Subliminal Talk

Full Version: LTU 3.1 5g Journey
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Day 78! Feeling powerful and calm almost all the time now. Literally Everywhere I go people are friendly and nice to me. Today I went to the bank and three tellers were trying to talk to me not just the one that was helping me who by the way was overly friendly to me which was sorta awkward since he was a dude. Then I go to the groceries store I was in the self check out lane and a cute little jew haired girl working there in the next lane over locked eyes with me and smiled (we both smiled). It was very pleasant. Plus I recognize this girl from my gym so I'll definitely say hi next time I see her in there. Driving home two girls in a car coming the other way were glaceing and smiling at me and basically eye fucking me really hard. I looked at both of them and smiled and they were all giggly. This program is really taking root in my subconscious.

I have set yet another new trajectory for my life. I'm on an awesome path and feel as though I'm stepping into a god-like power to manifest things I want and change my life. I've been writing down my goals mixed with some affirmations but I just started saying them out loud as incantations which feels amazing.

Something that had been bothering me lately that I feel ok about now. There is a guy younger than me who just turned pro in bodybuilding at my gym. That made me feel pretty shitty and definitely a bit jealous since that was what I wanted since a kid and still want (to be a pro bodybuilder). What fucks me up about it is that hes younger than me and sponsored. BUT I've really come to terms with the fact that everyone has their own unique path. Mine is different. I was meant to get rich first. And help a lot of people (a lot more than I would have been If I were strictly a bodybuilder and not a multiple business owner and global social affiliate marketing entrepreneur). So I am following my destiny which is right for me. I know I will be huge one day and will be able to focus all my energy on working out and eating in a lavish environment with an incredible lifestyle that most pro bodybuilders don't get to enjoy.

I'm taking responsibility a lot more in terms of obligations, financial things and health wise as well. Started taking a lot of natural nootropics and herb supplements. I've also noticed this sub sometimes feels a bit like Positive Thinking and Positive Attitude. I'm usually thinking about what I want automatically. It's as if the universe is constantly floating these thoughts/ideas toward me which I know I must, can and will act on to make a lot of money and bring a lot of light into the world.
Day 84!!!! Excited, upbeat and motivated all the time. I've noticed that even when the worst type of shit happens I sort of just feel stressed but its like I'm no longer capable of feeling intense negative emotion like before I started this sub. I've moved too far up the emotional scale to be in a bad place anymore.

Shit is poppin off in terms of business! Alot of momentum in my network marketing business. My one friend that I sponsored a few months back is an animal in the business. I also created a new extremely lucrative opportunity for myself that I feel only I am capable of executing. I talked on the phone with a multimillionaire CEO yesterday and the day before. I'm going to run a massive campaign in partnership with this guy in a way that's never happened before. ALPHA BOSS SHIT. If you've done alpha male before LTU then you will get even more of an alpha edge with this program.

I posted a youtube on my facebook and my very attractive lady friend texted me saying "Jon where do I even begin with you? I love you? lol I just watched your video blah blah blah" - so we're trying to set up a time to hang out. My other lady friend was texting me about how she wanted to get rich and she just got a new higher paying job and blah blah so I said we should skype. While we were skying she said I have a serious question. Why haven't we slept together yet? and I said that's a really good question. So I'm gunna bang her out this week which will end a relatively long dry streak. She was taking her clothes off on skype too so that's definitely gunna happen. Shes like a 7 but that will give me confidence to pull 9s and 10s!

More synchronicities and 'flow state' type events are happening which is a result of me feel better overall more often. The lid to my snakes cage broke and he kept getting out and the next day my mom told me about a cage someone was giving away for free on the side of the street literally 3 minutes away from where I live. I got the cage and its perfect! That saved a fuckton of hassle and money. I watched a youtube called creating abundance with a penny and it talks about intentionally attracting pennies to yourself which is easy and then feeling deep gratitude for the received penny since it is a symbol of your power to attract and also the essence of what you are seeking (abundance/wealth). I decided to try it and the next day I was in philly and the parking kiosk meter must have been broken I tried putting in 3 quarters and I pushed the coin return button a bunch of times and like 3 dollars of quarters came out!!!!!! LOL it was awesome!

I'm sure more good things will keep happening and will report more soon. how about some feedback? anyone? Either way I will continue this thread. Thanks.
Being genuinely positive and connected with life produces luck, but rarely the other way around.
Is it rather that you have no more down periods or you get up from them so quick that it's almost unnoticeable?
Other than that your energy does come through from your writing! How long have you decided to go with ltu?
Thanks Natious! Its not that I don't have down periods its just that they are never very far down anymore like the floor has been lifted. My range of emotions is higher overall. I actually don't really get sad or serious negative emotion at all anymore. I can't decide how long I will run it. At least 100 to 120 days. I will update tomorrow.
DAY 91!!

I guess I will start where I left off last time. I didn't bang that girl. I couldn't do it after hanging out with her for a while her vibration isin't high enough. I'm down with one nighters and friends with benefits but they at least have to bring some positivity into my life and/or be a predominantly positive or accomplished person. Broke bitches cannot get me. I still want to help this person though.

My standards have raised with women.

So this is huge.. I feel I've FINALLY overcome my pornography addiction/habit! I've practiced semen retention to the best of my ability for a long time and have struggled to quit porn for at least the last year I've been trying. I stopped technically watching porn for at least a few months now but I would still watch like twerking videos and softcore shit on youtube. Today I am on the 8th day of absolutely no arousal addiction type activities. I've NEVER gone this far without taking a peak at something inappropriate of some sort. It feels so incredibly good to be doing this. I know I've changed and the thoughts that use to plague me into urges of porn are very weak now. They are easily ignorable. My brain is rebooting if anyone knows anything about how porn effects the brain or nofap. It's awesome. This DEFINITELY a manifestation of this programs objectives of:
-Doing the right thing
-Self Control
-Self Discipline
-Accepting responsibility for yourself
-Self Respect (also in the fact that I didn't have sex with my friend when I easily could have)
-Being a good person
-Feeling good about yourself

Since I am a new person I have completely Overcome Guilt Shame and Fear associated with my past habits.

What else is new.. my laptop of 5 years finally died. So I will have enough money to buy a nice new one tomorrow, could be a sign of new beginnings Smile

That may be all I have to report for now. stay tuned and thank you
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