To all those who started BAMM sub and used it religiously:
Guys ... how is you progress so far?
4-5-6 figures?
Did you start any business? In which field?
In which business step you are in the current moment?
Did BAMM helped you in any kind?
I am asking it in relation to the soon-to-come BASE 5G as BAMM is the older brother.
Thank you for any response.
These subliminal programs are designed to get you "thinking" along certain lines. The only way anyone accomplishes anything in life is by thinking, intending, visualizing etc untill there "goal" becomes manifest. That is all these programs do..
(06-20-2014, 12:32 PM)zen Wrote: [ -> ]To all those who started BAMM sub and used it religiously:
Guys ... how is you progress so far?
4-5-6 figures?
Did you start any business? In which field?
In which business step you are in the current moment?
Did BAMM helped you in any kind?
I am asking it in relation to the soon-to-come BASE 5G as BAMM is the older brother.
Thank you for any response.
(06-26-2014, 12:00 AM)Electric Universe Wrote: [ -> ]These subliminal programs are designed to get you "thinking" along certain lines. The only way anyone accomplishes anything in life is by thinking, intending, visualizing etc untill there "goal" becomes manifest. That is all these programs do..
(06-20-2014, 12:32 PM)zen Wrote: [ -> ]To all those who started BAMM sub and used it religiously:
Guys ... how is you progress so far?
4-5-6 figures?
Did you start any business? In which field?
In which business step you are in the current moment?
Did BAMM helped you in any kind?
I am asking it in relation to the soon-to-come BASE 5G as BAMM is the older brother.
Thank you for any response.
sorry, wrong answer.
the purpose of these subs is to make you take action. did you think that running SM3 will make you f**k girls just by changing your thinking? and not pushing you to take action? do you think you will make girls chase you just because you visualize etc. pfff ...
do you think that those who are making money have the time to visualize etc. no, they take action and along the way they are changing their thinking.
well, I appreciate the Shannon's subs, and their purpose is not just to change your thinking.
"The only way anyone accomplishes anything in life is by thinking, intending, visualizing etc until there "goal" becomes manifest. " - best luck with your ideas, but you will not realize anything strong. this is an excuse for laziness. sorry to tell you, that's the reality.
Anyway, I want to see some facts. Richness in this world is based on facts. It's good that is changes your personality, but that doesn't mean you will make money. I am not interested in mega digits but more business related results. So far, in the BAMM forum, there isn't much.
Again, this is not smth. against Shannon's work. I respect him and his subs.
The subconscious mind does not make decisions, rationalize or moralize. Its primary purpose to influence and guide your conscious mind to accomplish the goals laid out for it. (A picture says a 1,000 words).
And yes, you can get a woman to chase you really hard with out having to lift a finger. Provided your "feeling" is powerful enough.
man, really, I think it's wishful thinking. but it's you decision. I prefer taking action and change my beliefs along the way.
good luck.
Now, on topic.
Anyone has some business results after using BAMM? No matter how modest, or big. No judging, no trolling.
zen, your questions are more than valid! They are not about being, but about doing. I have no doubt that the subliminals really elevate your perspective and understanding of yourself and your surroundings. And, beyond that, as far as I'm concerned, I'm also aware of numerous behavioral changes I've been experiencing myself since starting AM6.
But this is about BAMM. And the most comprehensive list of results I'm thinking of is Shannon's. He tracks his progress thoroughly both in his personal journal and in the BAMM journal. Frankly, I find that his continuing the research in this top-notch niche field in order to provide real value is as close to developing a healthy business as it can get.
Now, there are other members who keep their BAMM journals, and I'd really appreciate it myself if they could summarize the concrete attempts they've made towards becoming multi-millionaires; things they know they wouldn't have done before starting the program. The failed attempts, by the way, just as valuable as the successful ones.
Exactly IceAlive.
For those who don't know, BAMM was released last year with plenty of time to experiment with it. It costs 3,000 dollars and it should give you a strong edge, something to help you make a huge difference compared to other entrepreneurs who don't have access to it.
This is what I am looking for - some results. I skimmed the BAMM forum, but the posts are personality improvement oriented. Which is not the main point. There are plenty of millionaires who didn't change their personality and then they started making money. They took action, they made money and they changed their personality along the way.
