After a recent discussion with an old friend of mine, the subject of being able to see other people's aura's came up. Afterward it dawned to me that it might as well be a suggestion for a new subliminal that has the ability to see your own aura and those of others.
It would probably be a good addition for people that are already interested in spiritual practices, and healers could also make use of it in being quickly able to spot pain and disease for example.
I personally wouldn't mind paying $15 and spending time on developing such an ability, if only for seeing if it's possible.
The idea has crossed my mind from time to time, as well, but what has held me back is figuring out how to keep it from producing hallucination instead of what you are genuinely wanting.
I'd love to SEE Conscious Awakening...happen a program to 'wake people up' most dont even know much less realize they are indeed "asleep',no poiint of reference...I woke up 21 years ago and its been an ever evolving thing,removing layers of old 'stuff',ect,ect. Frank Zappa wrote a song called
"Po-jama People"..Lord they make ya sleep wiht the thing they might say...
Removing the Veil of blind site,ignorance and related. the Idea of Seeing aura's is cool n fun and all that jazz but for me,the dyer need for humane being to wake up is seriously needed on this planet right now and has been so for 50 years and beyound. I'd love to see and use a Conscious Awakening program....and improved upon what I already have and know...the learning is ferever.
sing on brother ,play on drummer Jimi Hendrix "If 6 were 9"
Shannon have you any experience with the Silva Method of mind control? That, and several other programs which involve healing or intuition or gaining knowledge of some sort, involve getting into the "alpha" state, and from there using a visualization tool to get the information they need. for example
1. playing movies on a white screen or board
2. creating an environment and inviting someone there to ask questions
3. for healing, going to your workshop and imagining the body, yours or someone else's as transparent and that you can spot any disease or disruption present, then visualizing the disappearance and complete health.
It sounds easier than it is, it's a lot of work and in my case I fall asleep every freaking time I get into alpha. Maybe I need to do it standing or sitting uncomfortably or something.
(05-07-2011, 07:06 AM)massagemaggie Wrote: [ -> ]It sounds easier than it is, it's a lot of work and in my case I fall asleep every freaking time I get into alpha. Maybe I need to do it standing or sitting uncomfortably or something.
This may sound odd but, from my hypnosis classes I found something useful to learn the skill of staying in alpha. I had a similar problem of falling asleep as I would descend too quickly.
Try taking a shot of caffeine beforehand (preferably non-synthetic and not from coffee). It'll prevent you from falling asleep-but if you can relax sufficiently you'll be able to hover in that alpha state. Once you are used to focusing in on alpha, you won't need the caffeine anymore.