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I see Shannon has now released two 5G AYP (redhead sexual lover and sexual lover). The descriptions are very close to each other (4G and 5G) and so are the timings for expected results. I wonder what the real differences are in the 4G and 5G versions (apart from the price)? If these have been tested before release can we have some info on the modus operandus..Thanks
I used Attract your Perfect Submissive Sexual Lover and manifested her at the 120 day mark. Started having sex with her a week later. The best way to find your answer is to experience the sub.

Since the upgraded subs are 5g and the instructions say 2-4 months and what I've read about the new technologies in these subs the manifestation should take place then. Rather than later


Thanks Fonzy, you seem to have done amazingly well with these sexy subs...looking forward to copying you!
Start getting fit so you will have enough sexual energy to keep up with these hot women turning up in a few month's time.
(05-22-2014, 11:56 AM)Ricardo Wrote: [ -> ]I see Shannon has now released two 5G AYP (redhead sexual lover and sexual lover). The descriptions are very close to each other (4G and 5G) and so are the timings for expected results. I wonder what the real differences are in the 4G and 5G versions (apart from the price)? If these have been tested before release can we have some info on the modus operandus..Thanks

The real differences are in the type of technology used in the subliminal build methods, the number of technologies used to focus on the goal, and the use of parallel threading to achieve the goal. 4G uses 4G technology/build format and a very simple, single-threaded approach which is effective, but not nearly as powerful. The 5G uses 5G build format, which is already many times more powerful, plus the Optimus Engine, etc. the 5G approach is not just more intense, it uses much more advanced methods, and several of them at once.

The timings are listed as being similar because I know that no matter what I do for the manifestation, there will be cases where circumstances need to be adjusted on one end or the other (caller or callee) before it can come to pass. I have the program designed to work as quickly as possible, and it is quite possible that it will work faster. But those are reasonable manifestation times for what is being done.

I'm not sure I understand what you are asking about modus operandum, but it will work much the same as the optimus engine always does: it will lead you to do the things that you need to do to achieve the goal, whether or not you understand why you are doing it or that the program is causing it in the first place. Testing shows that a lot of small and some big changes usually take place that lead up to the result. When I was initially testing the Optimus Engine for this purpose, I started going places I normally did not, spending more or less time in places I usually did go, eating out at specific places at specific times (which I knew about by gut feeling), and things like I suddenly started buying and chewing gum (always have fresh breath!), started wearing different types and styles of clothing that matched what the target goal was appreciative of, etc.

These sorts of things may or may not happen for you. It will depend on what is necessary for you individually to achieve the goal.
@Shannon does this mean that using Type B/D BIATBW too will push me toward becoming approachable to women? (It says so in the script). Or will I have to push myself consciously to go out more often and find out places where beautiful women hangout?
(05-26-2014, 02:44 PM)risingwarrior Wrote: [ -> ]@Shannon does this mean that using Type B/D BIATBW too will push me toward becoming approachable to women? (It says so in the script). Or will I have to push myself consciously to go out more often and find out places where beautiful women hangout?

It means that to whatever degree you expose your subconscious to that script, and accept instead of resist it, you will get the results the script is specifying. Consciously pushing yourself will usually help, although there are cases where it causes more resistance than anything else from the subconscious. It just depends on your particular psychology, which is not something I can know.
Shannon's response calls to mind something I was thinking about a few days ago, the idea of resistance (or inhibition) within reprogramming and one's response in overcoming that resistance. The human psyche is both individual and collective -- personality does not exist outside of society (even if that society refers back to memory, such as with Robinson Crusoe). In this regard, changing one's mindset involves adopting a different persona, playing a different part, etc.

Coincidentally, I'm using BIATBW too (after a couple of false starts with a couple of other things ... btw, is there an ADHD 5G on the way! Wink). Pushing yourself to get out there more might help. If you feel a countervailing force acting against you, I would go with the flow -- it will work out. Two things I would suggest are 1) being mindful of changes in your behavior and in the responses that you evoke from women in your run-of-the mill interactions; 2) understanding that while sex appeal has obvious connotations that we can all understand (i.e. are socially construed to some extent), the process is still a personal/individual one -- the end state is a pimped out "you," rather than a knock-off Tom Cruise or whoever! Wink

Honestly, I was all set for going the full "Manchurian Candidate" route, having been laid off from work, dealings with the ex, and staring down another birthday (love that). That didn't happen, but what did has been better so far -- knock on wood: decidedly more female attention (which has also been reflected in better job interview feedback, if you can believe it) and a rebound of confidence that I didn't really even think I needed (but really did) that's carried over into other areas of life as well. Best thing, though, is that I feel like I can want something (or want something back) and feel perfectly honest and not like I have to apologize about it.

