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Most likely you are abreacting to the specific method I used to trigger erections.

I built OED 5G based on what my models showed would produce the best overall results. What most men will respond best to. It was quite a surprise what resulted in getting the nod. I see how it would work, but I also see that for some men, it might actually be a turn-off. I had actually been thinking I should have two options for this program, because of that. One that focuses in the suggested direction, and one that focuses in the same direction as the 3G version, but extends and amplifies it.

I'll be glad to work with you on this and figure out what works for you, as I'm sure you are representative of other men as well.
(09-07-2013, 04:10 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Most likely you are abreacting to the specific method I used to trigger erections.

I built OED 5G based on what my models showed would produce the best overall results. What most men will respond best to. It was quite a surprise what resulted in getting the nod. I see how it would work, but I also see that for some men, it might actually be a turn-off. I had actually been thinking I should have two options for this program, because of that. One that focuses in the suggested direction, and one that focuses in the same direction as the 3G version, but extends and amplifies it.

I'll be glad to work with you on this and figure out what works for you, as I'm sure you are representative of other men as well.

Thanks, I will be gald to. You can contact me at [email protected]
I would prefer to keep interactions through the forum. If I don't, I end up with everyone asking me questions through e-mail, and that prevents me from doing the work I need to do.

I am going to theorize that there are two major classes of ED sufferers. There are the younger men, and the older men. The older men were not raised in the same environment as the younger ones, and they have different needs and specific emotional responses.

Therefore, what works for "most guys" will probably work for most younger men, and some older men. For the rest, I'll need to create something focused specifically in the direction of self healing.

What is currently in the store should work well for most younger men. Specifically, the generations raised with access to the Internet. I believe the Internet has created an entirely new set of issues for men concerning what he believes he needs to be and live up to in order to be "good enough".

Older guys won't likely have those issues, at least not nearly as acutely. They'll need a different, less aggressive and more personal approach.

So, I'm going to build a version more focused on mental and emotional self healing, acceptance, etc. and include it in the package when people buy the program, so they get two options to try.

When I have the new version built and ready for testing, I'll make sure you receive a copy and then we can begin doing tests on it for how effective it is and adjusting it until we get the desired result. I don't think it'll be long to do that, now that I know there is a need for a different approach also.
(09-08-2013, 11:20 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]When I have the new version built and ready for testing, I'll make sure you receive a copy and then we can begin doing tests on it for how effective it is and adjusting it until we get the desired result. I don't think it'll be long to do that, now that I know there is a need for a different approach also.

OK, thanks. I will be expecting it Smile
In the meantime I think I will go back to the 3g version, just to keep the momentum.
(09-09-2013, 02:01 AM)xrm0909 Wrote: [ -> ]OK, thanks. I will be expecting it Smile
In the meantime I think I will go back to the 3g version, just to keep the momentum.

Just for the update: I have returned to the 3g version, although the effects were just as beginning all over from start, there were effects!
Alright, I'll see about working the 3G version into a 5G version and getting that to you. Gonna be a couple days yet though.
I am working on OED5G again, and again I have hit the same wall. I cannot get a good result for success. This surprises me, because this script is based on the 3G version. I know what must be accomplished, but apparently getting there and achieving cooperation from the listener is a narrow path indeed. This may take some time.
hi shannon why is the one on store b/c/d hybrid? curious.
B is the injection. It's changing your thinking about things. Type C is a physical change, which deals with helping to heal and adjust your physical body. Type D deals with manifestation, which is a part of the Optimus Engine. It tries to shift you from the reality you were in, to the reality you are wanting to experience.
2 qns.

1) i have been using 3g, can i switch to 5g straightaway?

2) what should i feel when i use this? anxiety slowly dissappear? Or would i still feel the same ( fear ) but doesnt have ED?[/align]
You can switch right away.

If you're referring to the existing 5G version, I cannot say what your response will be. The Optimus Engine approaches every person's issues as they need to be approached, and I cannot know specifically what they are or how you'll react. If you respond positively, you will absolutely love what it does for you. If not, then I'll be releasing one with a different approach soon, and that one will be much more focused in the direction of healing.
After much contemplation, I think I have a solution for how to make this program work for almost everyone who uses it. I'm working on that now.
OED worked well for me but it seemed to also cause a strange decrease in sensation during sex. I wonder if it had "last longer" messaging in there or something else that caused it.
Script built, and does well in the models. That doesn't mean it'll work for everyone, but the indications are that it should work for the vast majority of people. I'm starting the build now.
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