Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Superhuman Physical Strength
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Some of my hobbies could greatly improve with more physical strength:

- Weight-Lifting
- Swimming
- Random Sports (when I see my friends, which is about 1 weekend every 3 to 12 weeks, depending on schedule, etc.)

A sub, that focuses on amazing / superhuman strength would be excellent in 5G, possibly with some other enhancing technologies thrown in!!

It would also be a great way of proving the effectiveness of subs... noticeable increases in physical strength would be fairly solid evidence to most people!!
Second that one,
  • Increase strength - Just like Saitama from OnePunch-Man where he beat every of his enemy with a single punch
  • Increase muscle power
  • Powerful ripped body
  • StaminaZilla
  • Super dash power
  • Maximizing body functions
  • Maximizing muscle power - as I know if every of our muscle is focused it can lift tons of weight
  • Maximum calorie usage - Improving our body function, such as metabolism so it'll enhance calorie intake to the better
  • Balance hormone - Endorphin, Testosterone
  • Fast movement - Reflex, running, etc
  • Increase grappling strength
  • Increase bone intensity
  • Ideal body - 10% fat
  • If possible add Telekinetic abilities

Monster sub Wink
