This post is dedicated to Shannon, creator of Indigo Mind Labs.
Dear Shannon,
I have used these two subs: Ultra Success (US) and Luck Magnifier (LM) for quite a while. My primary interest is to improve my businesses and save money (to invest later on). Once I started using the subliminals good things came to happen: I opened a small emerald export company and I have made profits here and there by selling other stuff like trading cards, stickers and so on. I have been able to save quite a deal of money mainly because I used to live in my grandma's apartment and also because generally I have done well financially and business wise last couple of years. However, about a month ago all businesses came to stall and have suffered significant losses. Every business, customer simply dissapeared over night, partners turned their backs on me and I have become VERY VERY frustrated lately.... no income, nothing!
What was your initial intention when you created these sublimals? How are they supposed to work or how are they supposed to aid my goals? Are business cycles that begin eventually meant to end at some point? What do you recommend? Are there any other subliminals particularly targeted at improving income/ attract money / improve businesses you may recommend to me?
I know this question is quite difficult to answer but like 'I ran out of luck' and 'my success came to a stall'.... any insight?
Carlos Mosquera
Hi, Carlos. I moved your thread because it's not a testimonial.
First, I need to ask, have you been using those subliminals continuously during the whole time? If you have not, the effects can wear off over time and may need refreshing.
Second, all things happen in cycles, and sometimes a cycle will have a downside. I have recently been hit hard with some challenging things in the last month or two as well. The particular cycle that is causing these effects for me, may or may not be the same one that is affecting you. However, I do know that when this cycle comes into play in the manner it has been for affecting me in the ways it has been - which sound not far off of the direction of the effects you have been observing - it will override almost anything else.
The cycle I am dealing with is now fading out, but will return to influence in the same challenging way in mid October, peaks in mid November, and fades out again in mid December. If this is indeed the same cycle that is affecting you, you may experience challenges of a similar nature at that time as well. I cannot know if you are being affected by that cycle also. It does sound strange that we should both experience similarly overriding and challenging situations at the same time if it is not the same cycle, though.
Subliminals, powerful as they are, are not able to overcome some of these rare cycles. The one I am referring to has a 7 year epicycle that affects me in a negative way when each epicycle completes. This cycle, and its epicycles, are quite powerful and override anything and everything else in my life. Thankfully, they only take place every 7 years.
The subliminals are designed to help by causing your subconscious to arrange things in a more effective way for you (luck magnifier) and Ultra Success works in a similar way, but not in the same direction or level of focus.
Once again, I cannot know if you are being affected by the same cycle that is affecting me, recently, but if you are, the only thing you can do is to do your best, conserve money, take no risks and wait for it to end. Typically, it takes 2-3 months to complete for each "hit" in my experience. You'll know while it's in effect because everything - and I do mean everything - will go wrong. Inexplicably, and sometimes things that are not even supposed to be possible will happen to make them go wrong.
I hope this isn't what's happening to you, but if it is, there should have been a major hardship or failure for you to look back on approximately every 7 years into your past. If that is the case, then the only advice I can offer is as I stated: do your best, conserve money, take no risks and wait for it to end.
If this isn't it, and you have been using the subs for the whole time, I am not sure what to suggest. I'm not sure I would suggest purchasing anything else, that isn't conserving money.
I have noted that these epicycles always bring a theme of delay, frustration and failure into my life and activities. When they peak, I frequently experience a peak of frustration. It sounds like you're having similar issues. To deal with the frustration, IF you're dealing with the same thing I am, the answer is to let go of expectations, be patient and understand that you will have to try many times more than usual to achieve success or simply be still and wait it out. Getting frustrated and upset does not help things, and you can choose to let go of the expectations that are not being met and causing the frustration. There are days when I am in the middle of the worst of these cycles where I simply stay in bed all day and read.
I don't know if that helps any, but it's the best I can suggest.
Good insight! Thanks a lot! Yes, sometimes it happens but like you are kinda of right. I remember six to seven years ago I had the same situation... not emotionally but money wise. Yes, I remember that starting 2008, exactly six years ago I went bankruptcy with my Jewelry workshop.... around the same time... curiously you mentioned a period of SEVEN YEARS... and I must say that things started to go wrong six and half years ago....
Well, I just hope things start go well again in a couple of months since I have dealt with a lot of frustration lately... like I do not know what to do!
No, and I have not used the subliminals lately and not continuously... in fact, things do not go well when I use Luck Magnifier... they start go well once I cut it out (may it have an opposite effect) and start using more Ultra Success. Is it possible for a subliminal such as Luck Magnifier to give you BAD LUCK?
I will start using Ultra Success again and see how things go from now on... I will keep you posted.
