I've seen the effects and powers of subliminals that change ourselves and brainwave entrainment products. Though I'm still somewhat skeptical of how "attract your" products work and other products that use manifestation.
I do not see our brains being powerful enough to be able to make things come into existence or compel something else to do our bidding off of thought alone. I understand that the script of "I am confident" could very well make me confident, but the script of something like "I manifest a hot chick into dropping her panties and wanting me" doesn't exactly have me convinced.
I'm guessing that it's somehow supposed to make you put yourself into positions that would make you be more likely to encounter whatever you're trying to manifest, but I'm just grasping at straws here.
Anyone here that can enlighten me?
The personal consciousness is effective at manifesting things, when the right steps are taken. The how and why are complex.
To generate a manifestation, you need to have a clearly defined goal. You need to have the necessary energy to cause the manifestation. You need to have a goal that is actually achievable. And you have to "ask for it" in the right way, and then not self sabotage.
A clearly defined goal is no big surprise. The necessary energy is going to require one of three things.
1. A very small goal, which you can personally power with your own energy all at once.
2. A series of energy additions over time, as you have the energy, which accumulate into being what the manifestation needed to manifest. This is how the subliminals work.
3. Some external energy source that can power the manifestation for you.
The goal must actually be achievable. If you ask for your primary soul mate, and that person is dead, it won't work. For example.
You must ask for it in the right way. Basically, your subconscious mind must understand what it is you want, and that you want it. How to do this is beyond the scope of this discussion. The subliminal is an ideal method for achieving this.
And then last but not least, you cannot self sabotage. A lot of people use manifestation subliminals and then self sabotage because they cannot bring themselves to just leave it alone and let it happen. They are so amazed that it might work that they watch for it, or so skeptical, and they obsess about how it will manifest, instead of allowing it to just happen. These things frequently de-rail the results.
If you can't bring yourself to believe it could work, simple solution: don't use it.
If you think you can just set it and forget it, and let it do it's thing... try it.
Thank you for taking the time to explain, but the complex part is exactly the answer I was looking for.
I've already got a copy of a Attract ___ from the sale since it was on sale and even if it doesn't work, I don't mind making a "donation" to subliminal shop because the other things I've gotten have already worked wonders in my life and I've gotten way more than I've paid for. I'll test it later on, but I've already gotten way too many good things that I want to use first. In any case, regardless of whether it works or not, I'd still love to know how it works and not just that it works.
I'm wondering exactly on the "how and why". If you ever have the time and don't mind doing so, please explain that part, thank you.
Imagine you lived in The Matrix.
Imagine that every one of those symbols you saw on the screen in "The Matrix" movies representing the Matrix was actually a point of awareness.
Imagine that all these awareness points that were forming a sea of awareness around you were not just responding to your thoughts and desires, but that you were not separate from them, and they were not separate from one another.
Viewed from this perspective, the whole becomes a sea of consciousness, which responds to the thoughts of the points of awareness within it that make it up.
The whole is a sort of quantum computer that is at once the computer and the equation being calculated, and the expression of the answer. Therefore, to focus one's mind on something is to cause it to begin being calculated and solved. The equation of which, once calculated and solved, leads to the solution to that equation, which is then expressed within the whole of the quantum computer as a part of the quantum computer itself as the physical manifestation of the desired result originally posited by the individual.
The individual desiring the thing, and focusing on it sufficiently, causes the whole to become sufficiently aware of and focused on the equation that leads to the desired result (solution of the equation) and begin calculating (manifesting) that answer (outcome, thing or result).
Are you following?
If I'm following correctly, that means that our minds are capable of altering the physical world without using our bodies to interact with it.
If that were the case, I couldn't fathom how that is possible and maybe even disbelieve it. Nonetheless, I still plan on trying it in the future. Just because I don't understand it, does not mean it's impossible.
If you were fully following it, you would realize that it means that there is really no "physical world" at all. And science agrees: quantum physics recognizes that we exist in a sea of energy, and something even more primal than energy itself. "Matter" is nothing more than coagulated energy.
If you choose to explore manifestation using the subliminals, I suggest you try it at least three different times just to make sure that you haven't experienced a "there's no such person" result.
Passive manifestation is much less predictably effective than active, and the subliminals are passive manifestation right now.