Hey charmingly, handsome guys/girls.
The movie-icon is awesome. I chose it because we are our own directors of our film, if we choose so.
I've decided to start a new thread of my journey with subliminals & self-development.
This is like a new beginning for me. It will be a continuation of AM 5.0 that I'm currently listening to.
The thread is going to contain less about women and more about how to achieve your/my goals.
Mostly because I'm just on the tipping point to become exclusive with my girl and it is really nice just to not focus so much on meeting women all the time, even though it's great fun. I've learned a ton about women & myself from doing it consistently.
STAGE 5 – DAY 7 – A new beginning
Hey man.
I sense the dust of procrastination from New Years is finally settling.
Good to be back and get some productivity done. I've finally got a hold of my lost basic, strong fundament.
I’m sitting here in front of my laptop, feeling good & excited while drinking my green juice.
I'm still not able to hit the gym till February (hopefully not later) but until then I've started to build up my good habits again.
![[Image: adyc7t.jpg]](http://i42.tinypic.com/adyc7t.jpg)
I'm experimenting with how fast I'm gonna do that. Here's how it's gonna go down:
I've started doing 2 things that I plan to do every day.
First day I decided what to do was: Making green juice every morning.
Now on the second day I added another thing to do daily: Read out loud while recording myself.
Today I added: Write at least 800 words daily for future content for my online business.
(Even though I added an extra habit today when I woke up without realizing it until after I did it naturally, so I’ve actually added two habits today, which is a slight modification of the original idea of this experiment, but because this extra one is so essential for the start of the day & it only takes a few minutes, it would be stupid to postpone it – Consciously talk excitedly and very positively about myself right when I wake up in the morning for at least 3 minutes.)
Tomorrow I'm adding another daily thing to do: Read the papers where I’ve used a fvcking great tool to write down everything I need to get inspired & persistent to achieve my goals for 2014.
So every day I add 1 new habit that I'm going to do every day for at least 30 days.
That means, after a month, I'll be up to 30-something great, positive & self-developing & self-educating things that I will do on a daily basis
And they are all and will be helpful & contributing habits so I will reach my goals the best & fastest possible way that I intuit.
To an exciting, painful, challenging, fun, loving, sad, kind, joyful, grateful, fantastic, amazing, exhilarating, astonishing year!
(Just felt like writing all the emotions that I had in my head)
Great that you're back!
Are you jumping off of your other thread, and on to this one?
Nice, I will be religiously reading this trend.
Also I would like to see how your new habit generation plan works, I am trying to introduce a new ritual of about 14 things per weekday and it’s a challenge. I figured it takes 21 days to create a new habit how hard can it be right?
I have a feeling I will find lots of inspiration here.
Best of luck on the rest of 2014
I'm glad to be back :-) and yes.
Watch out for starting on too many things you aren't used to do all the time. I've done that mistake many times.
I also have a friend who wants to have huge change in his life and be a millionaire.
Every 2-4 weeks he'll get incredibly inspired by all the audiobooks and videos of many successful people, which he often use his time on. Then he will say that he will stop, drinking alcohol, stop smoking, stop wasting time on Facebook, etc. - all written down on paper.
He's like a nomad, the only thing he has is a luggage and he moves around the inner city every few months. So he has a pretty simplistic lifestyle.
Even with a simple life, without distractions, he's only able to keep his words for a few days. He doesn't seem to understand why he's always falling back even though we've talked about how habits work.
PS. your digital intuition is highly attuned :-)
STAGE 5 - DAY 7 – Adventures & Coincidences
I wrote that I wouldn’t write so much about women but this is an exception because there’s some great value in it.
Last night I was out with one of my buddies. I haven’t been going out since New Years Eve, which is quite a while for me.
I’ve had a shift in how I see woman and how the world works after being with my girl and learn from her because she actually represents every woman in the world. Every girl deeply just wants to be loved.
We went to our old usual bar, always cozy atmosphere. We found a U table and planted our butts.
I was able to see three petite beautiful and mesmerizing girls in their own element of feminine spirit, laugher and beauty.
I looked at them, while my buddy was talking to one of the old staffs there, and I had a sincere, joyful, relaxed feeling wash over my body. And as genuinely beautiful they were, one of them, who was facing my direction, sensed my presence and kept eye contact for a moment. She knew.
I write “able to see” because before I learned by being with my girl, my thoughts would go in a direction of “they are beautiful and cute, I’m going to talk to them”. Which is not a bad direction at all, but when you are focused with such thoughts, you’ll miss something beautiful and I believe that, that’s one of the things women are highly attuned to when a man comes over and talk to them. It’s a subtle thing, a bit vulnerable, but extremely powerful.
