07-04-2014, 05:56 PM
Hi Shannon, I've read these two threads and I've got a couple of questions:
So here you used being poor as an example: could you provide some others?
Would you say health is one of them?
Or that's not considered as manifestation?
Can these limitations ever be transcended?
What are the limits of karma?
So this is instead the part where what you said seems to give more hope, and I'm trying to balance the two to get closer to the truth about how the universe works.
Any comments?
Karma seems to be a tricky subject, and I feel like I've only grazed the surface of it so far - do you know any trusted sources to learn more about it?
Quote:Resisting a subliminal based on a life plan only makes sense if the life plan is very important, as you would expect a plan designed to guide a whole life would be. It seems to me that only manifestation subliminals would potentially affect a life plan, and therefore only they would find limitations based upon such.
Quote:As for the life choices... this is based on my understanding of how things work, and basically deals with the karma (major life lesson) you chose when you were born. If your major life lesson requires you to be, for instance, poor to understand what that is like, there is nothing you are going to do that will overcome that karma because it's "hard wired", and in most cases, will not be avoidable. Likewise, if your life lesson happens to require you to be rich and famous, you will not be able to avoid that either. In either case, things will "just happen that way", regardless of what you try to do otherwise.
If and when your major life lesson conflicts with your efforts to manifest something different, it will always result in either a temporary success that is ultimately overcome by the life lesson, or complete failure. This depends on the degree of urgency of the life lesson.
For instance, if your life lesson is being poor, you might succeed in winning the lottery, but would have it taken away from you some how... taxes, theft, spending it too freely, death, whatever. It might even be allowed as a way to emphasize the lesson of being poor by giving you some contrast.
Quote:Manifestation subs don't just enhance the possibility, they can directly manipulate your reality, but they cannot manipulate the limitations of your reality.
So here you used being poor as an example: could you provide some others?
Would you say health is one of them?
Or that's not considered as manifestation?
Can these limitations ever be transcended?
What are the limits of karma?
Quote:As long as enough energy is expended, and it does not conflict for whatever "life plans" you chose before you were born. Most people do not choose to be wealthy, or to win the lottery. For most it is an option, if they choose it, but not for everyone.
Quote:We limit ourselves far more with our fears and faulty beliefs of limitations than do our life plans. What is actually possible is much more than what is believed possible, simply because most of what is possible is unknown or unexplored, which frightens people.
Quote:Because the fact is that all of the outward "reality" you perceive while you are "conscious" is in fact a manifestation of the agreed upon beliefs of, and mental focus of, the people who inhabit the planet, anything is literally possible as long as it does not go against the majority's agreements.
it is possible to levitate, theoretically, but the majority of minds have agreed that gravity will prevent that in order to have certain "rules" in place which allow the rest of what we're here for to happen according to plan. You're not going to spntaneously levitate because of this program unless and until you achieve a high degree of mastery of yourself, in which case the program would not be necessary because you would already be well beyond what it is trying to do, and in fact extricating yourself from the "rules" of the majority in order to be able to continue to grow.
By that time, you would no longer find the "lessons" of this "school" (planet) necessary or useful, and would naturally stop coming here (incarnating).
Quote:The program will open doors in your mind which will in turn open doors in your outer reality, but until and unless you are ready to outgrow the mass-agreement of "what the rules are" for this planet, you're going to be bound by them. Those rules (like gravity, opposition, time/space, apparent physicality, etc.) are designed to make this planet useful for us to learn through by forcing us into situations and circumstances which motivate us, typically through discomfort or pain.
So this is instead the part where what you said seems to give more hope, and I'm trying to balance the two to get closer to the truth about how the universe works.
Any comments?
Karma seems to be a tricky subject, and I feel like I've only grazed the surface of it so far - do you know any trusted sources to learn more about it?