My progress has been there in terms of developing discipline only. I've been taking action on getting things rolling but have always had a problem staying committed. I've improved though. I can say BAMM has helped me become a stronger version of myself on an all around level including desire to succeed, feeling of deservedness, sense of urgency, doing my best not to waste my time etc.
Nothing concrete on the side of business however, I lost 50 pounds, started body building successfully, quit my job finally because I realized it was too toxic and it was unhealthy for me, and learned how to dance salsa. Some other things too but I do believe this is all related to BAMM one way or another. I havn't posted anything in my journal though because I'd like my next post to be about getting a new job with better pay and more rewarding responsibilities or successfully training my first client or starting a business and reporting my first month of profits. Hopefully those things aren't too far down the line, whichever comes first. It's all part of the journey.
Zen, you are looking at this with a perspective that is not reasonable.
BAMM is designed to take you to multi-millionaire, over the course of between 1 and 8 YEARS of continuous use. I estimate that it will require the average user 3 to 5 years of use to achieve the goal. I have been using it only a year and a half now. I and Andrew were the first to start using it.
You're asking for evidence that it works in terms of financial results. Financial results don't happen overnight. There's a reason this program is designed for that length of use. The first things we have to take care of is shifting the Titanic from what speed and course it is on, to the right speed and course to achieve the goal. That alone may take 1 to 3 years or even more for some people, depending on where you started.
I can tell you that I have changed a hell of a lot since starting BAMM 2.0, and my progress has been amazing to me. But am I making more money? Yes, actually. I am making a little more than twice as much money as I was when I started it.
And I am many miles down the road to my goal. I have grown so much in the last year and a half that I am astonished, and I feel as if I am living in a dream most of the time. I have overcome many challenges that would have kept me from my goal, and challenges that I know I would not have been able to overcome without this program.
In the beginning, you are going to see people focusing on making internal changes. Overcoming their fears and dealing with the challenges and obstacles they fear is going to be a big part of the first year or three. That's not likely to produce much in the way of "Oh, now I'm making 2, 3, 4 or whatever times as much money as before." But once you get past those challenges, the ship is on course and you can ramp up the engines to make the ship go full speed ahead.
Also keep in mind that it is not your right to simply buy the program because you want to. You have to be approved. It may be $3,000, but we don't care if you buy it or not. We have accepted less than half of the applicants so far, and when the first of us achieves the goal, the price will go to $5,000 a copy.
This program is for those who understand what it takes to achieve the goal, and it's not a magic wand. Electric Universe is correct, what my programs do is change what you believe to be true on a subconscious level. That's it. All the rest happens as a result of that change in beliefs. When you believe that something is true subconsciously, you act as if it is true, and you effectively make it true by doing so. So when you play BAMM 2.0, what's happening is that you change your reality by accepting as true what the script says, and then acting as if it is true and thus making it true for yourself and eventually outwardly in the world around you. All things manifest begin as thoughts. Give those thoughts enough focus and energy, and they become manifest.
I estimate that it would have taken me 1-2 decades to achieve the growth I have achieved in the last year and a half without this program. That means I am on target to becoming a multi-millionaire within the current decade, instead of 2 or 3 down the line. When will it happen for me? Who knows? One year? Two? Five? We shall see.
But you don't understand how things work if you're demanding proof that it works before you buy it, as you seem to be doing. Remember that you must apply and be approved for it before you can buy it, and we don't care if it sells. It's a tool, and it was never really intended for sale; rather, it was intended for myself and Andrew to use for ourselves. Would we really use it and restrict ourselves to not using other stuff, if it wasn't working? I think not.
And, remember that this is a process, not a get rich quick scheme. The difference is that for those who use this program properly, it will actually work, but you have to allow for the necessary growth and changes to take place at the pace of the person using it. The pace and starting location will determine when the goal is reached.
So understand what has to take place. It was always expected that the first year or three would be internal adjustments before the serious momentum in the right direction began. You cannot achieve the goal if you're going full steam ahead in the wrong direction, and it takes time to adjust speed and course and get back up to full speed ahead. Sometimes years. This isn't just an external change we are going through, it's a change of what and who we are to the core. Ask any psychologist and they'll tell you, such massive changes don't happen overnight.
