Yes well, like I said:
(10-16-2013, 07:06 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ]So, if you don't want it to focus on women, I'd even say just remove the female aspect altogether, although it may not be that simple, since a well-rounded man WILL be attractive regardless.
However, in line with the "Seek the Challenge" vein. Shouldn't we have "Carpe Diem" in there too, then? What's the difference between the two?
-Abundance mindset
-"enjoy" attitude towards life
-positive indifference towards results
(10-16-2013, 09:21 AM)smoothsam Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Sarge,
Self Acceptance, Self Approval, Self Control, Self Discipline, Self Love, Self Forgiveness, Forgiving others, Gratitude, Self Esteem, Positive Body Image, Body Language, Life Purpose, Step outside comfort zone on a continual basis, learning from mistakes, Self Confidence, Leading interactions, Become social. Each time I step outside my comfort zone, I live, learn, love, and grow. Seek the challenge seems like the major piece that can amplify all areas. The 6 needs boil down to Seek the challenge (step outside your comfort zone).
Seek the Challenge seems to be a major piece and attitude of genuine alpha males. Feel the fear and do it anyway !
I haven't quite read everything above yet but I wanted to throw in...
-Knowing that your life is 100% in your control and you make your own reality...everything in life is possible and within your control....although AM5 fixed this big time, I felt that many times during and after I felt like I still had some of that self-sabotage lingering.
-Faith in trust in that you will achieve your goals and reach success in what you strive for.
-Everything will be ok (like added to WM2) in regards to your confidence and trust in self.
-Living in the moment enhancements, focusing on the now and intuition.
-continue Socialization...perhaps make it a little stronger through AM? I didn't really notice the effects of socialization until after stage 6 and heading into SM. I found myself pretty quiet throughout AM 5.
-The jealousy issues became a major thing for me in AM 5 and it really caused a lot of fights between my girlfriend and I. Not that it was bad, I learned to get over it and tackle these issues, but if there was a way to handle it better would be great. Perhaps, a good contribution to this may include my first point...that there would be no worry in that you know you can achieve what you want and you do have an abundance, you are happy with yourself, and do not need or fear loosing a specific person due to jealousy.
-Laziness and lack of motivation was also a huge thing for me in AM 5, I felt like the majority of the program I was unable to actually start something or want to get out of bed, it was crazy sometimes I felt like I was being weighed down and procrastinated like crazy. It wasn't until later stages this really started changing.
(10-17-2013, 02:43 PM)Ryan Wrote: [ -> ]-Living in the moment enhancements, focusing on the now and intuition.
-continue Socialization...perhaps make it a little stronger through AM? I didn't really notice the effects of socialization until after stage 6 and heading into SM. I found myself pretty quiet throughout AM 5.
-The jealousy issues became a major thing for me in AM 5 and it really caused a lot of fights between my girlfriend and I. Not that it was bad, I learned to get over it and tackle these issues, but if there was a way to handle it better would be great. Perhaps, a good contribution to this may include my first point...that there would be no worry in that you know you can achieve what you want and you do have an abundance, you are happy with yourself, and do not need or fear loosing a specific person due to jealousy.
-Laziness and lack of motivation was also a huge thing for me in AM 5, I felt like the majority of the program I was unable to actually start something or want to get out of bed, it was crazy sometimes I felt like I was being weighed down and procrastinated like crazy. It wasn't until later stages this really started changing.
/\ Totally these. Also, I'm assuming that an Alpha Male is living his life and loving it. I don't know how to translate that more specifically, but basically you are confronting everything, you plow through obstacles, and you enjoy learning from the game of life.
For example, when I play Gears of War, I just enjoy it. Everything about it I love, even if I lose because I can use that as a lesson to spring from and get better. Not surprisingly, I've gotten really good at it. If you follow the most successful people in life, most of them are living their lives and loving everything about it.
Nip codependency in the bud.
I remember in some of my journals during the program, I was "shedding the shit" but still had attachments to old girlfriends and such.
Although I just saw this life tuneup thing in the news section that looks like it touches on a lot of it!
Put something in there where you value relationships with people more than how you are perceived.
When you worry about how people view you, you can not have any relationships whatsoever, either that or they are limited. If you enjoy CREATING, and building on relationships, you will be a very "Alpha" man indeed. That and if you can learn to accept others as they are and not care about the differences you may have, a lot of BS can slide, and you can enjoy people for who they are. You do, however, have to know, through and through, that you are "the man". You don't worry about your value or how you are perceived because it "goes without saying" that you are a high valued man.
Maybe add something where you are genuinely curious about other people too. You do not need to talk about yourself because, again, how awesome your life is goes without saying. You feel fulfilled, important, sexy, desired, and everything you could want from external sources ALL the time to the very core of your being.
One of the things I've noticed is when I am able to socialize and be open to creating new relationships, I bring people together, and we all become acquaintances. I imagine, with more development, I could do some great things with that. Be the man to unite the people around him so they don't have to walk alone any longer.
