i have a question about the BIATBW track...i have read where shannon said never allow a woman to be exposed to Woman Magnet or Alpha, does this also apply to BIATBW? i was curious as to what effects it would have since the suggestions seem to say " if you are a male, etc"...
i sit in an office all day with a 60 year old woman and i have been playing the BIATBW ultrasonic most of the day during work...will this effect her adversely? Just wondering...BTW, i have tried them all, and Shannon's creations are the absolute best, bar none.
(09-08-2010, 02:13 PM)Spiderweb Wrote: [ -> ]i have a question about the BIATBW track...i have read where shannon said never allow a woman to be exposed to Woman Magnet or Alpha, does this also apply to BIATBW? i was curious as to what effects it would have since the suggestions seem to say " if I am male, etc"...
i sit in an office all day with a 60 year old woman and i have been playing the BIATBW ultrasonic most of the day during work...will this effect her adversely? Just wondering...BTW, i have tried them all, and Shannon's creations are the absolute best, bar none.
You are correct all the suggestions are backed by "If I am male". I am going to say it would not have adverse affects on women. If it does I am sure Shannon will say something when he sees this.
I believe Shannon's are the absolute best as well. For me, they have been the only ones to ever work, period. I am a very skeptical and scientific type of person, and it takes a lot to convince me of new concepts being valid. When I first started years ago I assumed they wouldn't work, but for testing I would try them anyway. So I started with a negative bias. Then as time went by, and I forgot I had even been playing the subliminals at night, I looked back noticing changes that I had not made any conscious effort to do matching its title exactly. Amazing! The rest is history, and here we are now as business partners.
Thank you for your answer Andrew....i agree with you, Shannon has created the most powerful, incredible tracks known to man...unbelievable in how effective they are....you were wise to go into business with Shannon, a product that works as well as these are truely priceless.