(06-09-2014, 05:54 AM)marita1977 Wrote: [ -> ]:-) :-) If we look away from certain bla bla, and my weight showed me a correct number, I have lost 1-1,5 pounds. I know I need to see if that will go up, Down or stay the same for perhaps at least a week or more. But at least I am happy now, even if the way is still long and lots can happen good as bad.
Again, until you know what your normal daily weight fluctuation is, you cannot know whether or not you are losing weight. I recommend keeping a log of weight between once a week to once a month, but while determining your daily weight fluctuation, weighing yourself several times a day is good. The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning, just after awakening, after you have voided your bowels and with no clothes on. That weight should be about your baseline, and then through the day you will see it fluctuate up or down according to clothes, food intake and release, water/fluid intake and release, etc. Losing a pound is meaningless because it's part of our normal daily weight fluctuation to lose or gain more than that just by eating, drinking, voiding our bowels, or even taking off our clothes.
To answer the person who asked why you needed to buy this program, swisston is correct in as far as he goes. "Dieting" is a temporary conscious change which usually only results in a little change, if any, which is undone the minute you stop "dieting".
Weight gain is a complex issue which involves a lot of things. You will not achieve your goals by "dieting". You need to change what you believe, correct any faulty thinking and heal any emotional issues which are contributing to your weight issues. You need to make eating the right way, and the right amounts, a lifelong normal, not a temporary change. In other words, you must become what results in being the weight you seek to achieve, instead of running the treadmill of faulty thinking and ineffective actions that everyone currently does because "everybody knows" this or that.
If the subconscious program says you need to be at weight X to feel safe/loved/whatever, and you are not at weight X, guess what? Your subconscious will act as necessary to make you achieve weight X, and stay there or gain weight as necessary to achieve the desired goals.
Until you deprogram that instruction set, and rewrite it as what leads to being the weight you consciously want to be, you cannot achieve the goal. This is why on shows like The Biggest Loser, people lose all this weight, and when the cameras are no longer on them, they gain it all back again, and frequently even more. They didn't fix the core reason why they're overweight; they just focused on doing something else for a while, which happened to reduce their weight. When that focus faded, they returned to the underlying programming, and the end result is a return to their original weight.
You must change your lifestyle to that of what results in the weight you desire, not just "diet" this week, or make shows of exercising sometimes, when your weight is really bothering you.
This program seeks to make the required changes where they need to be made. It seeks to fix the underlying reasons for the weight, not apply a band aid.
That's why.