In the instructions and in marketing materials there are various numbers, whether it's hours to use a product, number of days, or even how much more effective a product is. Not that I disbelieve these numbers, but what are they based on? Personal experience (of Shannon)? Feedback from customers?
Some examples:
"... about 9.2 times more powerful" - not only a number, but a fraction as well! Some kind of formula is generating this.
"For exactly 32 days per stage (except the Refresher stage);"
"Every day (or better yet, every night) for 8 to 12 hours (except the Refresher stage)."
Why 32? Why "exactly"? If you go 31 or 33 days is the program ruined? Same with hours.
I now own AM 6 so I do obviously believe in the overall concept - just curious about the source and specificity of the metrics on this site.
I'm glad you asked, I've been wondering the same thing. To just say "32 days" or "9.2 times more powerful" doesn't come across as credible without an explanation to a critical thinker. I know the subs work but find it hard to believe that 31 days or 33 days are completely "wrong". And for 9.2 times more powerful, maybe there are 9.2 times more suggestions baked into the hour but that doesn't mean that correlates to the power of the sub. Maybe Shannon can clear up the confusion.
8 to 12 hours as a number makes more sense, because you want enough time to reprogram, and allow for rest and clearing as well. So 3 hours would be too few, and 20 too much.
Quote:In the instructions and in marketing materials there are various numbers, whether it's hours to use a product, number of days, or even how much more effective a product is. Not that I disbelieve these numbers, but what are they based on? Personal experience (of Shannon)? Feedback from customers?
Some examples:
"... about 9.2 times more powerful" - not only a number, but a fraction as well! Some kind of formula is generating this.
In the sense that more input or more repetitions has a more powerful impact (and it does), and 5G by itself with no speciall enhancements allows for 9.2 times as much data throughput per unit of time... it is that much more powerful.
repetitions/data throughput per unit of time is not the only way of measuring "power" but it is one of the few useful ones when it comes to subliminals.
"For exactly 32 days per stage (except the Refresher stage);"
"Every day (or better yet, every night) for 8 to 12 hours (except the Refresher stage)."
Why 32? Why "exactly"? If you go 31 or 33 days is the program ruined? Same with hours.
32 days is how long it takes to make or break a solid habit. That is what that number is based on, and that is what I have continued to use because it works. 32 days for a single stage program is a minimum value, and a required value for multi-stage subs because the stages are designed specifically to achieve certain goals within that time frame for those programs.
In cases like AM, the program is designed to keep you in a state of being "off balance" to help push you to grow, with each stage being balanced by the one following it. Using one stage too long and the imbalance becomes too great and is no longer helpful or useful; don't use it enough and it doesn't make the desired changes.
The amount of time specified is specified based on years of observation, usage, experiments and feedback. 8 hours a day minimum always produces decent results. Most people peak at 10-12. Some people need more (more resistance) or want more/faster impact, and for them up to 21 hours a day is good.
Thanks Shannon - I think the numbers make sense now - seems then that the exact you use for 32 days is basically more of a highly-recommended (i.e. the program will not be as effective with more or less time, but will not fail if you do so).
The design for 6 stage sets is focused on exactly 32 days of use per stage. So for that, it's not highly recommended; if you want the results I'm trying to give you, it has to be used as designed.
For other programs, single stage programs, using it for less than 32 days may not allow for the user to really come to see the results in some cases. So there, it's a minimum time of usage.
This was very informative. 32 ( about a month) sounds reasonable.