Hey Shannon do any of your subs deal with paranoia? I think I'm mild schizophrenic it only comes "alive" when I get high, but i think getting high is showing my true deep roots, and paranoa and schizophrenia sound the closest to my happenings. I believe i'm a genius when I'm high do, I think of the most creative, most awesome things when I'm in the good mood however I tend to forgot them as soon as I'm off the trip. I wonder if your subs make it so that even people that smoke are affected, and get to keep their new found skill even when not high. Sounds quakery but if you gave it some thought, something special can happen. So many music artists out there are able to create amazing music with a puff of smoke, it's like this new accessed skill, but they have to keep using it to keep writing music like that, or even movie directors, same thing.
Getting off point with my initial thread title but think about it, the ability of the subs to keep your new found skill when high and not have to ever toke again.
Quote:Hey Shannon do any of your subs deal with paranoia?
Not directly. There are some that might affect it as a side effect, unintentionally, such as Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid, or Life Tune Up, or Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Fear.
Quote:I think I'm mild schizophrenic it only comes "alive" when I get high, but i think getting high is showing my true deep roots, and paranoa and schizophrenia sound the closest to my happenings. I believe i'm a genius when I'm high do, I think of the most creative, most awesome things when I'm in the good mood however I tend to forgot them as soon as I'm off the trip.
Genius doesn't depend on drugs for its existence, but I can tell you from first hand experience that before I fixed my depression, I was a hell of a lot more intelligent than I am now. I have come to believe that the capacity is always there, but the particulars of brain chemistry heavily alter the focus of intellectual awareness and expression, so that one can achieve more or less apparent intelligence by altering their intellectual focus through adjusting brain chemistry. This leads me to think I may eventually be able to create a subliminal designed to focus the brain and brain chemistry in such a way that intelligence (intellectual focus) is heightened toward the fullest possible expression of the natural capacity.
Quote:I wonder if your subs make it so that even people that smoke are affected, and get to keep their new found skill even when not high. Sounds quakery but if you gave it some thought, something special can happen. So many music artists out there are able to create amazing music with a puff of smoke, it's like this new accessed skill, but they have to keep using it to keep writing music like that, or even movie directors, same thing.
I am actually working right now towards creating digital subliminal drugs that can reproduce the effects of marijuana and other drugs without you having taken any illegal substance at all. This is going places and looks very promising, but I have a lot of work left to do. I'm expecting to be able to create digital subliminal drugs that replicate other drugs, such as pain killers, muscle relaxants, calmatives, mood or awareness shifters and others as well. At the moment, painkiller is my focus, and it is doing beautifully. From this, calmatives are not far off. I already have a prototype sleep aid that works, as well as a crude prototype of the calmative that also works very well. There is a lot of promise in the technology I am currently working on.