Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Questions about giving my copy of a subliminal to a friend
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I'm wondering if it's completely OK for me to give a copy of my subliminal to a friend. I've bought quite a few subliminals here and since I'm using AM6 I can't use any of them. I have friends who I've been thinking of offering subliminals to, but I'm not sure if I can just give them away, or if theres some process I have to follow.

According to the FAQ I can give them away, so long as I'm not using them myself correct? My friend has to know that he is now the owner of the subliminal too correct? Is there anything special I have to do to transfer ownership?
Just delete all copies in your possession and inform your friend that he is now the owner of those program copies, and of course, not to pirate them. ;-)