You are not a man who enters the place looking to "hook up" or "socialize". You are simply gracing everything you encounter with your presence. You love people, and value relationships. Not because you want to create a relationship, but because you enjoy creating FROM the relationship that is already assumed. Assume rapport.
Another thing I'd like to be able to do is create social situations. I may be comfortable around existing ones thanks to AM 5, but I still can not, and do not, create them myself.
I have a vision of myself that I create socialization, bring people together, and unite them under my leadership (and in the case of women, simply take my pick of those around me for my sexual needs, while maintaining relationships with any others that I enjoy the company of).
It's not a thing you work at either, it's only natural. People want leaders, and are already subconsciously looking for them (which is why advertising works, imo) so just display leadership, an open personality, and one who is not afraid to lead those who come to him, or drop those he doesn't wish to be around, and there you have it.
You do not look to "create" it, you simply flow ahead of it. People follow you, and you accept the responsibility to lead.
I imagine being "Alpha" is not too far off from that either.
Of course, all of this while remaining independent and non-needy. Enjoying the energy of socializing, nothing else. Enjoying the energy of women, nothing else. And enjoying the energy of life, and nothing else, while simultaneously enjoying your own energy above all.
Greatness. What do I mean by "Greatness"? An underlying feeling and knowledge beneath and surrounding everything you do. Every conversation you have has a great purpose, everything you say is divine, your path is enlightened, you are a great man, and you inspire greatness in others. You unlock their potential because you are already there yourself. You see it inside of them, and you encourage them lovingly to be the best they can be. You can see it everywhere, even if other people can't.
One thing that highly annoys me is people who go out just to hook's too much desperation...And if you watch when the majority of guys are like this in a club, they are either making the woman nervous...or she is drunk enough to do whatever you want her to do. When I used to go to clubs, one of the most annoying things was at the end, you see all the desperate guys about to leave try to pick-up any woman that is completely trashed or...not very attractive. I'm no longer friends with many guys because they acted this way, though I also don't go to clubs anymore. AM and SM for me, did all of this, after a couple run-throughs of both I can say most all of that is gone and I truly don't care being alone and in fact have been for quite some time, doesn't bother me. It's actually more worthwhile for me to be so confident to talk to anyone and enjoy conversing and being completely open with other people, I feel like I'm a genuinely cool and yet charismatic person.
I've also seen the most egoistical, macho men lose their cool and masculinity graveling at her feet when she rejects him.
I feel wrong in clubs...not uncomfortable, but I feel like I'm trapped in a zoo full of a bunch of moronic dudes that try to compete with each other. Not that it's so much a problem for us...nor will it be, but it's just annoying to see our society act the way it does and I chose to not blend in with the bunch and go about my own interests.
And it's just soooo much suffering being that type of guy with all of his insecurities and desperation for anything he can fuck...Once, you get to the above state, women just converse with you out of the blue anywhere. Like today at Goodwill, I was browsing for some clothes and another woman is showing me clothes, "does this look like it's small for an XXL?" and "this is a really nice shirt, you might like it". There is nothing to think about...nor anything to really strive for.
Kill and destroy feelings of inadequacy and inferiority and incompetence.
Be unbreakable firm and purely masculine and instinctually powerfully unbreakably
Be super courageously daring
Be imperturbably unintimidated by everything and every person.
Be emotionally and mentally independent of every person and everything.
Be able to love himself sincerely and honorably and respectfully.
Be married to himself and his honor and his self respect.
Kill and destroy all tendencies to submit and to cower.
Kill and destroy all tendencies to be insecure and self doubting and unconfident.
Add ogsf and add seek the challenge.
Kill and destroy all feelings of insignificance and inferiority and inadequacy and incompetence and unworthiness and undeservedness.
Feel powerful and be powerful
Feel strong and be strong.
Feel super worthy and significant and adequate and competent and deserving.
Feel super excessively good about yourself.
To be honest, it does a lot of this already, intimidation...none whatsoever, submit....definitely not, pretty much does most of what you said. However, one good thing you made me think of which I don't know if he has included in AM 5. Which is, not caring about being Alpha! That is important and helps with a lot of the above too.
OH one more thing that goes with the above, especially for those starting AM and other programs..."perfectionism"...most of these changes you gotta just let go and not try to push them or force them upon yourself. I see so many people getting down on themselves because they "didn't act Alpha" in a certain situation. And to be honest, when you are Alpha, you don't even think about these things. Or, they get caught up in that ego of theirs by needing to be confident and act a certain way in public because they read something before. You just gotta be yourself, always.
I'd also say that if we add "Seek the Challenge" we'd better be sure that we'll still be laid back and relaxed, fully in control.
There's nothing worse than desperately trying to make up for lost time or a perceived previous weakness. Presence with your life is key. Doing everything right from now on, regardless of what you were like before. OGSF should help with that I'd imagine.
Gentlemen, just so you can relax, Seek The Challenge has been included in the new script since before I put this thread up. It's also modified to make it much more comprehensive and powerful.
At the moment, my build environment is dead, but I am rebuilding it. When I have it back up and running, I'll start building AM6.
Thank you all for your suggestions.