So, if you're a few weeks into it, I'd say follow your gut instincts, when it comes to taking a big plunge. Also, I would strongly recommend to anyone to review each night what happened during the day just ended to ascertain how things are changing for you, and particularly how women you know (even just incidentally) begin changing the way they approach you or speak to you -- the new, or newer, you. All the best -- Tim
One last, in terms of changing roles, I mean that quite literally as the ultimate end of subliminal (re)conditioning. Any good movie is demonstrative of this kind of phenomenon with respect to the movie's protagonist (although the forces engendering the changes are often external). A great example of a character's inner conflict playing out in life is reconditioning himself as something of an alpha male is Bryan Cranston's character in "Breaking Bad." Not recommending that as the route to take, but, toned down, the identity crisis that his new life entails is illustrative of changes many face.
Thanks Shannon for the response. I agree with Tim here. Conflict creates character. The outer/inner motivations of the character are always at odds with the circumstances. In every story, there is a climax, and therefore a resolution. How many days have you listened to BIATBW so far, Tim? And how old are you? (I'm usually taking note of people's age because in general I've observed that the younger the users, the quicker the results. There are exceptions, though)
Hi risingwarrior, and thank you. I'll be the big 45 next week, so I definitely am not benefiting by age! I'm into week 4 of BIATBW. Previously, I did the straight 32 days of AOS (and, for a short time, AYPSL, which I stopped after having a random run-in with a woman I was dating for a while ... briefly, I had no intention of "re"manifesting this chick in my life!)

As I understand it now, people are advised to take breaks between programs. Realizing that it retrospect, I have been listening nightly (silent subliminal) to one of the three for a little over 2 months. Where I live and my present (lack of) work situation are not particularly conducive to my meeting "eligible" women. Most of the women I meet are just out of school, or are already hitched and settled. Add to that, I lost my two best wingmen!

All that said, I was faced with a similar dilemma: what can someone do to facilitate the progress? How can one create opportunities or push oneself forward? A few weeks into listening to the first sub, I could feel things happening: I was sleeping more, but waking tired. Also, I spent a good bit of time just feeling as though I'd spent hours cramming for final exams years ago. At some point, that passed (although it does on occasion return). Notably, I felt my mood lifting in spite of some hard knocks the previous year and a half, and began to feel more comfortable in my own skin for the first time in a good while. To a point, this has been general, a sense of emerging from some hard times. However, without question the biggest changes have been with women, particularly younger women, and I really don't thing I'm doing anything different otherwise (not consciously). To give you one concrete example, I was away this past weekend visiting my children. I arrived at the hotel after a long (fun, but long night, preceded by a very long drive). After checking in, I talked a little with the concierge, who was a very sweet, very cute gal, who upgraded my room and gave me a gift cert for breakfast for the next morning. It was just nice. There's been quite a bit of stuff like that too, and it seems to build on itself. In one sense, it's like I'm back to my old self in a way, only this time with a clue!

On the flip side, one thing that seems to derail me, anyway, are people or situations from my not-so-distant past. A couple of weeks ago, I went out with some old friends from my previous job -- good people, but too many reminders of a situation I'd like to forget. To put it one way, I've come to appreciate finally what I've read in the forums about releasing the past (de-conditioning, as it were), mundane as the past might appear to be. Any kind of preoccupation is going to put distance between two people, and (not that this is in any way an earth-shaking revelation) I expect being open/available is in itself is a very attractive quality in a guy of any age.

Reading what I wrote, I'm thinking I this is probably obvious to everyone already! Been like learning to walk again for me in some ways. I've elected to keep with this for at least two more months, keeping my eyes open, of course, but anticipating a more gradual progression. All the best, Tim
I agree. It's as if while listening to BIATBW, all my fears about my looks, age, and stuff are coming up. I suggest you start using EFT more often. Anytime an issue comes up, let's say age, look up on youtube <eft age> and a video of a tapping routine will show up. Here's one to start with : . Also, do look into Sedona method, it has helped me a lot. There's a tape by Hale Dwoskin called Resistance dissolver, which works great for overcoming resistance of all forms.

I'm in the same situation you're in, btw. Lack of opportunities to actually meet the ladies. If my brain comes up with some outrageous ideas, I'll post them. If you're in the U.S, you could try Tinder or something and see how that goes. If you have some free time, start a journal here chronicling your BIATBW journey. I've a gained a pretty good habit of posting in other people's journal rather than starting my own. Good luck Smile
You could meet women in practically any situation where you think the opposite sex could appear in. So much abundance.

