Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Heal or Hide Tinnitus Suggestion
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I belive the thread title says it all.
A sub that either heal or tell the mind to ignore/forget it and even pro-tinnitus, to avoid unneccecery high sounds at all.

I bet there others who find those internal sounds just as annoying as I do.
Yes, I do-great request!
I bet with the advent of the IPod and MP players there has been a significant increase in Tinnitus.
Sorry to reopen old threads, but just seen this as was looking for other suggestions.

Could this sort of idea be included when Improve Your Hearing is upgraded to 4G, especially as tinnitus is often related to problems with the hairs in your ear cannel being damaged.
I like this idea because I will eventually do improve your hearing within the next 5 years.