Carlos Mosquera
P.D. I must admit I have not used these subliminals regularly. I use them for a while and then hold off their use. However, I remember having started using them about five years ago and a great opportunity came up which has been my main source of income... but despite my recent efforts it seems the door is closed for now.
Luck magnifier cannot give you bad luck because of how it works. It instructs your subconscious mind to make things happen for you in a smoother, easier way. The only way that can result in a reversal effect is if you resist it. You mention that it gives you "bad luck" until you stop using it, and then it works. That happens when you are resisting "being told what to do" while it is playing, and then doing what it was trying to suggest when it stops playing, because you're no longer "being told what to do" anymore.
The cycle I am talking about is approximately 7 years per epicycle, and about 29.5 years per complete cycle. The full cycle consists of four epicycles, so 29.5/4 = about 7.375 years between each epicycle. that there are epicycles, and those eipicycles can consist of 1-3 subcycles of their own.
Depending on specifics, the epicycle may happen once, twice or three times, and each takes 2-3 months to complete. In 2008, I had it happen three times, three months each, and it took up almost the entire year. That's why I actually had to shut down my eBay business and wait a few months before starting this one with Andrew. During the months the business was shut down, I tried to find a job, and put in more than 73 applications, but only got two interviews. One of them was intentionally sabotaged by my girlfriend at the time... no idea why, since she was upset that I couldn't pay the bills without a job... and the other one told me that I would get a call back after he went on vacation for another interview, but no call back. I eventually decided I would rather work for myself regardless.
If ever there was a time for using Ultra Success/Luck Magnifier, now is the time. But understand that if it is the cycle that I am experiencing, it may be overwhelmed by the circumstances this epicycle brings. Better to be using it than not, though!
WOW, thanks a lot. I actually talked to a friend who knows about this stuff and yes... about every seven years these cycles como and go!
Thanks for your advice. There might be resistance to LM... so I will keep using Ultra Success for now!
Glad you took the time to help me in this matter! By the way, a sister of mine was diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) apparently by some expert and she ain't doing well at school although the problem I think is study overload. She likes to study and learn but ends up hating it and day draming because it is just too much. She gets time for her own only Sunday after 5-6 PM and man she gets upset with anything!
I am considering to purchase a subliminal for her. Which title can you recommend for her? She is bilingual... so English language is not an issue!... my concern is that she is taking drugs for this ADD (almost 200 USD per month) on top of her depression drugs (those crazy doctors come up with the strangest things just to put you on expensive pills) which I think is already more than enough for a teenager! It is true she is a bit depressive (I tried to convince my dad into a Subliminal treatment for her but he refused - even though he has had very good experiences with hypnosis/subliminals) but the ADD is just bogus from my point of view! I know the symptoms and I CAN SAY THAT IF SHE HAS IT IS OF LITTLE OR NO CONCERN but it is affecting her self steem as well!
Have a nice weekend!
Good luck and prosperity,
Carlos MOsquera
Sorry, by drugs I meant pills no strange stuff! heheheh
You have got one sub targeted at ADD in your sister store, is not it?
Carlos Mosquera
(05-24-2014, 05:34 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Luck magnifier cannot give you bad luck because of how it works. It instructs your subconscious mind to make things happen for you in a smoother, easier way. The only way that can result in a reversal effect is if you resist it. You mention that it gives you "bad luck" until you stop using it, and then it works. That happens when you are resisting "being told what to do" while it is playing, and then doing what it was trying to suggest when it stops playing, because you're no longer "being told what to do" anymore.
The cycle I am talking about is approximately 7 years per epicycle, and about 29.5 years per complete cycle. The full cycle consists of four epicycles, so 29.5/4 = about 7.375 years between each epicycle. that there are epicycles, and those eipicycles can consist of 1-3 subcycles of their own.
Depending on specifics, the epicycle may happen once, twice or three times, and each takes 2-3 months to complete. In 2008, I had it happen three times, three months each, and it took up almost the entire year. That's why I actually had to shut down my eBay business and wait a few months before starting this one with Andrew. During the months the business was shut down, I tried to find a job, and put in more than 73 applications, but only got two interviews. One of them was intentionally sabotaged by my girlfriend at the time... no idea why, since she was upset that I couldn't pay the bills without a job... and the other one told me that I would get a call back after he went on vacation for another interview, but no call back. I eventually decided I would rather work for myself regardless.
If ever there was a time for using Ultra Success/Luck Magnifier, now is the time. But understand that if it is the cycle that I am experiencing, it may be overwhelmed by the circumstances this epicycle brings. Better to be using it than not, though!
Hey Shannon,
You are refering to astrological cycles I presume ? Any good book to read more about those kind of cycles and epicycles you talk about so that we can calculate them for ourselves ?