As the night unfolds, I saw a Goth girl talking to two hot girls in lingerie right in front of us at the bar. She was very open and social girl. Then her and her friend comes over to our table and begins to talk with us.
She gives me all kinds of compliments and is like excusing herself to me for looking like how she does. Giving sexual innuendoes about her tongue piercing, showing photos of her in lingerie, asking me if I would like to go downstairs and dance. Asking for my phone number, to be able to contact me for being a model on her next book.
I was unfazed but thought about the experience afterwards and realized that, some of her actions, I, myself have been using when meeting some the hottest girls in the past. It’s just not charming, exciting or seductive.
2:30 In the morning, on my way home something strange happened. I called my girl but as she took it she said, "baby did I call you?"
I just replied, "yes what's up?" then she said she was lost, didn't know where she was and had lost her pass for public transportation. Pretty drunk was she too.
Talked with her for a while and eventually she found out.
I missed my bus so I had to wait 30 minutes. After waiting for 20 minutes I got a call. It was my girl. She said that she accidentally took the wrong bus, so she ended up in the opposite direction of where she was going (1 stop to get home).
Now she's at the same station as me, I went down to the train where she was waiting and said, "Baby.. you don't have to pretend that you accidentally took the wrong bus to see me, to impress me." :-)
We took the train to her place and spent the night there.
I got little sleep and since I my infection rate is still high, I get tired often. I started out my Sunday very late but I'm still doing the habits as I have planned no matter how late.
STAGE 5 – DAY 13 - Changes
The storm has settled since my last post.
I had a breakdown and cried all my emotions out. It felt good. I am now sure that my girl and I are in an exclusive relationship.
Some things I’ve noticed where I’m naturally Alpha
- I enter the bus, all seats taken and I see a woman looking in despair, not able to get out of the bus, since the bus-driver didn’t open the back doors.
I yell towards his direction to open the doors behind.
- In the men’s locker room there were 2 adults. I walked in and saw a mobile phone on the floor. They both talked about it but didn’t do anything. I asked them if it was theirs and it wasn’t. I looked in the phonebook and it was some little kids, tried to call the mom but no money on the phone.. so I handed it to the reception of the sports center.
- I’m taking things much less seriously.. like they have no power or effect over me.
- I’m able to keep myself grounded more.
These are some things that I’ve noticed. It’s very hard to notice most of the times because it’s like ME and I’m too close to myself to be able to notice big differences.
On the other side, last night I went to my friend’s birthday. We were 9 people in total to dinner. I haven’t seen 7 of them in over 6 months and I felt extremely uncomfortable in the beginning.
When I did talk, I talked with certainty but I wasn’t able to flow because I just felt that uncomfortable.
I’m always pretty quiet in social settings where there are more than 3-4 people. Not that it bothers me much but it would be cool to be the one who everybody is listening to most of the time.
I’m already a really good-looking, cute, sexy and respected guy. Sometimes I may come off as offensive when I’m speaking, so it would mean I need to take a lot of responsibility when I’m the one talking the most.
I would probably walk on some people’s toes if I just let myself flow freely without thinking about what I’m saying.
At least that’s what I sometimes did with my girl. Hurting her feelings.
Habit experiment
I’ve missed few days with gratitude in the morning, writing 800 words and reading out loud, recorded, but that was mostly because of the turmoil with my girl and my breakdown.
That also means that I haven’t added any new habits those days but I’m back on the horse, my needs are taken care of and I’m ready to ruuuuuuuumble!
- Out JL
(It appears that the loading time is longer than usual on the forum and I sometimes get this:
502 Bad Gateway
STAGE 5 – DAY 20 – My Club & Perspective
Last night I was with my girl and 5 of her friends. We went to a mask-show where one of her friends was performing. Afterwards we went to the club where I used to always go every weekend, Friday & Saturday, and meeting girls while drinking water.
Haven’t been there since last year October.
It was very interesting that so much had changed; yet nothing had changed.
Inside I was peaceful & abundant and I noticed women checking me out everywhere I went. When I talked with a girl she would get all “ohh my god, are you like for real?” giggling.
I guess going through the emotional rollercoaster with my girl have numbed me even more for feeling the need for a certain reaction.
Outside nothing had changed, the bouncer, the bar, the furniture, the staff etc. Everything looked like it has always looked. I just saw things differently.
