01-31-2014, 01:02 AM
Hello Shannon, I have few good ideas for new usefull subliminals you could create in future:
- Master Law of Attraction (To program our minds to always be manisfesting at our lifes all that we desire and make us gratefull for that).
- Socializing Mastery (To manifest perfect group of friends, make socializing enjoyable, ability to create instand connection with people, can maiby incorporate nlp techniques training like matching and mirroring, always finding the best in people and praising them for that, one usefull book for this topic would be "How to win friends and influence people").
- Create Your Perfect Life (6 stage set that manifest, and actively forces you to work your ass off for your perfrect life. It attracts you your perfect: job, friends, lover if you dont have one, house, creates perfect lifestyle for you. and makes you live in a dream).
Ou and by the way it would be awesome if you would update eyesight sub, because I have a feeling it could help lots of people like myself who have bad eyesight ;-).
With time if I generate new ideas, I will be posting them here. If you guys like any of the ideas let shannon know that!
- Master Law of Attraction (To program our minds to always be manisfesting at our lifes all that we desire and make us gratefull for that).
- Socializing Mastery (To manifest perfect group of friends, make socializing enjoyable, ability to create instand connection with people, can maiby incorporate nlp techniques training like matching and mirroring, always finding the best in people and praising them for that, one usefull book for this topic would be "How to win friends and influence people").
- Create Your Perfect Life (6 stage set that manifest, and actively forces you to work your ass off for your perfrect life. It attracts you your perfect: job, friends, lover if you dont have one, house, creates perfect lifestyle for you. and makes you live in a dream).
Ou and by the way it would be awesome if you would update eyesight sub, because I have a feeling it could help lots of people like myself who have bad eyesight ;-).
With time if I generate new ideas, I will be posting them here. If you guys like any of the ideas let shannon know that!