So stage 7 is refresher? I thought stage 7 is part of all program that I must listen to complete it. Is that correct?
So, when I finish AM (all six stages) and complete Women Magnet, can I use refresher for Alpha Male program to refresh it? It takes above 6 months to complete WM...
(05-03-2015, 12:32 PM)Voytek Wrote: [ -> ]So, when I finish AM (all six stages) and complete Women Magnet, can I use refresher for Alpha Male program to refresh it? It take above 6 months to complete WM...
As I understand it you can use the refresher anytime once you have done 1-6. However if it's more than a year I would run all 6 stages again.
Ricardo, Boss said sth about 6 months... Can anybody confirms that?