Hello everyone,
Ok so I have a program that flashes subliminals on my computer screen and I have been using way too many subliminals and hypnosis training from 3+ producers. Now I understand that that is wrong and I am only going to listen to BWE for a while while I rest for 90 days. I was just wondering if I should stop the flashing messages as well? or are these ok?
Stop all subliminals for the time being. Let yourself recover from the bombardment. Then pick one thing.
(09-19-2013, 11:08 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Stop all subliminals for the time being. Let yourself recover from the bombardment. Then pick one thing.
Thank you very much. I have on other question about BWE. How long should I wait before listening again? I listened everyday, sometimes more than an hour a day for about 4 or 5 months straight.
I don't know what you were using brainwave entrainment-wise, but I suggest 60 to 90 days off.
You should try the Subliminal Drugs when they are available and when you are able to, kwamezzie.
(09-27-2013, 03:55 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know what you were using brainwave entrainment-wise, but I suggest 60 to 90 days off.
I was using a theta binural beat session I got from YouTube, as well as other binural beats I got from YouTube. Tank you for your advice!
(09-28-2013, 11:41 AM)Fonzy3 Wrote: [ -> ]You should try the Subliminal Drugs when they are available and when you are able to, kwamezzie.
I was thinking about the morphine one. Have you tried any? If so, how was your experience?
I use BWE entrainment about 2ish hours everyday along with ASC (self confidence) sub.
BWE is completely different than these audio subliminals, they work differently on the brain. Even though both stimulate the brain, the kind of BWE you are using relaxes your brain.
Imagine that as a stretch before working out.
Binaurals and the BWE I create use different technologies to achieve the same frequency following response, docji. You are still effectively training your brain to retain a specific state if the state is static, and potentially even if it is not. I recommend never using BWE more than an hour a day for that reason, and if you use a static state BWE product, or use it for more than an hour a day or for more than three days per week, to re-entrain Beta afterwards for 30 minutes.
(10-04-2013, 03:08 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Binaurals and the BWE I create use different technologies to achieve the same frequency following response, docji. You are still effectively training your brain to retain a specific state if the state is static, and potentially even if it is not. I recommend never using BWE more than an hour a day for that reason, and if you use a static state BWE product, or use it for more than an hour a day or for more than three days per week, to re-entrain Beta afterwards for 30 minutes.
Thx for shedding some light shannon. I dont use binaurals.
I use Isochronic Beats for BWE. These isochronic beats have different tracks which achieve alpha, beta, theta and delta state of minds.
I dont use them all at once.
I use alpha for a week, next week theta and following week Delta waves. I do 30 mins of BWE right when I Wake up and 30 mins few hours before I go to bed. And during the day I use 40-45 mins of beta state (High IQ or Laser Focus conc).
And otherwise I use ASC Sub during sleep and few hours during day time.
So thats how I do it.
The Isochronic beats I have been using are with a different company that I had bought few months back. I havent been consistent in using those but now I am quite consistent.