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Full Version: Settling the WM vs. SM issue
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Here's a context where I'm stumped..

I'm a musician. I realise that have an irresistably sexy aura that makes women's panties wet, like a Ryan Gosling, or a young pre-drug Elvis, would be an incredible gift to have. I would assume that this would be accomplished through Sex Magnet.

I also realise that connections are everything. If I become very sociable, gather beautiful women around me, and gain the respect of many many people (I'm talking being the "mayor" of my city), then I can easily set up a huge kickstarter, have people buying tickets for my shows and buy my cds, then I make out like gangbusters to the Grammys because I had an awesome base. I assume that the social aspect is handled through Women Magnet.

Here's the deal; I want the sexy aura, and I want a big social circle. The sex part is not tantimount, but it's still something I enjoy.

Basically, if WM has a piece in it about developing an amazing aura, I'm in. If not, I'll have to pick one once I'm finished Alpha Male, and then do the other.

"Which one should I take?" - Rebecca Black
Both of them develop an aura. WM develops an aura that is not sexual directly, but sexy and attractive, and it allows you to do anything you want with it by steering it wherever you choose. SM generates seven different auras, all designed to make you sexually irresistible to women.

If a strong sexual focus, and having sex with various women, would be beneficial, go for SM. If not, go for WM.
Well, I want to be one of those musicians that make the women go "holy shit, he's so unbelievably sexy". Think Ryan Gosling, minus the music part. So SM sounds like the ticket, though the actual sex part is a plus for me lol funny how that works. I could always do WM later.
Thanks for the advice!