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A further suggestion by me.

A subliminal that concerns the need of a powerlifter, strongman or someone that just wants to become stronger or the strongest human being he can be.

As for myself I am doing some powerlifting exercises and my main concern is to get as strong as possible. I include main exercises as bench press (or db bench press), deadlift, chinups, ...

It could also include to recover faster from heavy workouts, having iron will for going hard in any workout, strengthening of ones´ joints and tendons (...), preventing from injuries, eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, etc.

That would really be great and in my opinion there are many potential clients out there that would appreciate your work!

What´s your opinion on this, Shannon? :-)

// smash
Check out Maximum Healing Speed and Exercise Motivation & Enjoyment

Andrew is working on some sort of body building project, check out his journal.
(07-16-2010, 03:56 PM)smash Wrote: [ -> ]A further suggestion by me.

A subliminal that concerns the need of a powerlifter, strongman or someone that just wants to become stronger or the strongest human being he can be.

As for myself I am doing some powerlifting exercises and my main concern is to get as strong as possible. I include main exercises as bench press (or db bench press), deadlift, chinups, ...

It could also include to recover faster from heavy workouts, having iron will for going hard in any workout, strengthening of ones´ joints and tendons (...), preventing from injuries, eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, etc.

That would really be great and in my opinion there are many potential clients out there that would appreciate your work!

What´s your opinion on this, Shannon? :-)

// smash

I think this very thing is something Andrew the Subadmin is currently working on. There is already the body-building sub which should help the strength and willpower your seeking.
Yeah Wildflower, I already know the bodybuilding mp3. Point is, it is more focussed on increasing muscle size and less on gaining as much strength as possible.
(07-17-2010, 07:58 AM)smash Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah Wildflower, I already know the bodybuilding mp3. Point is, it is more focussed on increasing muscle size and less on gaining as much strength as possible.

This is correct-if you define "strength" as 1-3rep Max, the bodybuilding subliminal would not be very appropriate. I can be part of making a powerlifting subliminal but I am not a powerlifter and would prefer to have a powerlifter be part of the script writing process. If I were to write one with Shannon a lot of the script would only be an approximation of the things a powerlifter goes through and a "best guess". I'm sure it would help but it would not be as good as if I am able to personally participate with a powerlifter.
Hello Andrew

Power-lifting takes up a large proportion of my iron workouts. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

I saw in one of your previous posts, that you needed someone to to some of your experimental workouts. When are you looking for a person to do the experimental lifting?
(08-14-2010, 12:27 PM)Masterchief Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Andrew

Power-lifting takes up a large proportion of my iron workouts. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

I saw in one of your previous posts, that you needed someone to to some of your experimental workouts. When are you looking for a person to do the experimental lifting?

Now. But it involves a much higher rep range than powerlifting, so if 1-3 rep max is one of your goals it would not be right. It is for maximum hypertrophy. Send me a PM if you're interested, and if you could tell me what your 1-3RM's have been for powerlifting and the bodyweight's you achieved them at so I can see if we can have you be part of the building process for a powerlifting title.