Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Indigo Mind Labs... The Grand Wizards of Mind Magic, Thank You!
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Hi Everyone, I’m Mel… just want to mention how I found ‘Indigo’ and my current success with overcoming chronic pain. I’m getting up there in age, but am very physically active. Consequently, something is always aching or sore. I currently work full time in business mgmt. Most nights in the past I would go to bed smelling like a giant wintergreen lifesaver with a heating pad to relieve pain somewhere. I also believed that much chronic pain is a physical manifestation of stress in one’s life. I started searching the internet for ‘New and Improved’ methods for relief and stumbled upon ‘Indigo’. Very impressed with everything I read and grateful for the generosity of ‘Indigo’ to offer their ‘release chronic pain’ recording free, I felt I should give this technology a try…I downloaded the ‘no pain’ recording and the ‘stress relief’ recording and began listening to something I couldn’t hear… Well, most of you here know the outcome… Most of the time no ‘Advil’… no ‘Ben-Gay’… no liniments… no heating pad… Wow! Thank you, Shannon and thank you ‘Indigo’. I’m so impressed that I purchased a few additional recordings and have a list of a whole lot more. My husband thinks I’m a suggestible kook for purchasing a recording that no one can hear. He said “Gees’… the internet is the only place that one can sell a recording that no one can hear and make money… hemmm!”. But, he has noticed that I run with a bounce in my step these days and that I smell like ‘White Diamonds’ much more often than smelling like ‘Ben-Gay’. Thank you, again, Shannon, and thank you ‘Indigo’ for your awesome product… most people should be doing just as much mind aerobics as physical aerobics… they enhance one another for outstanding achievement.

May all of you be safe and prosperous!
PeaceBig Grin
It's this sort of reports that makes it all worth while. Smile

In the beginning I had more than a few friends and acquaintances accuse me of selling "silence" online. It was very insulting, given the amount of work that goes into these programs and the research and development, but over time I concluded that if they didn't see what was going into the program, how could they know otherwise? I stopped being insulted, and over the years, they all sort of stopped accusing me of selling "silence" because they knew that I could not possibly be getting the results I was getting otherwise with my programs. Now, they all either simply view me with envy, or they use my programs themselves. Smile

I'm most pleased to be able to help you with your pain. You are using the 5th Gen version of the CUPR program, yes?
Hi Shannon, yes... 5G. Thank you so much for an awesome product. I have more to share, but my work schedule is overwhelming at present. My assistant is out having surgery Sad 6/7 days for me Sad. I also bike 15/20 miles a day or run 5. Not much time to really share my progress yet. Thank God she's coming back in June. Lately it's eat, sleep, work, run, rinse and repeat. Can't keep this party animal down on the farm. Smile More Later...

Always be safe and prosperous!