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Full Version: Difference between AM 5 and 6
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Hey Shannon, wondering if you could possibly reply to this. Anyway I was just wondering is everything from AM 5 going into 6 and then more stuff being put on top of that? Or is AM 6 just something completely different?

And are you integrating different build methods for AM 6? It's just when I look at AM 5 I'd say that it covers most if not everything. I'm curious as to how you are improving things with AM 6.
AM 6.0, at present, is planned to be built on top of AM 5.0's script. It's going to be built using additional materials that enhance and expand the impact and effects, and it will be built in 5G with as many of the 5G bells and whistles as I can make work; i.e. SOS, etc.

The goal I have in mind at present is to build on the results of AM5 with more intensity and an expansion of overall peripheral and core impact so the result is still solid at it's core (AM 5.0) but is more powerful, faster working, harder hitting, deeper impacting and more well rounded (AM 6.0 additions).
(04-26-2013, 02:21 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]AM 6.0, at present, is planned to be built on top of AM 5.0's script. It's going to be built using additional materials that enhance and expand the impact and effects, and it will be built in 5G with as many of the 5G bells and whistles as I can make work; i.e. SOS, etc.

The goal I have in mind at present is to build on the results of AM5 with more intensity and an expansion of overall peripheral and core impact so the result is still solid at it's core (AM 5.0) but is more powerful, faster working, harder hitting, deeper impacting and more well rounded (AM 6.0 additions).

Sounds awesome. I can't wait to eventually run through that.