I Wonder if Your different albums for writers can make me get ideas when I lack them?? I wish I could Write something, just very unsure about what. So if Cure writers Block could give me any ideas. Perhaps streching the Word writers Block a bit far??

It would be fun to get something published, but that is probably many Peoples dream. It doesn't seem like I have inherited my great grandmothers ability for writing. Her writing was a bit "Heavy" for my childish brain.
I am not entirely sure what you mean when you say ideas. Are you saying that you have no idea what to write about, or what to write? That program is designed to get you to simply allow the words to flow, but of course you have to have already chosen a topic upon which to write. From there, the goal of the program is to make writing as natural as conversational expression.
Yes, I am saying I have no idea what I want to Write about. Hard to find the Words to Express myself With from time to time... Then I Guess I can put that idea away untill I might figure it out...
I used to do an exercise where I would imagine myself sitting across from someone I wanted to tell about something... and I would just have a conversation with them in my head, and write it down. That's why my writing style for books is so conversational. People love it. Makes writing easy for me, too.