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During the day I can't listen masked version most of the time becasue of my job, becasue I can't listen and concentrate.
My goals is listen subliminal from 14 to 18 hours a day (8h at night and 10h during the day).

Is it safe listen with hearphone ultrasonic silent at 25% of maximum volume ?

Also I found for myself more able to concentrate more on things that I need to do during the day for my job and daily life listen ultrasonic than masked version.
Is it same effect ultrasonic or masked version?
It is not recommended that ultrasonics be used with earphones because of the easier possibility of listening at too-high volume, and therefore damaging your hearing. You have most likely read this before, but I just had to repeat it.

However, if you go ahead with listening to ultrasonic ("US") subs on earphones, here are my recommendations (based on what I have done).

MP3 player
I suggest you specifically use a dedicated MP3 player which has "clicky" volume buttons. Therefore, the likelihood of accidentally changing volume is negligible. Also, having a manual "Lock" switch is double insurance against accidentally changing the volume (or changing the track). MP3 players are very cheap nowadays, and for the purpose of improving your life in the long-term, it is well worth buying a dedicated MP3 player.

I suggest that you listen to US subs at an even lower volume than 25%. Instead of calibrating using the masked tracks, use the free "Speaker Test" track to calibrate. Imagine playing that track constantly for hours on end - you realise that you want the volume VERY LOW, not just one or two notches lower than the masked tracks. On my MP3 player, I might have the volume set at "1" or "2", out of "25". At the most, I will have it at notch "3", when I am on a noisy train/bus.

Effectiveness at low volume
Do the US subs work at such low volume? In my experience - Yes.

My theory is that the concentrated range of sound in the US subs means that the volume of the track is much higher than the masked tracks, which have a wider distribution. Therefore the US track needs to be played at a MUCH LOWER volume. Whether that theory is true or not, my experience is that the US subs will work at the lowest volume setting on my MP3 player.
like Q have pointed out, it is not highly recommended for US to be used with headphones/earphones. however, it does not mean you cannot do it.

i am on AM6 and normally use speakers and play the masked subs.

but from time to time, i use my SONY earphones and listen to US during the day.

i set the volume a bit tad lower than the volume i will have for the masked subs.

even at first go, i noticed that the US worked right away.

i am not sure if it is more powerful or more effective, but in my experience, it seems to be that. but taking nothing away from masked subs because that is what i have been using normally MORE THAN THE US, and i have been getting astounding results -- like Shannon said i would on his AM6 instruction report.

i use iPod to play the US (using earphones) and i have it on loop (repeat with 1 logo) and set it lower than 25% of the volume scale and then slide the lock, and i go about my business.
You can get good results with VERY low volumes on headphones using ultrasonics. You are not supposed to use ultrasonics on headphones at all, however, not just because of the possibility of hearing damage from high volumes, but from accidentally turning the volume to zero. As someone recently discovered, using ultrasonics with headphones at too high a volume can also trigger tinnitus. So if you do use headphones with an ultrasonic, I agree with Q - 1, 2 or 3 out of 25 (or the equivalent) will work just fine.
I listen to ultrasonics with headphones on my iPhone at 50% volume and I've volume locked my iPhone so I know it will never go higher. I can hear ultrasonic frequencies so I'm comfortable with where it's at. Most of the time it's low enough that I can't hear the ultrasonics anymore over the train/street noise. Also no tinnitus. I get more tinnitus scares listening to ultrasonics at night where I've calibrated it to ~28db.
I listen to ultrasonics 100% of the time. I love them, for me they give me back normal daily functioning. I wouldn't be able to listen for 600+ hours per stage if I didn't have ultrasonics. It simply wouldn't be practical to try to go about tasks with an ocean or stream blaring lol.

Maskeds have the exact same subliminal audio. So this isn't a bash on them at all. I just prefer ultrasonics personally.
(07-12-2015, 02:20 AM)iRRepLaceaBLe Wrote: [ -> ]Is what Q said really true ? Can we calibrate the tracks using the 20-20k audio test ?

I wanna know this too because US (I`m using them with speakers and masked ones with headphones) are definitely more effective for me. As I mentioned in one of my posts; whem I`m using US I feel bliss and warmth in my chest. So I believe that using US with headphones will increase my AM6 experiences. Smile It`s only matter of calibration.
I`m testing US with headphones now and when I set volume onto 17,5% I felt gentle pain in my ears after about 5 minutes so I lowered it onto 15% and that`s ok for now. I`ve very sensitive hearing so I`ll calibrate volume using it. I`ll post my results here. Smile
I`m listening US track from about 30 minutes, I`ve dropped volume to 12,5% ten minutes ago because I felt little dizzy and I feel gentle dizziness still, so I`ll drop it to 10% (4/40) if this not change anything.
I`m using US track (ultrasonic) with my headphones from last night and I can say; I woke up 10 minutes ago and I`m very thirsty and I feel exhausted. I haven`t experienced this before and I``m running 5 stage of AM6 now. I use 10% (4/40) volume with my mp3 player. But most important thing is that I don`t feel little pain in my ears and dizziness definitely doesn`t occure. Also, I woke up about three times during this night and now I feel little bliss and warmth in my chest; that`s indicator that US tracks works for me like a charm. Same experience occured when I was using US with speakers and I believe, that`s sign of AM6`s `higher` effectiveness onto me.
(02-02-2014, 06:25 PM)"Q Wrote: [ -> ][color=#0000CD]
MP3 player
I suggest you specifically use a dedicated MP3 player which has "clicky" volume buttons. Therefore, the likelihood of accidentally changing volume is negligible. Also, having a manual "Lock" switch is double insurance against accidentally changing the volume (or changing the track). MP3 players are very cheap nowadays, and for the purpose of improving your life in the long-term, it is well worth buying a dedicated MP3 player.

All of these features are available with a SanDisk Clip Zip. While not the cheapest SanDisk or MP3 player out there, it has all the features needed for ultrasonic subliminal use outlined above. I have several of them with subliminal programs on microSD card and keep them at strategic locations at work, in the car, and beside my bed to avoid having excuses.
AJK, how high volume you use with your mp3 player? I`m using Sandisk Clip Sport and 10% (4/40) volume for US and I think it`s fine for this purpose.
(07-14-2015, 09:47 PM)Voytek Wrote: [ -> ]AJK, how high volume you use with your mp3 player? I`m using Sandisk Clip Sport and 10% (4/40) volume for US and I think it`s fine for this purpose.

I use 6/40 while using V-MODA headphones.
Thanks AJK! Smile