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Full Version: I am the Aura of Sexiness
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You can pick up women anywhere you go (always remember that and be open to that).
Good stuff, Steve. Which other program do you have?

I have been wanting to train in Wing Chun, but I will have to move for that. Rather frustrating, given my current circumstances.

I'm very interested in the pheromone massage oils, tell me about those.
(05-13-2011, 10:47 AM)SteveO Wrote: [ -> ]Now this might have been something to do with Aura of Sexiness, it might have just been the right time. I think Aura of Sexiness directly impacted certain brain patterns stirring me to action. I realized for the first time in my adult life that I didn't need to change. I didn't need a new direction or road. I didn't have to create a new reality, or change who I was. No, for the very first time I realized what I needed to do was unequivocally love myself completely. It was something I didn't do as it became obvious to me when I kept saying I needed to change. What I did instead was I began to love who I was and what I was. I loved my face, my feet, my hair, eyes, my mind, my toes, whatever I was I loved that and guess what? All of a sudden going to the gym wasn't a big thing anymore. I now LOVE going to the gym because I love me and me wants to go to the gym so it only makes sense from a standpoint of someone who loves themselves to love the things I do. I love the good and the bad things.

I am working on self-love as well. I am having a little bit of trouble, any tips that helped you?

Here is a great movie all about the creator of Wing-Chung, it is actually one of my favorite movies of all time Ip Man. I would highly reccommend this to anyone. Make sure you are ready to read subtitles though.
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