Hi Shannon, I've just registered but I followed your website and forum since long time. I tried the free ASC 5G and even if I was a little skeptical at first (because I'm Italian and English is not my first language) I think it worked very well!!
So, I searched a lot but NONE in Italy did something even remotely similar to your work. Because in my country people are often too dumb (I don't like to admit this) there is no business of this kind of products.
So, I read somewhere that you had plans to translate some of your subs in other languages, and I just want to let you know that I feel in debt with you, and if you need some help, I could translate for you all the phrases you need, and eventually doing tests for you.
Thank you again for your work, I'm interested so much in your subs that I don't know which one to buy first!
Shannon..If you need some help with translation I can help too, I'm Italian living in London...
Tratriod... depends of what you looking for... but I think AM 6 is very very powerful, and from that you can build other stuff around..but is just my opinion based on my experience.
Shannon, do you see? Two italians just here to help you XD
aDelfino, it's so awesome to see another italian here!
I'm really interested in AM, so do you confirm that it's totally working even if english isn't your first language?
-----italian part:------
Hehe, ciao anche a te!!

Sono uno studente quindi devo raccimolare i soldini per l'alpha male, ma ormai la laurea è vicina, magari mi faccio il regalino appena finisco :] In caso posso scriverti in privato per consigli più precisi?
Ciao !!! Si scrivimi pure quanfo vuoi. A presto
I am just seeing this.
We can do some work with this, but it will have to be a bit different than what you might expect. Due to various constraints on me, and restrictions I have so far not found ways to escape, there are going to be some major differences in the English versions and Italian/other language versions. I cannot release the full scripts to a lot of programs, and that will make them significantly less powerful and effective.
That said, something is better than nothing, and I can try to compensate for the discrepancies by using more advanced build methods.
If you guys are still interested, here is how I need this done.
I'll post a script, and each of you record it in your own voice, one statement at a time, so that if there were ten statements, each of you would deliver to me ten separate audio files, one for each statement. They would be named according to the order, so statement #1 would be named "#1.wav", and so forth. They must be recorded using the highest quality audio recording equipment you have, and saved as .wav files. Each statement should be spoken in a positive, enthusiastic, up-beat manner, at a normal speed.
I also need the script translation, and before either of you starts recording the audio, both of you must exchange translations and work out if there are any differences in the translation each made, and which one is the best to use. Translation must be in the spirit of the script, so that the intention is preserved, but it must also be translated in such a way that it cannot be misunderstood by the subconscious mind. It must mean literally exactly what it is intended to be interpreted as, and be unable to be taken any other way.
Once you guys have compared translations and made the choice as to which interpretation would be good for this goal, and you have recorded the subsequent script, send me the .wav files and the script translation used along with the script I gave you to translate, and we are off!
Better still, if you return to me one recording spoken by the most pleasing female voice you can find, and one by the most pleasing male voice you can find.
Native speakers only, and fluent speakers only for translation. And of course this process must be repeated for every language.
Indigo Mind Labs cannot be responsible for errors in translation. We would retain ownership of the audio files you generate and the translations of the scripts, as well as the original scripts. We would also own the resulting subliminal programs in addition to the right to sell them and profit from them as we please, without compensation to you.
If all this is acceptable, let me know and we will proceed.
If the problem is because the original scripts must be secret (for copyright and other reasons) you could also make us sign a Non Disclosure Agreement contract or something similar
By the way it's ok to me what you have proposed, I will try with my voice and if you think it's good enough you can keep all the recordings. I have also a female friend with a nice voice, I could ask her too..
Yeah, I don't want any compensation, I will do it to thank you and because I really trust you and your work. Eventually, if the work will be great and satisfactory, you could gift us a sub or two, but that's your choice
So let's hear also from aDolfin, then if you contact me on email we can talk better.
P.S: In three weeks I'll get my degree in Computer Science, so I'm doing the final rush for the last things and the thesys: I can start working on this just after the degree :]
Hi Shannon
Is ok for me let me know how I can start.
I'll contact Triatdod in private message to work with him.
For the time being I prefer the above method to using NDAs for reasons I can't get into here. So for now, let's focus on using publishable scripts and see how that works.
I suggest you pick one from the script library that the two of you agree on, and we can go from there. Just let me know which one you are using, and then follow the design above. Once we see how this works out, we can start considering other options and possibilities.