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Full Version: Question about maximum immune system usage
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This question will be directed toward Shannon.
But anybody who thinks they have an answer is welcome to answer.

The question is this: how would you use Maximum Immune System, when you are also using other sub, a 5G sub.

I know that you can only use one 5G sub at a time. I also know that if you were to switch a program to another, you need to have 32 days of break. I think it would be quite disappointing if this were to still apply to Maximum Immune system program as one would only need to use the program at a certain point of time (being ill) but can't use because he/she is using some other sub.

The reason I ask this question is because I am feeling a bit down, cold and swollen gum, and I want to use the program. But since I am using AYPSL 5G at this time I am not sure if I can use the program.

Would it be possible to use the program like once for a day or two and then switch it back? Or is it that I still need to stop using AYPSL for 32 days to use the Maximum Immune System program?

Thanks in advance for your input.
It's possible. Look here
Sebastian's link answers it.
Thank you