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(06-17-2011, 09:14 AM)woceyes Wrote: [ -> ]I may have to buy some scratch its and lottery tickets Wink

I wonder if you bought those scratch- and lottery tickets ?

(02-03-2012, 11:17 AM)Tigurinn Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-17-2011, 09:14 AM)woceyes Wrote: [ -> ]I may have to buy some scratch its and lottery tickets Wink

I wonder if you bought those scratch- and lottery tickets ?

I did but don't remember if i won anything lol i think i did but its been like 8 months Tongue
the DFNW sub and the EIP only gave me the most awesome dream every and seemed to renew some interest of mine i have had since i was younger. When i was younger my dream job was never an astronaut or fire fighter, my dream job was being an inventor. I had this crazy idea that if time travel was possible i was gonna be the one to do it. (this probably stemmed from back to the future Smile i loved that movie) This was my passion growing up, well that and video games. I bring this up because i felt like i needed to stop my creativity for a more realistic outlook on life and the subs make my creativity alive again.

As far as with women and all the anger i seemed to have during sm, It seems to have died down quite a bit. I still see the manipulation going on and everyone being complacent with it. I feel less likely to get involved with people accepting it now. Its almost like if both sides are gonna manipulate each other to get what they want whats the point.
You're waking up to it and disconnecting from it bothering you. Great! Wink

hmm since starting just remove negativity within everything has been feeling much better. I have had so far some hard nights of feeling like i am worthless and not good enough for women. I still am not happy about the manipulation going on but if it doesn't directly affect my life i am not bothered by it very much anymore.

I have noticed tho as my anger and the negativity recedes i can see more effects from SM coming through. Was told by on girl in a text message "your Hot Smile just saying" last Friday. I also had the one girl from my SM journal who was manipulating all the guys at work, you guys know the one who i made cry and she was mad at me because i called her out on her sh**. well she asked me to be her friend on face book lol its still in pending limbo atm.

Today it seems or rather feels like i woke up in a different dimension. everything was / is different. not sure how to explain it. the only thing i can think of is my reality has shifted big time with the remove negativity sub. What do you think Shannon? or anyone else?
Um... it works? lol
lol on all the subs i have used i have never experienced anything like that before Shannon.

Well besides being sick now and really tired i feel much better internally using the remove negativity sub. I am thinking about learning Japanese as i would like to visit Tokyo one day. I am also planning on moving to Portland in May and go to school for advertising. My current job is not cutting it no more and it feels right to move on to something new.
Shannon i have to say i am glad i listened to remove negativity sub and everything is possible after SM 1.0. They helped to clear my head out a lot and kill the noise, but what so far has stopped the last of the chatter has been the end self sabotage and gratitude subs. My mind is so quite, it was disturbing at first. It felt like I should have something on my mind to worry about but no matter what nothing pops up.

When I think of memories of stuff that happened that probably gave me more of a negative view of life or things in general in the past would have drug my mood and sense of self down, but now I don't feel any feelings of ill will towards the memories any more.

I feel more mindful now, and in fact life in general is better now.
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