For the final January sale I was able to grab,
Maximum Learning Speed
Maximum Sales Success
Winners Mindset
Feel free to share what you got.
All up I got:
- Achieve Multiple Orgasms 4G
- Attract Your Perfect 'Friend With Benefits' 4G
- Develop Aura of Sexiness 4G
- Emotional Healing 5G
- Extreme Bodybuilding 3G
- Lightning Reflexes 3G
- Maximum Learning Speed 4G
- Ultra Success 4G
I've decided that the next sub I should use will be Ultra Success - Others say that it enhances / improves the results from other subs and almost any activity / sport / game, etc. that one does!!
Luck Magnifier and / or Everything is Possible (which I got October 2013) can wait for a while.
My other sub pathways I'm thinking of, after Ultra Success, are:
*One at a time, Number in (Brackets) = Days / Nights of use, 8-12 Hours
Path 1:
Achieve M. Orgasms (32+)> Aura of Sexiness (32+) > AYP FWB (Up to 240)
Path 2:
Achieve M. Orgasms (32+) > BIATBW (32+) > AYP FWB (Up to 240)
Path 3:
Achieve M. Orgasms (32+) > Aura of Sexiness (32+) > BIATBW (32+) > AYP FWB (up to 240)
Path 4:
Achieve M. Orgasms (32+) > Aura of Sexiness (32+) > BIATBW (90)
Path 5:
Everything is Possible (32+) > Luck Magnifier (32+)
* These are both fairly Basic Subs, that will probably enhance all areas of life.
Path 6:
Maximum Learning Speed (32 - 90)
* Should be starting University in July 2014, considering this for at least 32 Days.
Path 7:
Emotional Healing (90+)
* Will go well with the programming from 'Attract Positive Energy'.