Subliminal Talk

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Well, to start off, my confidence level lately has been fluctuating. I have been trying to do things to boost it like using brainwave entertainment, and various things that have to do with the Law of Attraction. So, a little background:

It seems that maybe somewhere around middle school, I had become sort of a depressed kid. I chalk that up to Accutane when I was taking it. Well, I was a beta male and was shy as all get out. Due to all that I kind of had a negative outlook on most things. If someone said anything positive to me I would just shoot them down with negativity. I would always look at the dark side of things. Thus being said, I never really got anything I wanted, never won anything that I wanted to win except for our city science symposium. I actually got first place. I always had my music. It surprises me when I look back. I was 1st chair ever since I started playing, was always 1st in regional competitions and even made All State 2 times in high school. That somehow didn't boost my confidence. I guess I had it in my head that all that success would just bring me girls, happiness. Well it didn't. It wasn't until sometime in college when I learned about The Secret. That somehow changed my life. I did an almost complete 180. Well I changed my negative energy into a more positive energy. But for the last few years, it hadn't been enough for me so I have been searching for different avenues to better myself and just become more successful. I hadn't gotten anywhere until I started using Brainwave Entertainment and Preliminals. I am actually quite happy I stumbled upon this site because I really liked the idea of subliminal messages, not used in a bad way of course. So I had given a couple of programs a try.
First Experience:
Duration: 2 weeks
Programs used: Absolute Self Confidence and Manifest Absolute Wealth.

I chose those two because I wanted more confidence in myself and well, we all want wealth. Not just money wealth, everything.

Effects thus far:
The most noticeable difference is with ASC. I have been using that while I sleep. I have a Yamaha mini system so handling the ultra sonic is not a problem. Before using the program, I would not approach people. Even the people I know and work with, I would be kind of open. But now, since having used the program, I can almost (I use almost here because I still feel shy, but that's due to the length that I have used it) talk to anyone. I can open people much easier and I can talk to people that used to intimidate me easier and I feel MUCH less intimidated. I am sure that the longer I use this program, it will be eliminated. I have always wanted the image of a successful person and now I feel that I give that energy off. Not to intimidate or create envy or anything like that, but I look at myself like I look good. I used to think I was kind of ugly since I had used to have bad acne. But it seems I have gotten past that. It seems as though people just want to be around me more. I can't wait to use this more and more to see what happens.

I have not really noticed an effect from MAW. But my actions so far have been that I put anything extra over a certain amount of my paycheck immediately into savings. This just started so from now on, plus I am moving, the extra will just go to credit cards and other debts. I really liked the 6 month part in the description of the program because I had set a goal for 6 months to either be halfway or completely out of debt and have a new car. It fit, so I used it.

That is what I have found so far. I cant wait to use other programs. The one that piques my interest is Become a MM in 4 years. For the price of that one, if it works, would just be insane. So I will be starting to use that one soon.

Thanks for reading.
So far I'm roughly around 30 days of using Absolute Self Confidence. I am definitely noticing the effect it is having on me. I go anywhere and I just feel good. I can talk to anyone with little to no hesitation. It's great its easy to flirt with girls once I figure out when approx 32-35 days is up I will probably use Develop an Aura of Sexiness or one to attract women.

I have also been using Manifest Absolute Wealth. I will continue to use this. I feel like my perception of money is changing. I am able to save and just be more aware of how and where my money goes. It's great. Perhaps it will assist me to be completely debt free in 6 months to a year. And possibly to have a new car. Thanks.
ASC is probably the fast working, and most poweful sub Shannon has on the market right now. I felt great affects after just 4 days so I can only imagine how much it's affecting you after 30 days. If your going to use an attraction sub I recommend either AOS or BIABW. You really can't go wrong with either one.
I agree I felt the effects of ASC within the first 2 days. It's been just over a week now and I havn't noticed much different but the changes from here on out will be subtle. I plan on using it for the next 6 months with Women Magnet Smile
ASC is awesome. I think I am over the 32 day use. I will still use it to make sure there are permanent changes. I will be starting either Develop An Aura Of Sexiness or Become Irresistibly Attractive To Beautiful Women very soon. Thanks K-Train for the recommendations.
ASC is really great! The way I start sitting on chairs, wallking has further changed since listening to ASC!
ASC is hardly the most powerful program I have out. It's powerful, and it's fast and it's obvious - but you have to consider that it's also doing something fairly simple to accomplish.
Well, I started using Become Irresistibly Attractive To Beautiful Women. I will report back very soon. I have used it for maybe 3 or 4 days, it's hard to keep track when your on vacation and hungover half the time lol. So far, I seem to capture looks wherever I go. That might still be the effects of ASC but I'm sure the new one might have something to do with that as well. More to come..
Well, time to give a report. I have been using Become Irresistibly Attractive To Beautiful Women for right around 30 days now. Let me tell you when I notice a difference now. Here is my take of this. I started using this right after using ASC. It seems now that I have very little to no trouble approaching females. I insult them, in a playful way, and they just laugh and we talk. I have 1 girl very interested in me, and another one mildly interested, but only because I just met her. Probably a bad idea though since she is a co-worker. But BIABW seems to have amplified ASC for me because I just have confidence no matter where I am. I will continue to use it and will probably revisit ASC to make sure that there are permanent changes. I work with mostly females and it seems that work from now is going to be very interesting and fun. Will report back.
Well, I haven't updated in awhile but here it goes:

I have used ASC and Become Irresistibly Attractive To Beautiful Women and have had awesome success. Going out with friends I am the more outgoing now where as I usually was not. I was able to talk to girls with no effort. I just did it. I even had girls coming up to me. Awesome combo this. Also, I have landed a long term relationship after using both programs. I couldn't be happier now.

I revisit ASC every once in awhile even though I probably don't need to. But I do it especially if I have something important to do the following day. It just seems to help.

Well, I am about 4-5 months into Manifest Unlimited Wealth and I am now starting to see benefits. In the past month, I have been able to spend roughly about $2k in new equipment to record and play (I'm a musician) with out doing anything different that I was doing before. I'm guessing that using this program has helped me view money differently and I have become a better miser of my funds. In fact in a couple of months I will be purchasing a $400 pair of earbuds in lieu of studio speakers because of reviews. But either way, the fact is that had I not used this program, I'm sure that having all this would still be a pipe dream. I even have a nice amount in savings now. But it's not just the money, everything just seems better now. I enjoy everything that comes my way whether its a bad situation or a good one. It's interesting to see these things unfold as a result of this program. I will continue using it. I am also going to start to use Become a Multi-Millionaire in 4 Years.

Once thing I forgot to add is that I just recently started to use Ultra Success. I am hoping that using all 3 will make my goals come to fruition. More to come......
Wow it's all about the success! I'm glad to hear your results. Smile