10-15-2013, 01:02 PM
Quote:This is what I mean. Suppose you can be at peace with everything, and go through life completely "Zen-like". Does that mean you'll never achieve anything? No, but it also means you're outside the karma reward system. If you don't value material things, you cannot be rewarded that way, because it won't "work" on you. Same with suffering. If you take things as they are (simply events) you are effectively beyond the influence these carrot/stick dynamics would entail.
My understanding is that if you are alive here on Earth, you are here to learn something, and in what you have done so far, you have made mistakes which have caused you to in some way or at some level become misaligned from your path towards your ultimate goal. As you discover the "way it is", you increase these misalignments, and after discovering the "way it is", you tend to re-align yourself more than misalign yourself.
In either case, if you're alive, you are not outside the reach of karma. To be alive in physical form is to be engaged in a karmic reality. The question is, are you acting in alignment, or acting out of alignment?
Karma is not a "reward system". It's a way of making sure you get to your ultimate goal by making it impossible for you to stray too far for too long. The potential for "reward" exists only in that the benefits of doing things the right way are pleasing.
I assure you that the concept of disconnecting is not the end-all be-all. You may come to understand that "what is" is not what others think it is, and that it is what you make it, but so long as you exist within perception of what is, it can and will affect you. The question is as to what degree you understand "what is", and thereby how and to what extent it affects you.
Those who are unaffected by karma exist outside the reality that includes karma as a law. This world is within that realm, and so long as you are on Earth in a physical form, you can make choices that incur misalignment and the need for realignment. That is the nature of this reality - to allow us to make mistakes so that we may understand and outgrow them.
Quote:For example: bad things happen and have happened to me. I accept it as other people's craziness, not my own karma, OR as bringing it on myself through a faulty action.
I got hit by a car once. Was that karma? Very unlikely. I also fell into a bonfire once, and got burned severely over most of my body. Was that karma? Very unlikely. I've also been poisoned, fallen out of second story buildings, died on the operating table, and a wide variety of other things that should have put me in the ground.
That doesn't mean they had anything to do with my karma, although some of them did. For instance, my having cancer was karmic for me. I had to use that experience to understand what it is to be truly helpless, and discover by contrast just how strong and capable I really am. Any other reasons for it I am not currently aware of, but having the experience of cancer has shown me that I am much stronger than I previously believed, and that I can do anything I choose to do.
What you don't seem to understand is that not everything has to do with karma, and that everything you experience IS a direct result of what you believe and what you think because those things directly result in your choices and actions. Just because you cannot see what is going on at a subconscious or superconscious level, does not mean it is not having its effect.
Everything you experience is a result of your beliefs, choices, actions and responses, at some level and in some way. Whether you have the capacity to see and understand how and why just yet, does not diminish that truth.
Quote:I continue to go towards my goal in life without stopping because of a "bad" or "good" situation. I find a way to reach my destination, and take responsibility for everything that I can.
Taking responsibility for everything you can includes your beliefs, ideas, responses, choices and actions. But personal responsibility is good, and desperately needed in this world.
Quote:I am not a victim of karma, so I believe that karma (if it even exists) has to bend around me.
You are right, you are not a victim of karma. Nobody is a victim of karma, because karma is just a system of assuring that what is misaligned out of ignorance is eventually realigned while ignorance is replaced by wisdom and experience. There are no "victims of karma". You are the one who chooses what you will experience in realigning your past mistakes. You therefore are the one who chooses how to "pay off your karma". Nobody ever made progress by blaming their choices on someone or something else.
I suggest you make an effort to read the books I suggested. That should help you understand karma much better.