It could also be the social proof + my increased awareness because of my relaxed & abundant mood.
Not that I wasn’t relaxed & abundant when I used to go out but back then I had to talk to girls all the time so I didn’t look like a loner and also just because I had a mission when I went out. I got quickly in my zone and my good energy was much more contagious but the interactions went also in a much faster speed.
I don't know. Things were just different. Honestly not as exciting, uneasy, uncomfortable and funny that it used to be but my gut told me it was change in a good direction.
“Always trust your gut”
Good to see what amazing progress you've made in your life, LionMonkey. I myself am returning here as well. I've been gone a long time and it's been very incredible. 2014 will be even better. I can feel it.
STAGE 5 - DAY 21 - Going off the path by woman
The last week I’ve been with my girl most of the time. It makes it very hard to maintain the good habits that I had initially created.
When I did have time for myself, I would waste my time on unproductive stuff.
It’s like when you’ve been partying hard the last days and you can’t suddenly just shift your focus to the long-term goals. Because you’ve been so used to being in the moment, experiencing and having fun.
My intuition told me all the time that I should use my time on other productive stuff but because of all the outside noise / distractions, the voice of my intuition was very quiet.
So at a point I had enough. I stopped, completely faded into something bigger than myself and everything outside me disappeared. My girl beside me, the bed we were sitting on, the laptop we were watching a movie on, the penguin. There was like a moment of clarity for me and I knew exactly what I needed to do to get on my path again.
Only a week till I should be able to hit the gym again and start drinking a bit of alcohol.
My habit experiment is set on standby till I get my shit together again.
- JL
Starting Stage 6 tonight.
Ever since I couldn't work out, I've become a bit fat and my mentally also became "fat" in a way that I wasted my time on a lot of useless stuff.
That's another reason why I've done so little things to be able to share something great here.
Though I got my blood tested again and called my doctor few days later and he told me that I'm healthy again.
So today I went to the gym and it was hell but I LOVED it.
It reminded me that if you really have given a lot of thought to something you want to do, it can still be hard to do it when you are able to because you are used to -not- doing it.
I had small doubts and wasn't that excited to go there but after I felt extremely great, focused and I got a lot of things done.
The focus and concentration I get from hitting the gym is invaluable.
It makes me a better person,
it makes me be closer to the best me I can be.
I got almost my diet in order and I'm going for the Get Swole work-out plan.
I know I'll be a beast by the end of this year :-)
Time flies by...
A quick update:
- Since my last post, I've started working out regularly again and gained about 8kg. My training-plan is hardcore. My nutrition & supplements are fairly set.
- I'm learning a lot of stuff being in a relationship with a hectic girl.
Saw some respect @ friday night I went to clubbing with my girl and two of her girls. Some girls promoting for a new kind of beer, 4 for 19$, gave me one for free to try out.
A guy working there came and asked if everything was ok, as if I needed anything.
Random girls stare at me for longer times than what I usually recognize.
I notice even more than usual the subtle signs that some girls give to tell that they are interested in meeting you.
Having less need to "act" like a controlled man but are much more often BEING the man.
Stopped meeting new girls all the time. Mostly because I have a fine GF.
Now what I'm done with AM 5.0, I have to figure out what to use next.
I haven't really given it a lot of thoughts since I don't think about that I'm using subliminal.
Do you have a great subliminal that you can recommend?
It depends on which area of your life you would like to improve.
If there's not something specific, Life Tune-Up is a good choice.
I decided to rerun Woman Magnet 5G.
Started using it
29. March.
Saw some immediate changes next day. Incredible how fast 5G influences you.
Spent the whole day with my girlfriend and slept over at her place. We saw a movie just before bed.
After the movie I felt empty, like without a soul. I paused and took a look, from the outside, at my life. I realized that my life lacked purpose and I wasn't waking up every morning feeling excited to start the day.
I just go to sleep and don't know what to expect next day
Got some old bad habits back. Still keeping up with some good ones.
It's refreshing to be able to write in a journal like this about my experiences in life.
Besides the lack of purpose, I've noticed women staring at me over and over. Nothing out of the ordinary.
I've gained 6kg. and become bigger & stronger. Been going to the gym 4 times a week for 1 and 1/2 month now.
- I'm experimenting with the idea that "life is absurd". :idea:
- "When we are comfortable, we get lazy"
I'm fortunate to have some of the things I have in my life and it makes it very easy for me to be lazy.
The only reason I'm keeping us is because I've felt the pain by being lazy over and over and over again....