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I have no idea. Not to notice anything at all, even some resistance or tiredness, suggests that you aren't actually hearing it in some way. Have you set the volume to that you can definitely hear the quietest bits of the stream?
thanks for the replies

when I first did AM that used to tire me to the point I found it hard to get up for work in the morning. but its not been the case with this sub.

I'm playing it loud enough cause it used to be hard to fall asleep to it when I did AM I am kind of used to it now. I use VLC player and loop it throughout the night
It's very strange you didn't get any result from LTU a 5G sub. For me somehow you manage didn't set up the audio properly or you are a special guy. Try to check all you configuration, everything you are using from the software to the sound card and the wire. Try to listen with your smartphone if you got one. Change some element of your config to find where the problem is. If it's not your set up then you are one the few who are special Undecided. What is your general level in life? women/job/fear/confidence?
Hi mania

I keep all sound enhancements off just in case it interferes with the subs

I'm not the most confident person I tend to put my defences up around people in general, I concern myself too much about how others perceive me

I don't particularly enjoy my job but its not the worst place ive worked its not something I'm going to be doing long term.
What about your dreams, did you fight someone when you were dreaming with LTU. Obviously if you used LTU properly your dreams pattern should have changed. Even if it's not direct result, at least you know it did affect you in some way.
I'm currently using AM6 and my dream have changed compared to AM5. I got more nightmare which is OGSF doing his job.
I don't recall my dreams, in fact during the 6 stages of AM5 I didn't notice anything significant regarding my dreams.

during AM5 had a great confidence boost during stage 1 then felt depressed during the other stages and after completing all stages didn't really notice anything. I would have been happy if I had just kept the confidence boost I got during stage 1
so far from listening to LTU I have noticed a drop in confidence I have very little interest in talking to people and prefer to be alone. I also feel like I lack enthusiasm for life in general.

could this just be negative crap coming up from using LTU? if so how long does it take to pass

today been feeling a little depressed feel like I am vulnerable emotionally and people's opinion bothers me so far feels like LTU has been a backwards step for me as I have declined in confidence.
What's your confidence based in? Who you are as a person? Something negative like your ability to control people or something that LTU would strip away? Your shield that's based in fear and wanting to keep your distance from people? Just some thoughts.
Hi Bright

I've never felt the need to or want to control people that becomes an ego not a confidence issue.

I have less interest in meeting/talking to people now then previously, I lack confidence in my abilities to succeed and feel less of a man than I did previously.

my confidence is based on how I feel/act and interact with the world. I want to be more outgoing and assertive with a strong belief in my abilities to succeed and not concern myself with how others perceive me.
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