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On pherotalk, someone had mentioned your two hour sleep bwe, clicked on your profile, and followed the link here.Smile
i know about subliminals a long time ago but never believe it and i had a business coach who told me about the media is using subliminal to do a marketing. i like the idea how subs bypass the concious mind and straight to the unconcious and i want to try it again.

so i was thinking about creating my own subs, and back then i would be hassle to learn about creating my own script using subs software. accidently i read smash thread about AoS combine with cory skyy teaching and it was inspirational.

then i decided to try it out...been using AoS for one day now...and last night i had dreams...
im a believer for subs...
(01-24-2011, 11:19 PM)[email protected] Wrote: [ -> ]i know about subliminals a long time ago but never believe it and i had a business coach who told me about the media is using subliminal to do a marketing. i like the idea how subs bypass the concious mind and straight to the unconcious and i want to try it again.

so i was thinking about creating my own subs, and back then i would be hassle to learn about creating my own script using subs software. accidently i read smash thread about AoS combine with cory skyy teaching and it was inspirational.

then i decided to try it out...been using AoS for one day now...and last night i had dreams...
im a believer for subs...

You ain't seen nuthin' yet. Wink

When I first discovered subs... heck, this must have been about 1990, 1991... I couldn't decide which ones to use, so I used a lot. I was also too impatient. And, the programs I was using were not as easy to use as what I produce. I didn't see much in the way of results until I created a sleep programming program for myself designed to improve my memory. When I started turning up with grades of 105%, 107%, 110% and even 112% once, and my grades went up a full letter grade in HS, I knew something was going on.

Then I created a sleep program for myself to enhance my psychic ability. Talk about freaking me out. lol

Over time, people started asking me, "How do you DO that?" concerning the grades and other stuff I was achieving through my sleep programs, and they started asking me to make them programs too. But it was all audible, and not very easy to fall asleep to.

When I started making my own subliminals, I was skeptical of them. That's when I first created the self confidence sub, and the results from that, after a couple weeks, were so blatant and so obvious that my friends were asking me who the hell I was, and what I did with Shannon! lol Great stuff.

As I always say, subliminals work great - but you have to script them properly, build them properly, and use them properly first.
do you do course on making these scripts? lol...
but hey...i rather ask you do it for me anyway...i saw your post about doing the AM11 for couple of thats serious work...
(01-25-2011, 07:39 AM)[email protected] Wrote: [ -> ]do you do course on making these scripts? lol...
but hey...i rather ask you do it for me anyway...i saw your post about doing the AM11 for couple of thats serious work...

You really would prefer that I do the work. Smile Trust me. lol
My daughter is a facilitator as a school that is basically the last place for kids to go before a correctional facility. Sadly and amazing, it starts at kindergarten and goes through high school. I personally don’t know what young kids of this young age could have done to deserve to be there. But they can’t be mainstreamed, so that’s where they are.

For 3 years, she worked with high school kids, which got to be very tough for her for many reasons, so she opted to work with the younger kids. Her best friend is the teacher, she’s a facilitator and there are 4 one on ones, with 8 or 9 kids in the class total.

Around the holidays, most of these kids can get out of whack! Being a subliminal user for many years, I looked at my selection by didn’t have any really pertaining to just kids. So that’s what I google searched for, which bought me to your site. However, listening to my daughter and her friend, with the home life that some of these kids have to endure these subs wouldn’t really be beneficial to them. Plus there’s the whole legality thing. The sad part about that is the fact that these parents wouldn’t sign off on it because they thought it would harm their kids or foster kids but more because they just don’t care.

Can you even imagine a parent saying to a kid, “don’t do your homework, it’s not gonna get you anywhere in life”? I can’t! But this is what they’re dealing with. She has lots of stories that she brings home, and many times about one her “favorites”. She was trying to get him to do something he didn’t want to do one day and he said, “Miss C, you are wubbing me the woooong way!” lol….kids. Rolleyes

So that’s what got me here. The reason I stayed was because I was so impressed with the fact that you give some subs away for free….so kudos’ for that! I was kinda hesitant and kept thinking, I know I’m gonna get a virus with these lol, but ended up going with my gut feeling and downloading them anyway….and well, the rest is history!
(03-16-2010, 03:53 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Just how did you discover us? This could make for some interesting stories. Smile

It is interesting that I found this forum through my exploration on google about Cory Skyy Material. The guy from other forum (not related with subliminal) mentioned about free material of Cory Skyy. I google it, and I found one of the member journal, SMASH. He posted the journal with title "Cory Skyy Magnetic Mindset and Aura of Sexiness."

FYI, I am a user of subliminal from other vendor. Thus, I have interested in this area already.
I found these board due to being discussed in bad boy with a heart forums (Cory Skyy).
It seems a lot of us have found our way here from there. Smile
I found these boards via Google search about Alpha Male subliminals.
I find this, firstly because I download a Develop an Aura of Sexiness from a torrent site. Because of there is 4G in the description I'm eager to find out who the maker is. So I search at google, and find out the old subliminal-shop. I felt confused, "There is a multi-stage sub, is it working or the maker just want to get profit?" and I notice this shop has a forum (Only brainsync has a forum but it's like a dead forum, no people, no topics) that full of people and full of testimonials and of course a journal. That shocked me. And that's my stroy of how I came across this website Smile

It's great to have this thread origins are very important. I found this website by using google. I understood that the law of attraction and my mind attracted my experiences so I began to think about the mind and how it works. I was doing some research on google, law of attraction and the mind then ended up searching "subliminals" in the key and IndigoMindlabs was a top hit.

The answer to my prayers and dreams.


Yup, like Edo, I found Indigo by pirating subs and I liked what I found. I got PSE1-5 (and so many viruses that my laptop died within a year) and liked it so much I googled 'Shannon Matteson' and found the Indigo site, where I paid for some products.
I found this website through a forum Smile
On google when searching about cory skyy, I saw either Ryan's journal about AOS or it was Smash's journal on AOS.
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