I'm strongly considering buying this title soon. What results do people have when they finish this program? Do they become the most popular people around? Get great jobs?
One of the reasons I wanted to put this forum up was because we were not getting enough feedback to satisfy us. Many people ask questions like yours, but in certain cases, such as with this title, we don't get a lot of feedback via e-mail, IM or PM.
Of those few who have given us feedback on this title, one said he noticed no difference, and the other three reported that there was definitely a noticeable and positive change in how people responded to them. From this, and my testing, I would say that you can expect that people will generally consider you a more likable, more approachable person who is easier to get along with and they will tend to be more willing to do what you want them to do once the program kicks in. It's easier to socialize, and people want to be around you more, too.
Please do give us feedback if you decide to get this program.
Thank you. For reasons I largely explained in the Manifest Unlimited Wealth, Abundance & Success thread, this looks like something that I'm definitely looking for.
Be careful not to overload. When I was originally introduced to subliminals in the 1980's, I wanted so many at once that I didn't get any results from them because I was overloading, using too many at a time. Don't do that. Pick one, two or three programs to use at once, and then stick to your guns until they're finished.