This program works by making the goal a result of the person, not the person a result of the goal. In other words, it doesn't make you a millionaire and then ask you to adjust to that new situation, as would winning the lottery; instead, if you would allow me the use of the analogy, it makes you the winner, and then the winner's reality must manifest around you as a natural result of what and who you are, how you think, what you choose and what your choices result in you doing and the repercussions of your choices and actions.
It's like throwing an anchor out, but not letting it sink where your boat is; rather, you throw it to your goal and then use it to pull yourself to that location (goal).
Massive changes such as becoming a multi-millionaire require considerable time because if you do not adjust internally to match the external, the external will adjust to match your internal state. This is why so many lotto winners are either broke or deeply in dept within 5 to 7 years of winning: their outer reality must change to match their inner one, and in cases like that, most people have beliefs that make (and keep) them either poor, or in debt.
So the best way to become a multi-millionaire is to become one internally first, and then allow the resulting internal changes create your external matching reality by consequence of your new way of thinking and beliefs, which in turn drive what you choose to do, say, think, feel and respond in the ways that must become the goal. You must become a multi-millionaire if you think, say, do, feel and choose all the things that result in that outward reality, so we are creating that inward reality first. That inward reality then results in the desired outward reality. Each of these is a sub-process, and each takes time to create and finish. So the time required overall is not days or weeks or months, but years.
In my research for the program, however, I discovered that most self made millionaires required years or decades, and more often than not decades, to achieve their goal of becoming a millionaire, never mind a multi-millionaire. Those who you read about doing it overnight, or in weeks or months, that's usually only the exciting part of the journey. Nobody hears about the months and years that they spent contemplating what to do, or what to sell, or how to build whatever they want to sell, or programming it or making contacts and connections and plowing through failure after failure after failure before they achieved their success, because that doesn't make for an exciting movie or news story. But in the vast majority of cases, that's how it actually happens.
Even in my case, if I achieve my goal in say 2017, that means I will have spent 12 years working towards it, which is pretty quick for the vast majority of self made millionaires. And it will have been Jan 2013 when I started BAMM 2.0, so that would mean 4 years of use for me if I achieve my goal in 2017. I was already considerably along the path, which is why I estimate 1 to 8 years total use for people, depending on where you're starting from, and your particular personality and obstacles.
We have to keep the whole thing in a realistic perspective. Get rich quick, this is not. Get rich much faster than otherwise? Sure. But not get rich quick. And we really don't care if anyone buys it.
Shannon, thank you for your answer. But it shouldn't be so long as I didn't say BAMM 2.0 sucks or something similar.
If you have read attentively my first post, I started with these words:
"Guys ... how is you progress so far?
4-5-6 figures?"
I'm not good at math, but a multi-million has 7 digits and more. To put it simple, I was reasonable as I didn't ask - hey BAMM users, how many of you are already millionaires. More than that, I didn't have any mention to any quick rich scheme.
My idea behind my question was simple - for every major plan, you have to have milestones. Modest or big, it doesn't matter as they can be different from case to case. Maybe the first milestone of this sub is to improve your personality.
I have no doubts that BAMM will make you a millionaire in the end with different ending dates as every person is different.
I am an action-oriented person. If I am using a sub to improve some part in my life where I am not taking action, I am expecting the sub to push me doing so. Action means results in the end, and financial results in the case of this sub.
From what I thought before opening this post and your long answer proved it once more, if you start BAMM it's ideally that you have something - some business experience (even with failures, it doesn't matter), some business knowledge or be in a business environment. Otherwise, if you start literally from zero, the first years will be damn toughs if you are looking for tangible small results.
If I am looking at those who opened BAMM journals, I am more than positive that I will be accepted into the program. For me, it's only a question of money - to afford paying the sub.
And this directs me to the BASE 5G program. As the end results should be modest ones (4-5-6 figures) I expect this sub to push users (including me as I will buy it by default) into massive action along with the internal improvement.
In the end, I hope for you to read more attentively future posts and you will accept positive critics. My topic wasn't targeted to bash your work or a particular sub. And my questions were extremely valid. Also, I hope freedom of speech will be kept in this forum in the lines of the rules, of course.
