong.
Moreover, in order to let the contractions happen, you have to GIVE UP CONTROL. Being out of control is SCARY. So many people won't let it happen.
The exercises are meant to trick you into the contractions in spite of all your mental baggage.
When I do the exercises, I encourage my body to start shaking.
Gains and Benefits:
Your dreams may become much sharper, especially when using the subliminals.
Your trauma will be released (This can have a wide, varying effect, depending on the person.)
You will have more relaxed movement.
Your anxiety will disappear and you will find it harder and harder to make it reappear.
I'm only writing this post as an introduction to this topic. I'm not an expert. Use Google to find more extensive information about the topic, if you're so inclined.
Trauma Release Excercises help you release physically. It guides you through a set of excercises that get your body shaking as if you were experiencing trauma and this helps you release the tension caused by trauma.
Many people would resist the contractions. They have some limiting beliefs about those uncontrolled movements being socially unacceptable, weird, impolite, wrong.
Moreover, in order to let the contractions happen, you have to GIVE UP CONTROL. Being out of control is SCARY. So many people won't let it happen.
The exercises are meant to trick you into the contractions in spite of all your mental baggage.
When I do the exercises, I encourage my body to start shaking.
Gains and Benefits:
Your dreams may become much sharper, especially when using the subliminals.
Your trauma will be released (This can have a wide, varying effect, depending on the person.)
You will have more relaxed movement.
Your anxiety will disappear and you will find it harder and harder to make it reappear.
I'm only writing this post as an introduction to this topic. I'm not an expert. Use Google to find more extensive information about the topic, if you're so inclined.