Subliminal Talk

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I have 2 programs oh hand, and I plan to use them on day-to-day basis. Meaning I use program 1 on this day for 8 hours, the next day I use program 2 for 8 hours. Both of my programs are 3G-Type B. Can this be done? I want to listen to 2 of them right off the bat, but I can't find time to listen both of them in a single day. Will this have any cause any hindrance?

I figured if I were to listen to program 1 one day, the next day program 2 my mind will have enough time to absorb all the stuff and take a rest?

Because you are using two 3g programs they can be used together. If you do use the subs the way you have explained it will take longer for results to occur. I suggest that you use one sub at a time if your listening schedule is going to be as so.


Alright, thanks. I'll try to incorporate them in a single day. Got to make them consistent. Just need to have the time...
You don't want to alternate by day. Use them both in the same day, and give the primary at least 8 hours and the secondary at least 6 if possible, but never less than 4.