BAMM isn't right for everyone. There are multiple reasons for that. One is that it requires the right type of person and personality to become a multi-millionaire, and that is going to be true even with BAMM's help. It will certainly widen the field, but even with it's help, you have to have certain key personality traits, key amongst which are persistence and perseverance.
You see how we are losing BAMM users, slowly but surely. It is unlikely that they will ever start using the program again simply because they do not have the program's goal as a primary life goal. I am firmly of the belief that there are those people for whom it is an option, those people for whom it is a destiny, those people for whom it is not an option, and those people for whom it could not happen if you shoved a million dollars in their pocket. This is true for a variety of reasons, one of which seems to be "why you're here" - as in, what your core reason for being born was. If you were born with achieving goal A in mind, and goal A conflicts with BAMM, BAMM will fail because goal A will predominate.
From what I can see, BAMM works in a roughly exponential fashion. I am seeing it work that way for me, at least. Seems to be doing the same for Andrew.
If you are starting from nothing, you can achieve multi-millionaire using BAMM but it is naturally going to take longer than if you are starting with a business already in play. And that doesn't mean it has to be any easier or more difficult than with or without BAMM. How easy it is depends on how you choose to become a multi-millionaire.
I'm not going to reveal how much I make. I will say the following, though.
- 2014 was the first year in a long time when I do not expect to have doubled our income, and that has a lot to do with forces outside my control acting on my life and the lives of those around me, primarily in a manner that exhausted my energy and drive, required me to focus instead on emotional healing, and spend my time helping others instead of focusing on my own goals. In life, there will always be forces outside of your control, regardless of what you do. That is simply the nature of the beast. You deal with it, and when the storm passes, you keep going. However, despite all the BS, I am pretty sure we still made more money than last year. I'll know for sure when we do annual taxes.
- 2015 is going to be a much better year. I expect that we will see a massive jump in income in 2015 because of a number of factors that are within our control, being acted on and used to our benefit and yours, including the development of 6G technology and the use of new methods of advertising. I'm also hoping to be able to start clinical trials in 2015. Furthermore, there will not be a lot of the factors to hamper us in 2015 that were present in 2014.
- Within the next 5 years (I'm actually very sure it is less than that) I will be a multi-millionaire "in the bank". When that happens, I will let you know. Until it happens, it isn't wise for me to mention my income, regardless of what it is, and really it does not matter. Nobody cares if I make 5 or 6 figures if I am not yet a multi-millionaire, and milestones aren't worth a damn when it is entirely possible that tomorrow I could be offered something that would make me a multi-millionaire in-the-bank. Dealing with high level people, as I regularly do, it can easily be an instant change. You meet the right person, make the right deal, and BAMM! That it has to be a slow, gradual process is not a given, ever.
- I have actually turned down several offers that would have made me a multi-millionaire since I started using the program. This is because becoming a multi-millionaire is something I have to do "the right way", for the good of all involved. It would be effortless for me to accept one of those deals, but it would not be in the best interests of all involved. Since I know, for a fact, that it is coming (and pretty sure specifically when), I don't need to accept offers that are not right for me or the rest of you.
- My IP alone is worth an estimated $10 mil at least. Technically, I am already a multi-millionaire, but I know you guys won't care until I have 2+ mil in my bank account or in some other form that more conventionally means I have achieved the goal of the program.
- Those who run the program according to the instructions, and do what it takes, will succeed. Even if they live with mom and dad right now. I know plenty of people who choose to live with their parents all their lives, not because of finances necessarily, but because their culture values family in a way that makes it either expected or considered common sense or a family obligation. That's not any reason to discount their income or success.
So, when the storm is over, just keep going.
As for progress so far - I am miles ahead of where I was when I started the program, and I cannot say I believe I would be where I am today without it. I have seen obvious and definite improvements from using it in my goal to become a multi-millionaire, and I have no doubt that I will get there much sooner because of the help and guidance it gives me.
(12-21-2014, 08:00 AM)Larry Wrote: [ -> ]I am going to delete this account soon too.
No don't go! I want to see how far you get and it's great having quality people on here.
