Can someone do me a favour and correct me please ? Basically I've *some how* got this doubt in my mind that my Ipod Nano 4th gen is not powerful enough to play subliminals. I keep thinking to myself that because the files are so large it won't be capable of playing them to me properly, & that I'll be missing info unlike I would on my Ipod touch. It's kind of like stereo VS mono - my Touch will give me stereo, were as my Nano will give me mono.
I dunno if this is some kind of perfectionist resistance to AM6 stage 1 or what, it's driving me crazy though lol as my Nano would make listening even easier...
So, am I right in saying that they'll be no difference between them and that I'll benefit exactly the same off both ??
Please correct my madness... :angel:
Thanks !!!
I had the same issue with my iPod nano, that's why I switched to my blackberry. The dreams were crazier after that.
Interesting, that's exactly what I was getting at as well. Which Nano where you using ? Also, what was the quality setting you had iTunes setup for ? 320 kbs ??
Why would the Nano not work? I use my iPod to play the subs and it works fine. Besides the speaker frequency would be in your headphones or whatever speakers you connect too, not in the player itself. The main thing would be to only import the files as they are into iTunes and thus into your Nano. If you let iTunes transform them or reset the quality to a lower level then it could be an issue but if you just did a direct import into it then it should be fine.
(06-17-2014, 08:36 AM)HMoody Wrote: [ -> ]Why would the Nano not work? I use my iPod to play the subs and it works fine. Besides the speaker frequency would be in your headphones or whatever speakers you connect too, not in the player itself. The main thing would be to only import the files as they are into iTunes and thus into your Nano. If you let iTunes transform them or reset the quality to a lower level then it could be an issue but if you just did a direct import into it then it should be fine.
Yep same here, I just play it on my iPod Touch with no problems.
(06-17-2014, 08:36 AM)HMoody Wrote: [ -> ]Why would the Nano not work? I use my iPod to play the subs and it works fine. Besides the speaker frequency would be in your headphones or whatever speakers you connect too, not in the player itself. The main thing would be to only import the files as they are into iTunes and thus into your Nano. If you let iTunes transform them or reset the quality to a lower level then it could be an issue but if you just did a direct import into it then it should be fine.
Which Ipod do you use ? Nano or touch ?? I dunno man, it could just be me on the other hand. It's really wired lol. I wasn't like it before I started AM6. It's just in the back of my head bugging me.
I used Ipod Nano first gen that I bought years ago, if I remember correctly I bought it in 2006..
My ipod nano produces better ultrasonic sound compared to my blackberry curve phone.. When I play the ultrasonic on my curve the sound crackles, with the ipod nano its really smooth..