Only used it once so far and got strange results. Don't know how to compare it to morphine since I've never had it.
Felt like A.D.D. dream mode more than anything. No pleasure or physical feelings. All I got were a ridiculous number of dreams or dream ideas. Lost count but I'm guessing around 40 mini dreams within the 60 minutes. Some were as short as 5 seconds.
The morphine simulant is based in brainwave entrainment, which is very different technology than the digital sublimiminal drugs, just so you know.
You don't under what conditions it was used. It's most effective laying down with your eyes closed. It seems like you did that, but I can't be sure.
If you were actually dreaming, then it's not likely you had an accurate perception of time. It seems more likely, from what you said, that you were experiencing the "hallucinations" the program is designed to give.
Can you relate how you used it? I'm guessing you ran it for an hour.
Yeah, I guess my title could be misinterpreted. I have both this brainwave entrainment morphine and B2 which I believe is subliminal based, though I've still yet to use that.
I was laying down with my eyes closed for one hour.
I don't know if I was actually dreaming but the "dreams" (more like a quick idea in some cases) were so unbelievably short that it seemed like 5 seconds. Either way, I know the dreams aren't normal because afaik, people only get 5-6 dreams per night, and I only tend to recall 0-4 of them.
I have this program as well. Just like you the results I noticed weren't too powerful but reading this has reminded me that I have to try it again on one of my days off.
I and some of my Tier 2 testers experienced such profound results using the morphine program that we thought it was too powerful for regular use.
Used it again, found that it tend to keep me in the realm between sleep and awake, and that's where it can generate the most "mini dreams"
I'm going to be doing more experiments with digital subliminal drugs in the future. I believe I have found ways around the limits of what was causing B1 and B2 to not be powerful enough. Now I just have to find the time...
I definitely think it's a great idea. Especially considering that if you offer a powerful one for free, then they can know that your stuff works right off the bat.