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Leo, the program is 6 months long for a reason, Shannon specifically said you technically don't need anymore than 32 days per stage as it being 6 months long. When I finished stage 1 I was going through all kinds of negative shit which carried over and got worse in the beginning part of stage 2, which is normal, if you want to change you're going to have to bring forward everything bothering you. Stage 2 seems to build upon stage 1 and the materialization of self-image/self-beliefs technically isn't supposed to materialized until stages 2 and 3. From what I've experienced, stage 2 seems to steps it up a notch. I really began to see a huge change after 2 weeks into stage 2, it got even better up until now but I started mixing ASC into it so I'm going through that, at the moment. Stage 1 just seems to be setting you up for everything Smile

Oh and BTW it's extremely easy to be 'invisible' to the average woman. If you're getting eye contact, that's a great sign.

Keep at it, man!

"We're gonna make you indestructible. But first, we're gonna have to destroy you"
(08-01-2010, 07:21 AM)Leo Wrote: [ -> ]So, today is the last day of Stage 1 before I hit Stage 2 of Woman Magnet tomorrow.

There hasn't been anything I could say has changed in an obvious way. At the beginning of last week I had two very intense dreams that felt very real. Both involved women wanting to have sex with me. However since then I've not been able to have a full night's rest and keep waking up in the the early hours and then struggling to fall asleep again.

I do notice women looking at me at work but don't know if that's just me being more aware or if it's actually me being more attractive (I certainly don't feel anymore attractive). The biggest thing for me has been getting feelings of real aggression towards people I don't like. It's something I've mentioned before but over the last few days it's got worse.
Also up until the last couple of days I've usually felt in a sharp, smart mood but that has gone for the time being. I'm not sure if I should continue with stage 1 for a bit longer or jump into stage 2. Maybe part 1 needs more time.

If you feel the need to add a few extra days then why not? You just need to keep it consistent and make sure you listen to each stage for the same period of time. As Shannon said though the difference from stage to stage with Women Magnet is less of a jump and more of a gentle transition so I think it isn't to much of a concern if stage 1 doesn't feel 'complete' yet as that is what the subsequent stages and the next 5 months are going to achieve.
Leo dateline=' Wrote: [ -> ]However since then I've not been able to have a full night's rest and keep waking up in the the early hours and then struggling to fall asleep again.

The biggest thing for me has been getting feelings of real aggression towards people I don't like. It's something I've mentioned before but over the last few days it's got worse.

I am experiencing exactly the same things, ( the waking especially )
I also had some really scary dreams ,

two weeks ago I felt like I had "it" for a few days,
i know I had it, people even told me, but I don't know what happened now,
I have to be patient I think
Hey guys,

Sorry about the long delay in updating my journal but have been busy with work, looking for a new job and potential career change.
I'm a couple of weeks into stage 3 of Women Magnet now and I'm starting to notice what I can only describe as a different kind of energy around women and they seem to be noticing it too. Stage 2 was pretty much negative for me and I don't think I had any good days where I thought things were changing for the better or even at all.

I know a lot of you guys said go with the flow but it became frustrating when I didn't notice any improvements.

Stage 3 is slowly changing that. I can't really put my finger on it but I feel as though I'm coming out of a dark period now. I need to start getting out there now and do more approaches. I met up with a couple of women I'd only met very briefly months ago, I hadn't seen for a while and they seemed to be very friendly towards me. Plenty of hugs and both were comfortable in my presence. I met them weeks apart so there must be something happening.

Went for a job interview and the girl interviewing me offered me the job there and then!
There is also a hot East European babe working in the same company as me and I got a check out from her a few days ago. I think she is interested and plan to make an approach through a mutual friend.

I'm listening to the subs a minimum of 8 hours at night and three hours at work and again for 5 hours after work.

I also spoke to a friend who is into hypnosis and theta waves or something and she said I am one of those people who do not like to give up control especially of their minds, which is true. I'm going to have a try with some of her techniques (she says 2 or 3 consultations should be enough to sort me out) and will report back.

Anyway that's me for the time being.
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